2012年12月2日 星期日
2012年11月28日 星期三
2012年11月3日 星期六
2012年10月29日 星期一
2012年10月14日 星期日
2012年10月10日 星期三
2012年10月2日 星期二
2012年6月13日 星期三
[豆瓣] Whit Stillman's Top 10 Criterion Collection
你們都知道筆者有多喜歡 Whit Stillman 這位掉書袋掉得比較不著痕跡的伍迪艾倫,與小克的舞廳時光,以及如何迫切地欲窺探獨立製片小甜甜 Greta Gerwig 領銜之最新作品 Damsels in Distress,筆者也希望不久的將來可以把以上三個句子的「你們」和「筆者」交換位置。Whit Stillman 聞於天下而後隱於天下,淡泊名利可比義大利建國三傑之馬志尼,九零年代拍了雅痞三部曲奠定小資青年躁語症 (logorrhea) 電影完美典範,除了每日反覆觀看憂鬱女孩預告三百回,我們來瞧瞧 Whit Stillman 選了哪些電影作為他的十大標準典藏:(居然沒有侯麥!!!) (兩部希區考克)
四百擊 Les quatre cents coups
99 min. 1959
by François Truffaut
It seems that any filmmaker’s first film idea is something about the mawkish predicament of a ten- or twelve-year-old child quite a bit like themselves—and usually their careers end with this choice (Sundance and other debut-oriented film festivals their final resting place). Truffaut took this dimmest of subjects and made one of the most radiant films of all time, in glorious black and white.
任何導演的電影初想似乎離不開一位如自身寫照,十歲或十二歲男孩的感傷困境—他們的生涯通常也如此了結。(日舞與其他懷抱處女情結之影展作為歇腳亭) 楚浮以此幽微主題拍出了影史上最璀燦耀眼的作品,黑與白間光彩奪目。
貴婦失蹤案 The Lady Vanishes
96 min. 1938
by Alfred Hitchcock
So well made, so clever, you have to laugh—perhaps the cleverest thriller ever. What I especially love in Hitchcock is the level of social detail: you get an intense feeling for the time, the place, the social structure, and all social forms. The two cricket-buff characters went on to have their own series of films.
不速之客 The Harder They Come
120 min. 1972
by Perry Henzell
As close as any film I know to folk art—how this film came about, how it could be the way it is, is a mystery and a miracle.
第七封印 The Seventh Seal
96 min. 1957
by Ingmar Bergman
A film that picks the viewer up and changes him forever. The first “art film” I saw, in a college screening, and I haven’t seen it since, perhaps not wanting to tamper with that memory. Memorable also for providing more parody fodder than any other film.
老人痴影症:地下水道 (Kanal)
按:一九五七年坎城影展評審團特別獎,與安德烈華依達 (Andrzej Wajda) 的【下水道】(Kanal, 1957) 並置。
淑女夏娃 The Lady Eve
94 min. 1941
by Preston Sturges
Sturges takes a whole assortment of disagreeable elements—cliché rich people, cliché cardsharps, snakes, and slapstick—and makes one of the greatest romantic and funny comedies. The cast one must adore—never better.
老人痴影症:淑女伊芙/淑女夏娃 (The Lady Eve)
瑪丹娜街圖的交易 Big Deal on Madonna Street
106 min. 1958
by Mario Monicelli
I discovered the film on TV in Spain and still like the Spanish title, Rufufu—signaling it as a travesty of a Rififi-style clever caper. The original Italian title—I soliti ignoti (Persons unknown)— also becomes very good once you’ve seen the film. Just the way the characters eat food in the movie is delightful, and the filming style classic and brilliant—a comedy of great elegance. The only two autographs I’ve collected are Mario Monicelli’s and Diana Ross’s (whose “I’m Coming Out” greatly aided the Last Days of Disco soundtrack).
我在西班牙電視機裡發現了這部電影,更喜歡其西班牙片名,魯夫夫 (Rufufu)—示意了該片為【男人的鬥爭】(Rififi) 風格之搶劫諧仿電影。義大利原文電影標題—未知人物—看過電影後也富饒韻味。劇中角色飲食方式令人愉悅,拍攝風格古典而高超—一部大優雅喜劇。我唯二收藏的親筆簽名來自馬利歐莫里切里與黛安娜羅絲。(羅姬演唱之「我將破繭」為【最後的迪斯可時光】原聲帶注入五光十色)
老人痴影症:男人的爭鬥 (Rififi)
妙管家/我的高德弗里 My Man Godfrey
by Gregory La Cava
The first I ever heard from Criterion was a call to work on the commentary track for My Man Godfrey, but there’s still nothing I can say about it. There it is, and there are the magnificent contributions of William Powell and Carole Lombard, director Gregory La Cava, and writers Eric Hatch and Morrie Ryskind.
首次知曉 Criterion 大名來自一通邀請我為【妙管家】錄製講評的電話,但我還是不知道該說些什麼。在你眼前,威廉鮑華與卡洛林白,導演格雷哥萊拉卡瓦及編劇艾瑞哈奇與摩瑞萊金的卓越貢獻。
黑人奧爾菲 Black Orpheus
100 min. 1959
by Marcel Camus
I love films that are great not only in themselves but in the idea of them that stays in memory. But this then can dwarf the actual film, which perhaps it has in the case of Black Orpheus—some aspects now try one’s patience slightly. A few years back a Brazilian film was touted as the realistic and gritty version of the story, by those who knew the actual milieu—another black eye for realism and grit.
美人計 Notorious
101 min. 1946
by Alfred Hitchcock
The charms of the other Hitchcocks—I would like to have included The 39 Steps but don’t have the room—to which are added an atmosphere of such intense passionate tension and threatened betrayal, as well as a cast of archetypal beauty.
天堂的孩子 Children of Paradise
163 min. 1945
by Marcel Carné
So beautiful and beautifully evocative—a film that allows space for imagination—but my gosh it’s long.
Whit Stillman’s Top 10
Steve Buscemi's Top 10 Criterion Collection
Xavier Dolan's Top 10 Criterion Collection
Richard Ayoade's Top 10 Criterion Collection
Clark Gable & Carole Lombard
2012年5月4日 星期五
Before Prometheus—雷利史考特之異形:天才雷普莉 & 魔鬼終結者系列雜談
雷利史考特「易容」知名男演員小嗜好再度發作,繼【人魔】蓋瑞歐曼【王者天下】愛德華諾頓,先不要搜尋 IMDb,請於觀影過程仔細搜尋<蓋皮爾斯>與<派崔克威爾森>真跡。
麥可法斯賓達影迷必看新經典。人造人間在異形系列皆扮演著關鍵角色,而且頭幾乎都會被扭斷。小賓賓在【炫姆】(Shame, 2011) 腿好細,後腦勺好扁。
Logan Marshall-Green (飾 哈洛威博士) 好像 湯姆哈帝 (Tom Hardy)。
Noomi Rapace 好煩,頭髮很醜。
Beautiful John Hurt in Ridley Scott's Alien (1979).
Randy: Stab 2? Who would wanna do that? Sequels suck! Oh please, please! By definition alone, sequels are inferior films!
Mickey: It's bullshit generalization. Many sequels have surpassed their originals.
Randy: Oh yeah?
Cici: Name one.
Film Class Guy #1: Aliens. Far better than the first.
Cici: Yeah, well, there's no accounting for taste.
Randy: Thank you. Ridley Scott Rules. Name another.
Film Class Guy #2: No way. Aliens is a classic. "Get away from her, you bitch!"
Randy: I believe the line is "Stay away from her, you bitch." This is a film class right?
Film Class Guy #2: Got you. Whatever. You know what I mean.
Randy: Name another.
Mickey: T-2.
Cici: You got a hard-on for Cameron.
Randy: A big one.
當時筆者對於電影世界仍處於混沌未明世界,但以上出自【驚聲尖叫2】(Scream 2, 1997) 主角們與電影系學生的精彩辯論,至今依然深植我心,原來導演可以影響後人們對一部電影評價優劣,原來續集電影可以和初始創作比較,原來電影可以這樣被討論,原來會喜歡看電影不是沒有原因。故筆者趁【普羅米修斯】(台灣片商居然沒有加個異形前傳之類的) 上映前趕緊把【異形】與【魔鬼終結者】系列觀賞完畢,並小小雜談這兩齣由科幻巨擘如雷利史考特和詹姆斯柯麥隆皆參與過的招牌作品如下,並由衷期待網羅麥可法斯賓達、蓋皮爾斯以及莎莉賽隆等星味不掩蓋質感的雷爵士最新作品得以企及顛峰時期高度三分之二。
異形 Alien
117 min. 1979
Directed by
Ridley Scott
Writing credits
Dan O'Bannon (story)
Ronald Shusett (story)
Dan O'Bannon (screenplay)
Tom Skerritt ... Dallas
Sigourney Weaver ... Ripley
Veronica Cartwright ... Lambert
Harry Dean Stanton ... Brett
John Hurt ... Kane
Ian Holm ... Ash
Yaphet Kotto ... Parker
Bolaji Badejo ... Alien
Helen Horton ... Mother (voice)
Original Music by
Jerry Goldsmith
Special Effects by
Roger Dicken .... small alien forms co-designer and maker
Carlo Rambaldi .... alien head effects
雷利史考特創造之【異形】優雅而神秘,光影明滅間曖昧氛圍樹立太空幽閉恐懼症翹楚典範,不論是船艙設計美學或人工智慧反撲在筆者心目中甚至可配美【2001太空漫遊】理性省思,有一說異形可延展濕滑頭部器官不時垂涎黏稠液體簡直逼近陽具形象,筆者倒認為她是隻行動敏捷套上著性感皮衣的時尚豹子,從人體腹腔竄出更反映人類對生產之 horror:「我的小孩根本是個不知道從哪冒出來的外太空吸血蛭 (leech)!」。多虧銀灰色皮膚與管線密佈身體構造,隱於救生艇內蕾普莉卻絲毫不察這 twist 是導演對科技發展給予最大嘲諷。
七年後【異形續集】(Aliens,1986) 由拍甫畢【魔鬼終結者】聲名大噪的詹姆斯柯麥隆接手,筆者完全無法體會為什麼【驚聲尖叫2】電影系學生為什麼以【異形續集】作為續集青出於藍案例。蕾普莉生涯使命乃消滅異形,所以每次以為幹掉異形終於可以乘坐太空船睡個覺醒來就回家的美夢總是無法成真,而且每次都昏睡個七八十年,醒來人事全非只好繼續對抗邪惡異形。瞧瞧【異形】主角群是為生存奮鬥的藍領階級,而【異形續集】和蕾普莉出任務的特戰隊員們個個粗俗自大惹人厭,出場即引起筆者無限反感,巴不得超然獨立的異形們趕緊替天行道把那些噁心傢伙戳得肝膽俱裂三十七遍,難以避免地,美術指導與槍砲彈藥用量也再度證明八零年代是個活災難,請想像一部古典驚悚電影被拍成零質感射擊電玩遊戲那般可怕。
約翰赫特是第一個覺醒者,卻也是第一個被摧毀的 victom,一想到其俊俏臉龐即將被螃蟹般的異形寄生體埋沒就好生心痛。
諾斯默號頭號正姐 Veronica Cartwright。
可愛的 Harry Dean Stanton。曾經有人對【太陽浩劫】(Sunshine, 2007) 提出批判如次:人家【異形】裡的船員都是正港的勞工兄弟草莽好漢,丹尼鮑伊太空鑑裡只有好萊塢國際帥哥美女,角色設定上完全沒有任何說服力。
魔鬼終結者 The Terminator
107 min. 1984
Directed by
James Cameron
Writing credits
James Cameron (written by)
Gale Anne Hurd (written by)
Arnold Schwarzenegger ... Terminator
Michael Biehn ... Kyle Reese
Linda Hamilton ... Sarah Connor
Bill Paxton ... Punk Leader
Original Music by
Brad Fiedel
詹姆斯柯麥隆拍攝【魔鬼終結者】前藉【災難水世界2】(Piranha Part II, 1981) 初試啼聲,電影中心主旨:約翰康納策劃「穿越時空愛上妳」計謀,派遣心腹大將凱爾瑞斯搶救母親沙拉康納安危,也保全了自身存在,其高瞻遠矚深遠莫測證明人類抗軍領袖果然是個需要勇氣與智慧的非凡角色,男主角 Michael Biehn 沒紅 (好歹和比爾派頓參與異形續集演出),紅了面部表情僵硬的野蠻人寇南阿諾史瓦辛格。而筆者不知道是哪部電影開啟「惡魔的回馬槍」敘事手法,舉凡【異形】【魔鬼終結者】或【半夜鬼上床】(A Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984) 接近電影尾聲時刻,主角認為惡靈已退散,畫外音響起安詳柔美配樂,觀眾正想走出電影院慶祝少男少女從此雨後天晴彩虹綻放,邪魔又冷不防地從地獄伸爪,例如半軀魔鬼終結者殺陣步步,或老爺車難逃佛萊迪紅綠追蹤,皆係效果十足的 Third Act。
「第一集是恐怖片,第二級是驚悚片,第三集偏向印第安那瓊斯。這次,剽竊自山姆沃辛頓,是個戰爭電影。」最後,美麗的 Bryce Dallas Howard 為魔鬼終結者系列下了最佳註解,筆者就不多加贅述。
筆者強烈懷疑剛於一九八四年簽下新人麥可喬丹的慢跑鞋廠牌耐吉 (Nike) 如何取得置入性行銷機會?米高福克斯足蹬勾勾牌球鞋被訕笑對於一九八五年的【回到未來】是合理的。
You're talking about things I haven't done yet in the past tense.
It's driving me crazy.
科恐片大串聯之一:異形附身的恐懼 by 我的寫作風格啟蒙 promlin
Meet Michael Fassbender's Robotic Alter-Ego in "Prometheus"
Does James Cameron Want to Emulate "Aliens" By Making a "Prometheus" Sequel? Not a Chance
地獄正鳴叫 (wailing) 著看不見的恐懼才是恐懼吞噬心靈。
Prada - "The Thunder, Perfect Mind"
上一部良好作品【火柴人】勉強往前推往【神鬼戰士】若得再追朔可能得回到【銀翼殺手】如果雷利史考特只剩女兒 Jordan Scott 能夠期待,悲劇程度請自行類比柯波拉。吟誦著約三世紀 Gnostic 教派經文的詩篇。
與首集如出一轍的鳴叫聲 (wailing) 是否預告雷利史考特將重振雄風?答案是吃老本。
「機器人哭吧哭吧不是罪」現在大概全世界只剩法斯賓達俱備偶爾稍微和五星上將高司令 (Gosling) 抗衡之恐怖演技能力。
2012年4月5日 星期四
[臉書] yes, now you can always "like" me.
"The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming."
女神殿將於今年九月份 revamp,請支持女神殿脫離資本主義桎梏後重振往日雄風!!!
2012年4月3日 星期二
[memo] 以下是筆者投筆從戎後開始購買的白人專輯 edit: 20190602
6LACK - FREE 6LACK (2016)
A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory (1991)
A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders (1993)
Abiah - Life as a ballad (2014)
Air - Moon Safari (1998) [失望]
Air - The Virgin Suicides (2000) [失望]
The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky (1982)
The Alan Parsons Project - I Robot (1977)
The Alan Parsons Project - Tales of Mystery and Imagination: Edgar Allan Poe (1976)
Alex Turner - Submarine (2011)
Submarine – The quirk of Juno, the whimsy of Gondry, the light-heartedness of Wes Anderson, the melancholy of 500 Days of Summer
Alicia Keys - The Diary of Alicia Keys (2003)
Alicia Keys - Songs in A Minor (2001)
Anderson .Paak - Malibu (2016)
Angie Stone - Mahogany Soul (2001)
Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006)
Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare (2007)
Archie Bell & the Drells - Tighten Up (1968)
Arthur Conley - Sweet Soul Music (1967)
A$AP Rocky - Long.Live.A$AP (2013)
Babyface - The Day (1996)
The Bar-Kays - Soul Finger (1967)
Beach House - Devotion (2008)
電影配樂大師米榭李葛蘭的姪女 Victoria Legrand
Belle & Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister (1996)
Belle & Sebastian - The Boy with the Arab Strap (1998)
Benjamin Clementine - At Least for Now (2015)
Betty Wright - My First Time Around (1968)
Big K.R.I.T. - Cadillactica (2014)
Bilal - Airtight's Revenge (2010)
Bilal - In Another Life (2015)
Bill Evans - Waltz for Debby (1961)
Bill Evans - Moonbeams (1962)
Black Heat - Black Heat (1972)
Black Heat - No Time to Burn (1974)
Black Marble - It's Immaterial (2016)
Blood Orange - Freetown Sound (2016)
Blondie - Parallel Lines album (1978)
Blur - Leisure (1991)
Blur - Modern Life Is Rubbish (1993)
Blur - Parklife (1994)
Blur - The Great Escape (1995)
Bobby Womack - Understanding (1972)
Boogie Down Productions - By All Means Necessary (1988)
Boyz II Men - Cooleyhighharmony (1991)
Boyz II Men - II (1994)
Boyz II Men - Evolution (1997)
Bronski Beat - The Age of Consent (1984)
Buddy Guy / Junior Wells - Play the Blues (1972)
Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield (1967)
Carla Thomas - Gee Whiz (1961)
Camera Obscura - Biggest Bluest Hi-Fi (2002)
Camera Obscura - Let's Get Out of This Country (2006)
Cat Power - Dear Sir (1995)
Cat Power - Myra Lee (1996)
Cat Power - What Would the Community Think (1996)
Cat Power - Moon Pix (1998) [正妹] [新女神]
Cat Power - The Covers Record (2000) [正妹] [新女神]
Cat Power - You Are Free (2003)
Cat Power - The Greatest (2006)
Cat Power - Jukebox (2008)
Charlotte Gainsbourg - 5:55 (2006) [女神] [空氣]
Charlotte Gainsbourg - IRM (2009) [女神] [貝克]
Charlotte Gainsbourg - Stage Whisper (2010)
Childish Gambino - "Awaken, My Love!" (2016)
Christian Scott - Christian aTunde ADJuah (2012)
Clarence Reid - Running Water (1973)
Cliff Martinez - Drive (2011)
Cocteau Twins - Treasure (1984)
Cody ChesnuTT - The Headphone Masterpiece (2002)
Common - Resurrection (1994)
Common - One Day It'll All Make Sense (1997)
Cream - Disraeli Gears (1967)
Cymande - Cymande (1972)
D'Angelo - The Best So Far... (2008)
"The title is deceiving, not to mention a little ridiculous" -- AllMusic
Danger Doom - The Mouse and the Mask (2005)
David Bowie - Hunky Dory (1971)
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust (1972)
David Bowie - Aladdin Sane (1973)
David Bowie - Low (1977)
David Bowie - Heroes (1977)
David Bowie - The Platinum Collection (2006)
Deep Purple - Deep Purple (1969)
Deep Purple - Machine Head (1972)
De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising (1989)
Des'ree - I Ain't Movin' (1994)
Diane Birch - Bible Belt (2009) [正妹] [可是很難聽]
夢幻逸品 (dream girl) 於焉誕生:Anna Karina (as chic as) + Jane Birkin (as leggy as) = Diane Birch!!!
Digable Planets - Reachin' (A New Refutation of Time and Space) (1993)
DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince - "He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper" (1988)
Dokken - Under Lock and Key (1985)
Don Covay - See-Saw (1966)
Donny Hathaway - Everything Is Everything (1970)
The Doors - The Doors (1967)
Doris Troy - Just One Look & Other Memorable Selections (1963)
Duke Ellington - Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Erykah Badu - Live (1997)
Eugene McDaniels - Outlaw (1970)
Eugene McDaniels - Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse (1971)
Faces - Ooh La La (1973)
Felt - Forever Breathes the Lonely Word (1986)
Fiona Apple - Tidal (1996)
Fiona Apple - When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks Like a King... (1999)
Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine (2005)
Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do (2012)
Fishbone - The Reality of My Surroundings (1991)
Flying Lotus - You're Dead! (2014)
Foreigner - 4 (1981)
Galaxie 500 - Today (1988)
Galaxie 500 - On Fire (1989)
Galaxie 500 - This Is Our Music (1990)
Gang Starr - Daily Operation (1992)
Gregory Porter - Liquid Spirit (2013)
Gil Scott-Heron - Pieces of a Man (1971)
Girls - Album (2009)
Georgia Anne Muldrow - Umsindo (2009)
Gliss - Devotion Implosion (2009)
Gong - Camembert Electrique (1971)
Grizzly Bear - Blue Valentine (2011)
Guru - Jazzmatazz, Vol. 1 (1993)
H.E.R. - H.E.R. (2017)
Herbie Hancock - Maiden Voyage (1965)
Hiatus Kaiyote - Choose Your Weapon (2015)
Hiatus Kaiyote - Tawk Tomahawk (2013)
Howard Tate - Howard Tate (1972)
Iggy Pop - The Idiot (1977)
Iggy Pop - Lust for Life (1977)
The Impressions - It's About Time (1976)
India.Arie - Acoustic Sou (2001)
India.Arie - Voyage to India (2002)
The Jam - All Mod Cons (1978)
J. Cole - Cole World: The Sideline Story (2011)
James Blake - James Blake (2011)
James Blake - Overgrown album (2013)
Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds from Another Planet (2017)
Jeangu Macrooy - High on You (2017)
Jeff Buckley - Grace (1994)
Jeff Buckley - Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk (1998)
Jefferson Airplane - Surrealistic Pillow (1967)
Jesse Boykins III - Love Apparatus (2014)
The Jesus and Mary Chain - Psychocandy (1985)
The Jesus and Mary Chain - Darklands (1987)
Joey Bada$$ - All-Amerikkkan Bada$$ (2017)
John Coltrane - Blue Train (1957)
John Coltrane - A Love Supreme (1965)
Joni Mitchell - Blue (1971)
Jorja Smith - Lost & Found (2018)
José James - No Beginning No End (2013)
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures (1979)
Joy Division - Closer (1980)
Kamasi Washington - The Epic (2015)
Keith Sweat - Make It Last Forever (1987)
The Kills - No Wow (2005)
The Kills - Midnight Boom (2008)
Kevin Ayers - Whatevershebringswesing (1971)
Khalid - American Teen (2017)
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King (1969)
King Curtis - Instant Groove (1969)
The Kinks - Lola vs. the Powerman & the Money-Go-Round, Pt. 1 (1970)
Kwes. - Ilp. (2013)
Leaders of the New School - A Future Without a Past... (1991)
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (1969)
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (1969)
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III (1970)
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (1971)
Lee Moses - Time and Place (2002)
Leon Bridges - Good Thing (2018)
Lou Reed - Transformer (1972)
Lou Reed - Berlin (1973)
Lou Reed - Coney Island Baby (1976)
Lou Reed - Street Hassle (1978)
John Cale / Lou Reed - Songs for Drella (1990)
Lianne La Havas - Blood (2015)
Lianne La Havas - Is Your Love Big Enough? (2012)
Love - Forever Changes (1967)
Lucy Pearl - Lucy Pearl (2000)
Lush - Split (1994)
Madvillain - Madvillainy (2003)
The Mar-Keys - The Last Night! (1961)
Margie Joseph - Feeling My Way (1978)
Marvin Gaye What's - Going On (1971)
Maxwell - MTV Unplugged (1997)
Maxwell - Embrya (1998)
Maxwell - Now (2001)
Maxwell - BLACKsummers'night (2009)
Maxwell - blackSUMMERS'night (2016)
Mazzy Star - So Tonight That I Might See (1993)
Meshell Ndegeocello - Peace Beyond Passion (1996)
Michael Kiwanuka - Love & Hate (2016)
Milt Jackson / John Coltrane - Bags & Trane (1959)
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue (1959)
Mobb Deep - The Infamous Mobb Deep (1995)
Moses Sumney - Aromanticism (2017)
Dr. Dundiff / Otis Junior
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything (1988)
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless (1991)
My Bloody Valentine - EPs 1988-1991 (2012)
My Little Airport/介乎法國與旺角的詩意 (2010)
My Little Airport/香港是個大商場 (2011)
Natalie Imbruglia - Left of the Middle (1998) [正妹]
New Edition - Heart Break (1988)
New Order - Power, Corruption & Lies (1983) [幹我買到缺少 Blue Monday & The Beach 兩首歌曲的德國版]
New Order - Low-life (1985)
New Order - Brotherhood (1986)
Nick Cave - From Her to Eternity (1984) [和 PJ Harvey 有過一腿果然很強大]
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Murder Ballads (1996)
Nick Cave - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford [Music from the Motion Picture] (2007)
Nico - Chelsea Girl (1967)
Nico - The End (1974)
Various Artists - Nina Revisited: A Tribute to Nina Simone (2015)
Nirvana - Nevermind (1991)
Nirvana - In Utero (1993)
Nirvana - MTV Unplugged in New York (1994)
Nirvana - Live at Reading (2009)
Noah and the Whale - Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down (2008)
Noah and the Whale - The First Days of Spring (2009)
On the Road With Noah & the Whale's Charlie Fink
Noah and the Whale - Last Night on Earth (2011) [失望]
Oasis - Definitely Maybe (1994)
Oasis - (What's the Story) Morning Glory? (1995)
Otis Brown III - The Thought of You (2014)
Otis Redding / Carla Thomas - King & Queen (1967)
Otis Redding - The Dock of the Bay (1968)
Patti Smith - Horses (1975)
Percy Sledge - When a Man Loves a Woman (1966)
Pete Rock - PeteStrumentals 2 (2015)
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - Mecca and the Soul Brother (1992)
Pink Floyd - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967)
Pink Floyd - Meddle (1971)
Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
PJ Harvey - Dry (1992) [正妹] [新女神]
PJ Harvey - Rid of Me (1993) [正妹] [新女神]
PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love (1995)
PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? (1998)
PJ Harvey - Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea (2000)
PJ Harvey - Uh Huh Her (2004) [失望]
PJ Harvey - White Chalk (2007)
PJ Harvey & John Parish - Dance Hall at Louse Point (1996)
PJ Harvey & John Parish - A Woman a Man Walked By (2009)
PJ Harvey - 4-Track Demos (1993)
PJ Harvey - The Peel Sessions 1991-2004 (2006)
Ride - Nowhere (1990)
Portishead - Dummy (1994)
Portishead - Portishead (1997)
Prince - Prince (1979)
Prince - 1999 (1982)
Prince & the Revolution - Purple Rain (1984)
Prince and the Revolution - Parade [Music from the Motion Picture Under the Cherry Moon] (1986)
Prince - Sign 'O' the Times (1987)
Public Enemy - Fear of a Black Planet (1993)
Pulp - His N Hers (1994)
Pulp - Different Class (1995)
R+R=Now - Collagically Speaking (2018)
Radiohead - The Bends (1995) [台全北市各大唱片行缺貨中] [終於被我買到哩!!!]
Radiohead - OK Computer (1997)
Rahsaan Patterson - Rahsaan Patterson (1997)
Rahsaan Patterson - Love in Stereo (1999)
Rahsaan Patterson - After Hours (2004)
Rejjie Snow - Dear Annie (2018)
Remy Shand - The Way I Feel (2002)
The RH Factor - Distractions (2006)
Robert Glasper - Mood (2004)
Robert Glasper - Canvas (2005)
Robert Glasper - In My Element (2007)
Robert Glasper - Double Booked (2009)
Robert Glasper / Robert Glasper Experiment - Black Radio (2012)
Robert Glasper / Robert Glasper Experiment - Black Radio Recovered: The Remix EP (2012)
Robert Glasper / Robert Glasper Experiment - Black Radio 2 (2013)
Robert Glasper - Everything's Beautiful (2016)
Roberta Flack / Donny Hathaway - Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway (1972)
Roy Ayers / Roy Ayers Ubiquity - Everybody Loves the Sunshine (1976)
Roxy Music - Roxy Music (1972)
Roxy Music - Country Life (1974)
Sampha - Process (2017)
Serge Gainsbourg - Jane Birkin/Serge Gainsbourg (1969)
Various Artists - Monsieur Gainsbourg: Revisited (2006)
OST - The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
Seu Jorge - The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions (2004)
Jacques-Yves Cousteau 1917~1997
Shintaro Sakamoto - How to Live with a Phantom (2012)
Slowdive - Souvlaki (1993)
Small Faces - There Are But Four Small Faces (1968)
The Smiths - The Smiths (1984)
The Smiths - Hatful of Hollow (1984)
The Smiths - Meat Is Murder (1985)
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead (1986) [這大概是我做過最三八的事了]
The Smiths - Strangeways, Here We Come (1987)
A dreaded sunny day
So I meet you at the cemetry gates
Keats and Yeats are on your side
While Wilde is on mineThe Strokes - Is This It (2001)
Soft Machine - The Soft Machine, Vol. 1 (1968)
Soft Machine - Third album (1970)
Solange - A Seat at the Table (2016)
Sparklehorse - It's a Wonderful Life (2001)
The Spinners - Mighty Love (1974)
The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses (1989)
The Stooges - Fun House (1970)
The Stooges - Raw Power (1973)
Suede - Suede (1993) [for androgyny]
Suede - Dog Man Star (1994)
Suede - Coming Up (1997)
Suede - Sci-Fi Lullabies (1997) [頭號酷樂前的陰陽人實在太強大哩反面都很好聽]
Syd Barrett - The Madcap Laughs (1970)
Syd Barrett - Barrett (1970)
Suzanne Vega - Suzanne Vega (1985) [新女神]
Suzanne Vega - Solitude Standing (1987) [新女神]
SZA - Ctrl (2017)
Talking Heads - Remain in Light (1980)
Taylor McFerrin - Early Riser (2014)
Tears for Fears - Songs from the Big Chair (1985)
Television - Marquee Moon (1977)
Interpol 在編曲結構大量師承
Terence Trent D'Arby - Introducing the Hardline According to Terence Trent d'Arby (1987)
Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope (1997)
Jenny Lewis / The Watson Twins - Rabbit Fur Coat (2006)
John Coltrane / Thelonious Monk - Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane (1957)
Thundercat - Apocalypse (2013)
Tindersticks - Tindersticks [II] (1995)
Tindersticks - Trouble Every Day (2001)
Tindersticks - The Complete BBC Sessions (2007)
Tindersticks - Claire Denis Film Scores: 1996-2009 (2011)
Tony! Toni! Toné! - The Revival (1990)
Tori Amos - A Sorta Fairytale
T. Rex - Electric Warrior album (1971)
Tricky - Maxinquaye (1995)
Tyler, the Creator - Flower Boy (2017)
Van Hunt - Van Hunt (2004)
The Yardbirds - Having a Rave Up (1965)
Various Artists - The Stax/Volt Revue, Vol. 1: Live in London (1967)
Various Artists - The Stax/Volt Revue, Vol. 2: Live in Paris
Vincent Gallo - When (2001)
Vincent Gallo - Recordings of Music for Film (2002)
The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967)
The Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat (1968)
The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground (1969)
The Velvet Underground - Loaded (1970)
The Verve - A Storm in Heaven (1993)
The Verve - A Northern Soul (1995)
The Verve - Urban Hymns (1997)
The Walker Brothers - After the Lights Go Out: The Best of 1965-1967 (2003)
Yuna - Nocturnal (2013)
Yuna - Chapters (2016)
The Who - The Who Sings My Generation (1965)
The Who - Who's Next (1971)
The xx - xx (2009)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever to Tell (2003) [崇高] [凱倫歐叫聲好性感]
Karen O & the Kids - Where the Wild Things Are (2009)
張震嶽/這個下午很無聊 (1997) [當兵好]
林強/向前走 (1990)
林強/娛樂世界 (1994) [當兵好]
陳珊妮/I Love You, John (2011)
陳珊妮/四季末的唱遊 (1996)
陳珊妮/乘噴射機離去 (1995)
傷心欲絕/還是偶爾想要偉大 (2017)
陳穎達/動物感傷 (2017)
2012年3月21日 星期三
Factory Girl (2006): Sienna Miller (as Edie Sedgwick) in her little worried shoes
Oh, I could just love Sienna Miller (as Edie Sedgwick) for her little worried shoes in Factory Girl (2006) [heart]
天呀!這是我在電影裡面看過最可愛的鞋子了,好想要有個三十七雙 (取質數) ♥♥♥
"To me, New York was Jackson Pollock sipping vodka and dripping paint onto a raw canvas."
-- Edie Sedgwick (1943~1971)
和丹妮芙在【青樓怨婦】(Belle de Jour, 1967) 穿的這雙頗有異曲同工之妙,惟論俏皮可愛仍是前者獲勝 ♥♥♥
One person in the '60's fascinated me more then anybody I had ever know.
The fascination I experienced was propably very close to a certain kind of love.
-- Andy Warhol
本片並未針對 Andy Warhol 的性向,或者表達方式,給予明確答案。
筆者原本以為 Andy Warhol 只是個迷戀 Edie Sedgwick 的慘白娘娘腔,至少初次見面驚為天人,與後來回應巴布狄倫 (Hayden Christensen as Billy Quinn - Musician) 奪愛之爭風吃醋與殘酷報復,使我們認為他是真心喜歡著她的。但 Edie Sedgwick 老爸叫他死玻璃沒反應,攪和半天也沒有像巴布狄倫展現雄風與其燕好,又三不五時在那裡聽說米克傑格狄克很大,這時筆者想起朋友說過 Andy Warhol 俱備一種令人羨煞的超能力,藉由凝視即可達到高潮,也就是說觸點長在視網膜上,此超能力大概讓小安迪嚐盡古今中外男女老少我猜哇哩勒真夭壽。
Edie Sedgwick 正確發音為「伊迪‧賽吉維克」。
Mary Elizabeth Winstead 飾演 Ingrid Superstar,與筆者同年同月同日生。投筆從戎前偕同友人參訪中正紀念堂沃荷展觀感挺遜,然後那個時候筆者一直在哼唱大衛鮑伊的 "Andy Warhol looks a scream~"。鮑伊於【潛水鐘與蝴蝶】Julian Schnabel 處女作品【光之子:尚米榭‧巴斯奇亞】(Basquiat, 1996) 演出 Andy Warhol 角色,不知道詮釋人生啟蒙滋味如何?該片將於第十屆 城市遊牧影展 上映。這些年還有什麼電影看不到?還有哪家曾經很紅的英國搖滾樂團不會來台灣舉辦演唱會 (騙錢)?
安迪沃荷與他的情人 Factory Girl
99 min. 2006
Directed by
George Hickenlooper
Writing credits
Captain Mauzner (screenplay)
Simon Monjack (story)
Aaron Richard Golub (story)
Captain Mauzner (story)
Sienna Miller ... Edie Sedgwick
Guy Pearce ... Andy Warhol
Hayden Christensen ... Billy Quinn - Musician
Jimmy Fallon ... Chuck Wein
Mary Elizabeth Winstead ... Ingrid Superstar
Brian Bell ... Lou Reed
Patrick Wilson ... John Cale (as Pat Wilson)
Michael Stephens ... Sterling Morrison
Samantha Maloney ... Mo Tucker
Meredith Ostrom ... Nico
Jeff Galpin ... Horse Trainer
Brandon Olive ... Factory Freak
Jon E. Edwards ... Taxi Driver #1
Madeleine Poirrier ... Young Edie Sedgwick
Michael Post ... Taxi Driver #2
Tim Hickey ... Allen Ginsberg (uncredited)