–verb (used without object)
1. to walk lamely; limp.
2. to proceed irregularly and haltingly: His verses hobble with their faulty meters.
–verb (used with object)
3. to cause to limp: His tight shoes hobbled him.
4. to fasten together the legs of (a horse, mule, etc.) by short lengths of rope to prevent free motion.
5. to impede; hamper the progress of.
6. an act of hobbling; an uneven, halting gait; a limp.
7. a rope, strap, etc., used to hobble an animal.
8. hobbles, a leg harness for controlling the gait of a pacer.
9. Archaic. an awkward or difficult situation.
There's nary a moment that Brad Pitt isn't entirely believable as the humble traveler at the center of the film -- whether he's hobbling along as an adolescent septuagenarian early on, or turning up as a fresh-faced teen later in life.
1. of the age
70 years or between 70 and 80 years old.
show unsteadiness, quaver, vacillate
The [table] wobbled on its uneven legs.
His [voice] wobbled.
The truck lurched [sideways]
Dressed in tinfoil and [lurching] like Frankenstein's monster
But it [lurches] all over the map, encompassing dialogue both inspired and juvenile-tasteless.
It stars Jack Black as Jerry, a [shambling], logorrheic loser who lives in a trailer
Brendan Gleeson, with that noble shamble[s] of a face and the [heft] of a boxer gone to seed
Day-Lewis—an [ambling] scarecrow under [boater] and [musty] cloth coat—is as rooted as an [oak] in his character and milieu
Tati's signature comic character [ambled] into movies with Monsieur Hulot's Holiday (1953), his second film.
The moral, emotional, and dramatic issues are settled, and then the movie, [reverently] chronicling Christine’s [apotheosis], ambles [on] for another forty minutes.
Later, Ethan Hawke [ambles] on set as a happy hippie, a cabinet maker who argues unconvincingly for the nonconformist life.
He doodled during the whole [lecture].
They rambled through the shops [until] closing time.
The [vine] rambled over the walls and tree trunks.
The speaker/writer rambled [on] with anecdote after anecdote.