噢噢噢!獨立製片女王 Patricia Clarkson 怎麼可以這麼可愛?儼然是個四十九歲的 海倫米蘭,筆者對這種阿姐型的女人最免疫了,得趕緊寫個小介紹才行,呣呣。
生於紐奧良,英格麗褒曼 是立志成為演員的偶像,到耶魯學習戲劇藝術。處女作鐵面無私 (重看一) 凱文科斯納老婆之前在劇場工作,之後演出系列優質影集,六呎風雲拿下艾美獎。
高檔貨 好德國人在紐約受到注意,綠色奇蹟 (重看二) 詹姆斯克倫威爾重病老婆,山姆搖滾好被關在欄杆後不大安份。二零零二年成為獨立製片女王:山姆搖滾好之各顯神通 (重看三),茱莉安摩兒 深宮怨婦 三部曲之遠離天堂 (重看四),拉斯馮提爾反亞美利堅三部曲之 狗村。
二零零三年拿下日舞影展超凡演出獎 (Outstanding Performance),正式奠定獨立製片女王地位:
最愛妳,下一站幸福,非關女孩。下一站幸福是筆者首部意識 Patti 電影,也是小帥哥 Peter Dinklage 初體驗,繼承老爸箱型車販賣咖啡牛奶開朗男子 Bobby Cannavale 是比較不正經的克里夫歐文,小帥哥圖書館邂逅圖書館員 Michelle Williams (!)。
Blind Date (2008)
Patricia Clarkson ... Janna
Stanley Tucci ... Don
Elegy (2008)
Patricia Clarkson ... Carolyn
Penélope Cruz ... Consuela Castillo
Dennis Hopper ... George O'Hearn
Ben Kingsley ... David Kepesh
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Scarlett Johansson ... Christina
Penélope Cruz ... María Elena
Javier Bardem
Patricia Clarkson
Shutter Island (2009)
Leonardo DiCaprio
Michelle Williams
Ben Kingsley
Mark Ruffalo
Patricia Clarkson
Emily Mortimer ... Rachel
Steve Buscemi & Stanley Tucci
Javier Bardem & Marisa Tomei
Name me one woman who asks her husband to take off his wedding ring
before he goes to work. "Ava Gardner."
There were some movies I passed on early on, and some movies I didn't get, some big studio films. But now I look back and I realize that I really came later in life to a kind of career. I was somewhat typecast as suburban "mom" type roles early on. But I've always had this deep voice, so I think it was tough sometimes for directors to cast me as the ingénue. Because I'd walk in and look a certain way, then open my mouth and have this...voice! So I think I sort of grew into my voice, my face, my body as I got older.
The Untouchables(1987)的時候她看起來就不年輕了XD