二零一一年威尼斯影展閉幕片,多倫多影展正式競賽電影。請迫不及待點擊內文你管,進一步觀賞本片預告!!!我承認瞥見 Greta Gerwig 裙襬飛揚時筆者高潮了整整三分鐘。♥♥♥
Damsels in Distress (2011)
Director: Whit Stillman
Writer: Whit Stillman (screenplay)
Greta Gerwig ... Violet
Adam Brody ... Charlie
Analeigh Tipton ... Lily (Crazy, Stupid, Love.)
Caitlin Fitzgerald ... Priss (Newlyweds) [美女雲集呀!!!]
Whit Stillman Returns to Filmmaking After 14-Year Break
Throughout the ’90s, Whit Stillman could be counted on for his wry depictions of the American upper class, inspiring the likes of Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach.
Yes, No, Maybe So: Damsels in Distress
Greta Gerwig was superbly authentic, touching and funny in Greenberg, but her off kilter whimsy got lost and was wasted on Arthur. Stillman might know what to do with her.
check Newlyweds (2011) Trailer for Caitlin Fitzgerald!!! [愛德華燃燒你個渾蛋!!!]
"Woody Allen had an erotic renaissance with Scarlett. He can have a neurotic renaissance with me!"
-- Greta Gerwig in PAPERMAG, Feb. 22, 2011
當我們的小克 (Chloë Sevigny) 年華不再荳蔻只能載浮載沉電影圈,上帝賜與筆者另外一位怪女孩,Greta Gerwig。
她參與 mumblecore 運動如火如荼地建立新生代獨立製片小甜心崇高地位,接著在 Noah Baumbach 電影打響全球 (遠及柏林) 知名度,措手不及地擄獲筆者芳心。她因此取得了好萊塢門票,台灣觀眾可以在【阿舍正傳】(Arthur, 2011) 預告零分零九秒驚鴻一瞥其美若天仙五秒鐘,美國侯麥 Whit Stillman 更是力邀葛瑞塔領銜主演影迷望穿秋水可比泰倫斯馬力克的睽違十三年大作【憂鬱症女孩】(Damsels in Distress, 2011),各位看倌請捫心自問評評理,為什麼 Greta Gerwig 不是此時此刻最可愛又迷人的
以下為紐約最優秀的雜誌 BlackBook 專文摘譯:
Greta Gerwig is standing barefoot in her apartment wearing a black Vena Cava dress, while a makeup artist applies foundation to her legs in preparation for her second appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Looking up from her ankles, the 27-year-old actor asks the room, "Guess what I’m going to say tonight?" But before anyone can respond, she answers, "I get to say, It’s great to be back! I’ve always wanted to say that!"
Fancy outfit dilemmas are new to the California native, who, a few years ago, was writing, directing, and starring in movies with budgets similar to those of most Hollywood wrap parties. Back then, Gerwig, along with a group of friends and collaborators that included filmmakers Joe Swanberg and Mark and Jay Duplass, cornered the market—if you can call it that—on highly personal and largely improvised films about 20-something being and nothingness. They were seen as pioneers of an affordable digital movement, catnip for festivals and journalists, who dubbed it "Mumblecore." In tiny movies like Hannah Takes the Stairs and Nights and Weekends, Gerwig played hyper-verbose, intensely desirable, and romantically beleaguered young women lost in the bigger picture. Her performances in these films are so naturalistic as to border on non-acting.
名牌服飾舉棋不定對這位加州女孩是個新體驗,她在幾年前是預算和大部份好萊塢殺青派對差不多電影的編劇,導演以及女主角。當時,和親密戰友如電影人 Joe Swanberg 與 Duplass 兄弟,在市場上,若煞有其事,奠定了高度個人化與即興發揮,關於二十幾歲年輕人廢物的電影語言。他們被視為數位風潮先鋒,影展貓薄荷糖,影評為其新撰專有名詞 "mumblecore"。於小電影如【漢娜搭電梯】和【夜晚與週末】,葛瑞塔飾演在商業電影飾演難追尋的喋喋不休,人見人愛,為愛痴狂年輕女子。她的演技如此渾然天成到幾乎不像在演戲。
Without this under-the-radar background, it’s unlikely Gerwig would have been cast in last year’s Greenberg, Noah Baumbach’s comedy of dysfunction, in which she appeared opposite Ben Stiller as Florence Marr, an adrift, endearingly sloppy personal assistant who falls for Stiller’s pathological curmudgeon. Gerwig’s performance earned her accolades, culminating in a 2011 Independent Spirit Award nomination for best female lead. Despite Greenberg’s similarities to Gerwig’s earlier DIY projects, it was, by her standards, her entrée into the mainstream.
撇開其低調出身背景,葛瑞塔似乎不會出現在去年【愛上草食男】(什麼鬼翻譯!!!) Noah Baumbach 的功能失調喜劇,她飾演一個煞到班史提勒病態機歪魅力,漂泊隨性的個人助理。葛瑞塔表演大獲好評,榮獲二零一一年獨立精神獎最佳女演員提名。即使類似往日原創作品,對她來說,那是接受主流擁抱的門票。
The majority of people who swarmed cinemas to watch No Strings Attached (the film topped the American box office on its opening weekend) were probably unfamiliar with Gerwig, a slightly dorky girl with soft features, a gummy smile, and tousled hair—worlds apart from the trim and tanned Hollywood princesses who populate most big-budget fare. But those steeped in Gerwig’s still-nascent oeuvre were left questioning how someone who had poured herself so fully into wonderfully quirky cinematic experiments could now be a part of the very machine those films seemed to reject. "Framing those movies by saying that they were the antithesis of something builds a negative narrative of what they were," says Gerwig, who recently wrapped Damsels in Distress, the fourth offering from New York auteur and arthouse favorite, Whit Stillman. "Mumblecore wasn’t about giving the middle finger to anyone. It was really joyful, but it wasn’t very rock ‘n’ roll."
魚貫而入去看【飯飯之交】這種鬼電影 (美國首週票房冠軍) 的庸俗大眾可能不太熟悉葛瑞塔,一個怪怪女孩,有著柔軟身體,靦腆微笑,蓬亂頭髮—和俐落棕褐的好萊塢公主天差地遠。但看過葛瑞塔蓬門今始為君開作品集的朋友們,無不驚訝為什麼這位如此投入怪女形象的小妮子可以出現在完全相反的制式電影。「框架那些電影是某種電影的反物質,對其本質是個負面描述」,剛拍完紐約傳奇,藝術片頭挑 Whit Stillman【憂鬱症女孩】的葛瑞塔說:「mumblecore 並無向任何人比中指之意圖,它不太歡樂,但也不怎麼搖滾叛逆。」
Gerwig’s apartment, a spacious three-bedroom walk-up in the shadow of the Manhattan Bridge, could only be occupied by movie fanatics. (Sure enough, Gerwig shares her home with two other filmmakers: Ariel Schulman, co-director of last year’s documentary sensation Catfish, and Sam Lisenco, a producer with Red Bucket Films.) Vintage, framed movie posters and old photos adorn her walls. The remaining wall space is obscured by their VHS and DVD collection, precarious towers stacked next to one another. It feels almost voyeuristic to watch her getting powdered into camera-ready perfection while surrounded by the curated detritus of her everyday existence. One of Gerwig’s cats, Paw Newman—she has another named Diane Kitten—leaps into her lap. Petting him, she breaks into a fit of laughter. “I must look like Dr. Evil right now!” she says from her perch in the makeup chair, adding, "This is a really poor representation of my life. I bring a little bit of non-glossiness to glossy movies, and it’s cool that I get to do that, but normally I look like a scrubby teacher’s assistant."
葛瑞塔的公寓,曼哈頓橋下三房無電梯,完全被電影夢幻逸品佔據。(當然,葛瑞塔和另外兩位電影人是室友:去年議論紛紛假紀錄片【非識不可】副導 Ariel Schulman,瑞德巴克影視製片 Sam Lisenco) 古老電影海報和舊照片遍佈牆壁,剩餘空間則給錄影帶 DVD 收藏疊床架屋。看著她在鏡頭前搔首弄姿,對比週遭日常碎屑有種窺淫快感。保保紐曼和安安基頓,葛瑞塔的兩隻貓咪,正坐在她腿上。一面拍撫寵物,一面志村大爆笑,「我現在看起來一定很像【王牌大間諜】邪惡博士!」於化妝倚補充:「這是很糟糕的生活寫照。我為精緻電影添增樸質氣息,那當然很酷,但大部份時間我看起來像個卑微的助教。」
Gerwig, who once aspired to become a playwright, also has the approachability of a TA, an infectious kindness that obscures her serious triple-threat potential. Natalie Portman agrees. "Greta is incredibly smart and curious about everything. She not only acts the shit out of a scene, but she could also write or direct it better than anyone in the room," Portman says. "She’s also so graceful and egoless, and she infects any room she’s in with good times. Greta is a rare combination of the coolest and kindest person I know. "For her part, Gerwig speaks with a fondness for everything and everyone, even the guy who held her umbrella to protect her makeup from the glare of the sun during a humid summer shoot." "What a lovely young man," she says as her makeup artist lightens her eyebrows. "His name is Valentin and he’s a fencer at Harvard. The guy holding my umbrella? Harvard."
葛瑞塔,曾經嚮往當個劇作家,也有機會當助教,一個遮掩她多才多藝潛能的傳染性善意。(請協助筆者翻譯) 娜塔莉波曼同意。「葛瑞塔不可思議地聰穎,對宇宙萬物感到好奇。她不僅會演戲,也可以比在場所有人當個更好的導演或編劇。」波曼說。「她也很優雅且謙遜,而且總是讓美好時光咻一下地就過去了。葛瑞塔是我所認識最酷與最和善的人之稀有綜合體。她滿心歡喜地談論宇宙萬物,即使是不讓濕熱夏日艷陽破壞美美妝的撐傘男,『好可愛的男生』當化妝師揚起她的眉稍,『他叫華倫庭,他是個哈佛籬笆匠。為我撐傘的哈佛男子。」
That summer shoot was Arthur, a remake of the classic Dudley Moore comedy about a dedicated drunk with the wealth of a prince and the wit of, well, Russell Brand. Gerwig peforms opposite the British prankster as Naomi, a tour guide who might just be Arthur’s salvation. Gerwig and first-time director Jason Winer had trouble defining Naomi’s character, so she expressed her opinions the old-fashioned way: an epistolary "diatribe" addressed to Winer. "I wrote that if Naomi were a song, she’d be Nina Simone’s "Ain’t Got No, I Got Life." She’s completely fearless, and she’s one of those characters who appears in a lot of movies from the '80s. She’s that kind of freewheeling, unreliable city girl on-the-go, and wherever she’s going, it’s always more interesting than where you’re going. She usually has crazy hair, and maybe she’s on roller skates."
Gerwig, who grew up in Sacramento with dreams of a New York life—a goal she realized when she enrolled at Barnard College, where she majored in English literature with a concentration in theater and philosophy—infused Naomi with the joy and spontaneity of her personal promised land. Her character embodies the spirit of a Manhattan that Arthur, in his wealthy bubble, has never known, and it’s the same one with which Gerwig herself associates. "The best things in the city are free," she says. "And when you’re not wealthy—which is often the case for young people—it can be exciting when you’re forced to choose between spending the money you have on food or on a subway token." According to Brand, Gerwig and her character share many of the same eccentricities. "Like Naomi, I think people aren’t quite sure what to make of Greta—she's such a peculiar and unique commodity," he says. "When she was a little girl, she used to mow the front lawn in her nightie and tell concerned neighbors that she was forced to do chores by her parents, like a modern-day Cinderella. Indie-rella."
On her way to the Fallon taping, Indie-rella sits in the backseat of her Town Car—a New Yorker’s horse and carriage—dressed in that black Vena Cava dress, a gift to her from the label’s co-founder, Sophie Buhai. (Buhai is also Schulman’s girlfriend.) The outfit Gerwig was planning to wear is still trapped in that rogue FedEx truck. Outside Rockefeller Center, she signs her name for a few autograph sharks who seem unsure of who she is, only that she looks famous. Once inside studio 6B, where Late Night is taped, Gerwig is ushered into the Bird Room, a small cubicle that, with its dandy Victorian décor, could double for Oscar Wilde’s boudoir. As a producer runs through the show’s proceedings, there’s a knock at the door. "Yaaaaay!" shouts a manic Jimmy Fallon in his unmistakable squeal. He wraps Gerwig in a tight embrace, telling her how happy he is to see her and reassuring her that their segment will be great. The exchange leaves her at ease, and, while snacking on Doritos and waiting for her cue, she watches David Duchovny play to the Late Night crowd, shooting a birthday cake into a basketball net. Soon, she will be on that same stage, but just before she goes on, someone asks her to add her name to Fallon’s guestbook, which Gerwig does happily. "Jimmy!" she writes. "You’re the first talk show I ever did twice! (It’s great to be back.)”
重返法輪功錄影現場途中,獨立製片小甜甜搭乘她的城市車輛,紐約馬車,車穿黑色名牌服飾,來自該品牌始創者 Sophie Buhai 的禮物。 (Buhai 同時也是 Ariel Schulman 女朋友) 葛瑞塔打算穿的華服仍困在飛碟快遞。洛克斐勒廣場外,她餵了幾隻似乎不知道她是何許人的簽名鯊魚,只因為她看起來似乎是名人。在法輪功綜藝秀錄影現場,葛瑞塔被亞瑟小子到博德之房,一個可能是王爾德起居室的維多利亞小隔間。當製片順流程時,敲門聲響起。「歐耶!」吉米法倫驚聲尖叫。他緊抱葛瑞塔,告訴她他有多高興看到她,並確保該集將會很精采。面對這舉動葛瑞塔處之泰然,她正喫著玉米片等待提示,望著穆德探員混雜觀眾群,將生日蛋糕投入籃框。她很快會和穆德探員同台,但在那之前,有人請她在法輪功簽名簿留名,葛瑞塔高興得很。「吉米!」她振筆。「妳是我第一次第二次參加的脫口秀!(本人衣錦返鄉哩!)」
Indie Darling Greta Gerwig Stops by 30 Rock on Her Way to Mainstream Success
Nina Simone - Ain't Got No... I've Got Life
1. Blue Valentine by Derek CIANFRANCE Ryan Gosling is definitely (one of) the finest actor(s) in our time.
2. Greenberg by Noah BAUMBACH
3. The King's Speech by Tom HOOPER
4. True Grit by Ethan Coen & Joel COEN
5. The Social Network by David FINCHER
6. I Am Love by Luca GUADAGNINO
7. Rabbit Hole by John CAMERO MITCHELL
8. The American by Anton CORBIJN for its being Melville.
9. The Town by Ben AFFLECK Rebecca Hall makes me wanna either work in a bank or rob a bank.
10. Never Let Me Go by Mark ROMANEK
gotta save a place:
11. The Fighter by David O. RUSSELL
12. Black Swan by Darren ARONOFSKY
special mention:
*** Lily Sometimes by Fabienne BERTHAUD [女神降臨]
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