瑞典型男第一名:麥斯馮西度 (Max von Sydow)
The Exorcist (1973) .... Father Merrin
Never Say Never Again (1983) .... Ernst Stavro Blofeld
Pelle erobreren (1987) .... Lassefar
Europa (1991) (voice) .... Narrator
Minority Report (2002) .... Director Lamar Burgess
Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (2007) .... Papinou
Shutter Island (2009) (post-production) .... Dr. Jeremiah Naehring!!!
1100 夏夜微笑 Smiles of a Summer Night
1830 莫妮卡 Summer with Monika
2235 哭泣與耳語 Cries and Whispers
1650 第七封印 The Seventh Seal
1850 情事 The Passion of Anna
2240 狼的時刻 The Hour of The Wolf
1100 處女之泉 The Virgin Spring
1450 穿過黑暗的玻璃 Through a Glass Darkly
1800 芬妮與亞歷山大 Fanny And Alexander
1450 野草莓 Wild Strawberries
2210 羞恥 Shame
1915 裸夜 Sawdust and Tinsel
bergman's repertory company
Is monica vitti really a terrible actress?
giselemine on bergman
Truffaut on Cries and Whispers
麥斯馮西度加麗芙鄔曼等於品質保證。最後不得不提 Sven Nykvist 這位柏格曼御用攝影師,此次影展喜歡的幾乎皆由光之魔術師掌鏡,讓筆者對冬之光沉默假面不可不可謂信心滿滿。處女之泉、蜘蛛三部曲、假面、遠島三部曲、哭泣與耳語、秋光奏鳴曲、芬妮與亞歷山大。
柏格曼以外最偉大作品是伍迪艾倫罪與罰。九一年執導公牛 (Oxen) 麥斯馮西度麗芙鄔曼 & 芬妮與亞歷山大媽媽艾瓦夫若林 (Ewa Fröling) 主演。
1959 The Virgin Spring
1961 Through a Glass Darkly
1962 Winter Light
1963 The Silence
1966 Persona
1968 Hour of the Wolf
1968 Shame
1970 The Passion of Anna
1972 Cries and Whispers
1978 Autumn Sonata
1982 Fanny & Alexander
1978 Pretty Baby
1981 The Postman Always Rings Twice
1986 The Sacrifice
1988 Another Woman
1988 The Unbearable Lightness of Being
1989 Crimes and Misdemeanors
1989 New York Stories
1993 Sleepless in Seattle
1992 Chaplin
1993 What's Eating Gilbert Grape
柏格曼世界正妹排行 ↓
1. 芬妮與亞歷山大媽媽
2. 第七封印比比
3. 野草苺英格麗杜林
4. 羞恥麗芙鄔曼
5. 穿過黑暗的玻璃荷莉葉
這位大嬸請不要擅自幫柏格曼編假想對白! XD
回覆刪除講到這個,我發覺大家喜歡的柏格曼都不太一樣,我喜歡Fanny and Alexander、流與清喜歡Cries and
Whispers、吳重寬喜歡Wild Strawberries、你喜歡Hour of the Wolf,還真是蠻奇妙的。
快把我哭泣與耳語的訪談連結補上! XD
版主回覆:(12/02/2008 02:54:15 PM)
Truffaut on Cries and Whispers
Ingmar Bergman explained the use of the color red his film: "'Cries and Whispers' is an exploration of the soul, and ever since childhood, I have imagined the soul to be a damp membrane in varying shades of red."
"All of my films can be thought of in terms of black and white, except 'Cries and Whispers.' Yes, because the colors represent their fundamental emotional associations, with blood, death and spirituality."
可惡我當年自助去瑞典的時候 根本還沒看過柏格曼
回覆刪除不然就把 Visby 列進去 至少離 Fårö 近一點...
Sven Nykvist + Fårö + Erland Josephson
還有塔可夫斯基的 犧牲 (1986)
版主回覆:(12/09/2008 03:16:15 AM)
Offret (1986)
Erland Josephson ... Alexander