Sailor, how come you didn't sing me "Love me tender"? You told me that was your favorite love song.
I told you I'd only sing "Love me tender" to my wife.
Hey, my snakeskin jacket! Thanks, baby! Did I ever tell you that this jacket is a symbol of my belief in personal freedom?
About fifty thousand times.
You look like a clown in that stupid jacket.
This is a snakeskin jacket. It's a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom.
This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top.
I wish you'd sing me "Love me tender".
Love Me Tender
Hard Headed Women
King Creole
Wild at Heart Trailer
Bobby Peru makes a visit
Jonathan Rhys Meyers is Elvis Presley
Nicholas Cage is Wild at Heart
Nicholas Cage is the business...
David Lynch is Wild at Heart
He completely ignored the question... so typical.