2011年9月9日 星期五

Ludivine Sagnier:我飾新浪潮後代小丹妮芙,沒有要婊 Marion Cotillard 的意思。


Ludivine Sagnier is officially my lovely French girlfriend!!!


讓我用我的小說紀念你 (Bernard Giraudeau 1947~2010)


一位紐約同性戀針對我的小 lulu 所做的訪談

眾所皆知筆者視與 Ludivine Sagnier 結婚為畢生心願,於毫無疑問史上最偉大的二零一零年金馬影展 目賭 女神風采後更加堅定志向。為了證明父親為英文教師的莎妮耶,真的不是因為英文很遜所以沒有演好萊塢電影,請參閱下方中英對照訪談內容。廢話不多說,希望筆者可以在三十五歲之前辦個 Ludivine Sagnier 影展,並邀請她參與映後座談,共進晚餐後順利求婚成功。(兩者之間的連結仍然很遙遠且全然未知)

為了製造 the groundhog day of the day I met Ludivine Sagnier 真實感,筆者的 msn 暱稱至今仍保持著「莎妮耶會來我快瘋了我要翹班我要逃兵我要輟學我要去當追星族!!!」之文字敘述。


You started so young Cyrano de Bergerac (1990). You were all of 9 or 10! 


People always ask me how I got started. My story is so common that it's a bit tiring. I went to an audition with my sister who wanted to be an actress and they asked me if I wanted to do an audition and they picked me and didn't take her. It happens so many times in the industry. I've talked to a lot of actresses...


So when you were first coming up as an actor in France were you conscious of this great legacy. Like you're next in line after Huppert and Deneuve and well, so many actresses... France makes great ones.


LUDIVINE: NO! I Didn't see myself that concretely... I didn't like myself that much in the beginning. But it's funny because I just shot a movie where I was playing Catherine Deneuve in the 1960s and she is playing me older. It's Beloved from Christophe Honoré who I did Love Songs with. Maybe this time I had the feeling that we are part of the same family, that we have a common story. First she was my mom in 8 Women. Then I was Chiara's sister in Love Songs and Chiara is her daughter. And now Chiara is my daughter in Beloved. Everything is so mixed up!!!

不!我腦袋沒有那麼空谷麗……我一開始沒有那麼喜歡自己。但滑稽的是,因為我剛拍完一部我飾演六零年代丹妮芙,丹妮芙飾演年長我的電影。請各位支持今年金馬影展萬人空巷之【巴黎小情歌】(只會用帥哥美女騙觀眾進電影院的) 導演克里斯多福歐諾黑最新力作【小情歌唱不完】,我說不定又會抽空來個女神降臨喔!或許是因為血濃於水,我們一家都是人。最初她在【八美圖】是我媽媽。然後我在【巴黎小情歌】是馬斯楚安尼頭長在女人身上的妹妹。現在琪雅拉在【小情歌唱不完】是我和馬斯楚安尼的女兒。我快精神分裂哩!

And now I dare think we share the same history. When I started... NO.


It must be so flattering to play a younger version of her. She's one of the greatest movie stars of all time.

可以飾演年輕丹妮芙一定飄飄然吧!她是影史上最偉大的電影明星 之一

It was amazing. To me Catherine Deneuve. Especially in the '60s... [She loses her thread for a moment here with appropriate awe...]  All these images! François Truffaut and Jacques Demy. All this New Wave I was fed with as a young actress. It's such a privilege to project myself into this period of time because of course I didn't get the chance to meet them. It was a huge present. It was great, really. 

馬德里不思議。凱薩琳丹妮芙。六零年代……[她拋出適當數量之驚嘆號完恍神了一陣子] 美好的六零年代!法蘭西斯楚浮與賈克德米。我身為年輕演員就被照三餐餵食的新浪潮。投射自己至該年代是種特權,因為我當然沒有機會參與他們。天上掉下來的禮物。真的。

Now in Love Crime you're playing opposite another terrific actress Kristin Scott Thomas and it's very much a two-hander. I was surprised to hear that you had no rehearsal time, really. It was just meet and shoot? 




Yes, it was very spontaneous. Maybe she didn't have the time or Alain didn't think it was necessary -- I wish we had but it wasn't really possible.

是的。或許是汀姊沒時間。或艾倫覺得沒必要─我也希望可以彩排,但當時真的莫文蔚 。

Love Crime, being a noir of sorts, is very stylized. There wasn't a lot about it that was naturalistic per se. And actually a lot of your movies have been that way: 8 Women, Peter Pan, Water Drops on Burning Rocks... Is this your preference, these heightened acting challenges like musicals or thrillers?

【愛之無盡犯罪】作為一部黑色電影,非常地風格化。一點也不自然。事實上妳很多電影都是走 campy 風:【八美圖】【小飛俠彼得潘】【乾柴烈火】……這是妳個人偏好,這些挑戰遠超出花瓶所該俱備之精湛演技的歌舞片或驚悚片?

Not necessarily. But, you know, what I like is to be able to bounce from genre to genre.  [She pauses to consider why she's done so many....]

倒也未必。但你知道的,我喜歡悠遊於各種類型。[她停下來思考為什麼拍了那麼多 campy 風]

People just project my image onto those kind of stories. When I started to shoot Love Crime I had just finished a movie [Lily Sometimes] that -- unfortunately it's not going to be out in the US -- but it's a very down to earth movie. Diane Kruger. We play sisters in the country side: barefoot, very natural, no makeup.  Maybe that's not my image -- somehow against my will I have this sophisticated image that doesn't really fit with what I really am. But that's life. 

人們只會投射我的形象到那樣的電影。【愛之無盡犯罪】開拍時我正好剛殺青一部電影 (不設限的美麗)─很可惜在美國不會上映─但那是一部嗅得到泥土味道的自然電影。黛安克魯格。我們飾演鄉間姊妹花:光著腳丫,清新自然,沒有化妝。或許那不符合我碧姬芭杜接班人的形象─本人真的不是什麼法國小辣椒。但這就是夜市人生。

Would you ever do a heavily green screened or f/x driven movie again after Peter Pan.


LUDIVINE: Yes. [She, well, it's confidential. Something is brewing which she won't talk about.]


I actually loved your Tinkerbell. So bratty and the physicality you brought to it was topnotch. Just... well it was so accurate and you don't see that often with Peter Pan.

我超愛妳的奇妙仙子。如此鮮嫩,凱莉米洛整個遜掉。如此精湛,蒂娜菲 (Tina Fey) 整個遜掉。

Thank you. Maybe it struck you because the director had inspirations that were not totally Walt Disney cliches. There's this French artists who had pictured Tinkerbell as this petite brunette -- a bit ghetto style -- she was one of our inspirations.


You mentioned images that came to mind with Deneuve and what directors project on to you ... how about the public?  I don't know how often you're recognized here or at home but do people assume things about you from the movies? 


After Swimming Pool. [Pause] People were thinking I was the hottest chick on earth and I was going to get undressed every five minutes. I was like, "hmmmm, you might be mistaken." But otherwise... You know, in France, people don't really get harassed when they're famous. 

【池畔謀殺案】後。[語重心長] 人們開始認為我是地球上最性感的騷貨,然後我每五分鐘就會袒胸露乳。我心想「我不是安心亞喔!」不過……你知道的,在法國名人不太會受到騷擾。[各位觀眾請做筆記,以上才是本人不太想到好萊塢發展的主因]

Most but not all of your films have been in France. Are you looking for more international opportunities?


I am trying to diversify, it's true. For example I've asked to be part of an Asian festival jury because I want to be closer to that cinema. I think there's a real emerging cinema in South Korea. I'm a big fan of those movies. 

我試著呈現自己多樣面向。例如我曾提議擔任亞洲影展評審團成員 [不過好像也沒人屌我],因為我想更親近亞洲電影。南韓電影正竄起。我是南韓電影粉絲。


"La Nouvelle Vague" in France. It happened because people didn't have money. They were in a hurry to get their films done and they worked in a state of emergency. And that's the reason why those movies are so fresh and spontaneous and somehow they had a way of resetting reality. Usually the energy comes from rising economies. I'm very curious about that.


I have a manager in the US, and you know, I'm still curious but not the typical "American dream" because what I want first is to have a cohesive career. That's important to me.


Well honestly, French cinema is better for that anyway. When people get older the roles are still great. That's not as often the case here.


按:看看 Marion Cotillard 因為英文很爛成了多恐怖的法國花瓶,君未見【全面啟動】慘不忍賭呀!!!

I'm interested in building something strong and solid. You know in America there's this cult of suddenly getting infatuated with someone. Squeeze him or her to the last drop and then -- pffft -- Away to the bin!!! [Laughter]

我想成為一個強大的女演員。妳知道美國人會突然風靡某人的風潮。擠壓他或她到最後一滴柳橙汁,然後─[難以翻譯的狀聲詞] 就丟到冰庫裡冷藏。[小麻雀妳這個只會裝可愛的白痴等著瞧吧!本人才是承襲丹妮芙血統的正港法國一姐,呣哈哈!]

I'm more ambitious somehow. I want to stay longer. Life is a marathon and not a sprint. 


筆者觀賞【黑天鵝】最大感想就即 Mila Kunis 根本是窮人版 Marion Cotillard 呀!  

Shawn Marion 對不起妳很可愛,但妳在 [當好萊塢今最被吹捧過度的導演] 諾蘭電影倩女幽魂實在太欠婊了。


Shut up, just shut up. You had me at the second you stepped on your little worried shoes. 

如果出來的是十五年前還 保養得宜 十分性感 1 的丹妮芙,剝削感和滄桑感都不會那麼嚴重。

好怕小 lulu 戲份比重同預告,那就構成今年最大地雷。金髮 (妹) 是上帝的賜禮。

1  詳【犯罪家譜】(Généalogies d'un crime, 1997) by Raoul Ruiz 1941~2011。

Marion Cotillard & this dude called Yodelice...

為什麼我心目中的神之經典名曲可以被這兩個傢伙搞得這麼難堪?(但還是不及 Miley Cyrus 演唱少年仔的氣味)

怎麼辦我越來越討厭 Marion Cotillard 了!

David BOWIE - Velvet Goldmine



Velvet Goldmine (song)


"Velvet Goldmine" is a song written by David Bowie and recorded during the The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars sessions in 1971.


However, it did not make it to the album and was eventually released as the B-side to the UK rerelease of "Space Oddity" in 1975.


Bowie originally wrote the song as a rather adult description of him making out with another man. Social pressures, combined with an only-half-hearted interest in the material, resulted in Bowie rewriting the song to be slightly more ambiguous.


The song title inspired the name of Velvet Goldmine the film.


Despite being originally only released as a B-side, this song has become very popular amongst fans and has been released on at least one "best of" compilation.

Tori Amos - Smells Like Teen Spirit

That's what I'm talking about interpretation, greatest rendition ever!!!

7 則留言:

  1. 我也不喜歡瑪莉詠。因為他搶走了我的吉翁卡內。

    版主回覆:(11/27/2011 05:42:44 PM)


  2. 公開敵人不是更慘,我說花瓶的程度。
    神,Tom Hardy JGL 什麼的,害我現在看到鍋匠裁縫嫌麻煩,不過說回來,逼逼吸薛洛克也一樣。

    這群敵視你偶像的好處是,比如假斯丁嗶波可以襯得前巴塞隆納九號非常 man。


    版主回覆:(09/18/2011 04:36:20 PM)

    喬瑟夫絕對不是諾蘭造的好嘛?君不見喬瑟夫明明比李奧養樂多帥三十七萬倍,卻只能當配角完全不合理。而且跟李奧養樂多那肖想跟史科科科拍很多片就可以成為狄尼洛的廢物交往,害我也開始討厭 Blake Lively。


    鍋匠裁縫係 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy?
    幹我想很久才想出來逼逼吸薛洛克是福爾摩斯。本來還以為 Cybill Shepherd...

  3. 雖然夏日五百聽來不錯小紅,論殺傷範圍當然是全面乩動比較廣泛,在這之後莫名滿地迷妹宣言好愛喬瑟

    我不識 Cybill Shepherd 誰也 ... 連 L Word 都沒看過,你怕了吧。

    我看到小嗶啵站他旁邊顯得他那樣 man 時快笑死。

    版主回覆:(09/18/2011 05:05:12 PM)


  4. 我到諾蘭首部曲之前都以為貝兒是美國人,但是我不知道是為什麼有這種印象。

    版主回覆:(09/24/2011 02:54:03 PM)

    I guess we're the I-knew-I-loved-before-I-met-you type.

  5. 你使我一直唱起這首歌了。

    不過同時我沒法大聲嚷嚷我是貝兒頭。Not really-crazy-deeply-love maybe, I don't even
    know he finished the flower-something movie.
    His wife is my cup of tea by the way.

    版主回覆:(09/27/2011 02:44:38 PM)

    某日於夜市聽到有人把簡單愛跟 truly madly deeply 混在一起放,還搭得起來真是太神了。
    某日問某76年次的同事是否聽過野人花園,她回答:「那是小新 ("野"原"新之助) 的家人嗎?」

  6. 簡單愛是 ... 周董嗎?

    我只會想到「不知 Darren Hayes(二度)結婚時 Daniel Jones 有沒有包」


    版主回覆:(09/27/2011 03:06:53 PM)

    是的,你自己哼哼看 "不知道為什麼" "I'll be your dream/wish/fantasy",真的對得起來。

  7. 那是路易卡銳的新片嗎?!omg
    btw 我也極愛克里斯多福歐諾黑的電影,幾乎每一部我都喜歡,更別提Ludivine Sagnier,集天真與性感的小野貓!

    版主回覆:(10/01/2011 06:07:12 PM)

    為什麼是 "也" 極愛克里斯多福歐諾黑的電影?我都已經說他 "只會用帥哥美女騙觀眾進電影院" 而黔驢技窮了, kerker.
