Seven years before production, 14-year-old Holger Thaarup of Denmark was originally cast as the lead, Blake. He didn't speak any English and Gus Van Sant intended the role to be silent; Van Sant then met 17-year-old Michael Pitt and cast him instead.
記得有人這樣介紹本片:麥可比特又不是布萊德彼特,葛斯范桑也不是什麼票房導演,沒事幹麻看個從頭到尾沒有 Kurt Cobain 出現的超脫末日。麥克筆入戲太深 (中邪),記者會全程恍惚煙不離手,答非所問身處異次元。
大象 和超脫末日皆 HBO 出品,迷幻公園 是 MK2。魔術師蘇連程表演牙齒接子彈失敗,被懷疑和妻子關係不好而預謀自殺。Harmony Korine 真的很愛客串耶!俱樂部會場巧遇麥克比,提供壯陽下巴治療元氣不足,話說大象故事就是來自小忍。
The "long dolly shot" in which the camera slowly pulls away from the window while Blake plays inside took seven takes to successfully complete. As the crew only had three pieces of dolly track, crew members had to take track from the front and run it around to the back while the dolly moved backward.
麥可筆特製通心粉加起司粉加牛奶好噁心。差點認不出來 Asia 是短髮黑框女,麥克筆亞細亞於西元二零零四年訂婚。很像土狼的 Vincent Gallo 一九九八年。
延伸閱讀:Kurt Cobain's Last Days? by Gus Van Sant
Courtney Love 未亡前可愛模樣。不過客串個吉他手,瘋婆和諾頓的結合 (romantically involved) 堪稱二十世紀最難理解迷團之一。(1996~1998)
超脫末日 Last Days
96 min. 2005
Michael Pitt ... Blake
Asia Argento ... Asia
Harmony Korine ... Guy in Club
Kim Gordon ... Record Executive
Gus Van Sant ... Phone Voice (voice)
"On Bended Knee"
Written by James Harris III and Terry Lewis
Performed by Boys II Men
"Venus in Furs"
Written by Lou Reed
Performed by The Velvet Underground
"Death to Birth"
Written and Performed by Michael Pitt
因為我記得有一段是聽venus in furs的男生
我沒看到這段 不過也有可能是我換電視的時候跳過了....
版主回覆:(04/18/2010 01:17:10 AM)
可惡!HBO 真的很家庭電影院,還好不是麥克筆被剪。話說本片最讓我掛念的歌曲是 On Bended Knee,哈哈。Can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong~
諾頓後來換 Salma Hayek (1999~2003),才子愛肉彈。馬子好不容易有知名度瘋狂搶鋒頭,讓個性低調如諾頓很看不下去。
新片 Milk 明星眾多,葛斯范桑應該不敢再繼續葛斯范桑了。目前最喜歡葛斯范桑電影是早期 "劇情"片 → 追陽光的少年 (藥店牛仔) & 妮可基嫚之愛的機密。