如此運動生涯 This Sporting Life
134 min. 1963
"In many ways a precursor to Martin Scorsese's Raging Bull (1980), Anderson records the relentless pounding of the scrum with a gritty immediacy, drawing a direct line from that bloody battle to the athletes' destructive off-the-field behavior."
1. The Third Man (1949)
2. Brief Encounter (1945)
3. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
4. The 39 Steps (1935)
5. Great Expectations (1946)
6. Kind Hearts and Coronets (1946)
7. Kes (1969)
8. Don't Look Now (1973)
9. The Red Shoes (1948)
10. Trainspotting (1996)
11. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
12. If.... (1968)
13. The Ladykillers (1955)
14. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960)
15. Brighton Rock (1947)
16. Get Carter (1971)
17. The Lavender Hill Mob (1951)
18. Henry V (1944) a.k.a. The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fift with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France
19. Chariots of Fire (1981)
20. A Matter of Life and Death (1946)
21. The Long Good Friday (1980)
22. The Servant (1963)
23. Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
24. Whisky Galore! (1949)
25. The Full Monty (1997)
26. The Crying Game (1992)
27. Doctor Zhivago (1965)
28. Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
29. Withnail and I (1987)
30. Gregory's Girl (1980)
31. Zulu (1964)
32. Room at the Top (1958)
33. Alfie (1966)
34. Gandhi (1982)
35. The Lady Vanishes (1938)
37. Local Hero (1983)
38. The Commitments (1991)
39. A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
40. Secrets & Lies (1995)
41. Dr. No (1962)
42. The Madness of King George (1994)
43. A Man For All Seasons (1966)
44. Black Narcissus (1947)
45. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)
46. Oliver Twist (1948 )
47. I'm All Right Jack (1959)
48. Performance (1970)
49. Shakespeare in Love (1998)
50. My Beautiful Laundrette (1985)
51. Tom Jones (19630
52. This Sporting Life (1963)
53. My Left Foot (1989)
54. Brazil (1985)
55. The English Patient (1996)
56. A Taste of Honey (1961)
57. The Go-Between (1971)
58. The Man in the White Suit (1951)
59. The Ipcress File (1965)
60. Blow-Up (1966) 安董加永恆的紅墳墓好歹要前五好杯
61. The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962)
62. Sense and Sensibility (1995)
63. Passport to Pimlico (1949)
64. The Remains of the Day (1993)
65. Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971)
66. The Railway Children (1970)
67. Mona Lisa (1986)
68. The Dam Busters (1955)
69. Hamlet (1948)
70. Goldfinger (1964)
71. Elizabeth (1998)
72. Goodbye Mr. Chips (1939)
73. A Room with a View (1985)
74. The Day of the Jackal (1973)
75. The Cruel Sea (1952)
76. Billy Liar (1963)
77. Oliver! (1968)
78. Peeping Tom (1960)
79. Far from the Madding Crowd (1967)
80. The Draughtsman's Contract (1982) 格林納威只有一部就算了居然不是選廚師大盜
81. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
82. Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988)
83. Darling (1965)
84. Educating Rita (1983)
85. Brassed Off (1996)
86. Genevieve (1953)
87. Women in Love (1969) 肯羅素只有一片男男打摔角太經典 Glenda Jackson for Oscar!!!
88. A Hard Day's Night (1964)
89. Fires Were Started (1943)
90. Hope and Glory (1987)
91. My Name Is Joe (1998)
92. In Which We Serve (1942)
93. Caravaggio (1986) 德瑞克賈曼只有一片
94. The Belles of St. Trinian's (1954)
95. Life Is Sweet (1990)
96. The Wicker Man (1973)
97. Nil By Mouth (1997)
98. Small Faces (1995)
99. Carry On up the Khyber (1968)
100. The Killing Fields (1984)
A selection of the favourite British films of the 20th century
年少莫輕狂 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
90 min. 1961
I'm out for a good time - all the rest is propaganda!
Directed by
Karel Reisz
Produced by
Tony Richardson
Writing credits
Alan Sillitoe (novel)
Alan Sillitoe (screenplay)
Albert Finney ... Arthur Seaton
Shirley Anne Field ... Doreen
Rachel Roberts ... Brenda
Rex Harrison (21 March 1962 - 1971) (divorced)
雅痞一哥是米高肯恩。英國工人一哥 Albert Finney 的生活就是星期一到星期五努力工作,賺取尚稱優渥薪資,只為在星期六晚上星期天早上打扮帥氣,喝啤酒把妹。
他很清楚自己在資本主義社會體制裡扮演的角色與限制,故選擇務實權衡之及時享樂態度,周旋有夫之父 Rachel Roberts 和家管嚴小美人 Shirley Anne Field 之間,閒暇不忘打空氣槍捉弄樓下機歪老太婆。亞伯芬尼瀟灑不羈形象影響日後英國青年極深,例如 The Smiths 的 Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Befo 音樂錄影帶便可瞥見其致敬。
傑克導演 Karel Reisz 日後拍攝紅墳墓第一座坎城影后 Morgan!,男主角以別於憤怒青年的奇天異想古怪行徑逃避社會體制,另有番風味!
長跑者的寂寞 The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
110 min. 1962
Also Known As: Rebel with a Cause
Running's always been a big thing in our family, especially running away from the police.
Directed by
Tony Richardson
Writing credits
Alan Sillitoe (short story)
Alan Sillitoe (screenplay)
Michael Redgrave ... Ruxton Towers Reformatory governor
Tom Courtenay ... Colin Smith
James Bolam ... Mike
Topsy Jane ... Audrey
Julia Foster ... Gladys
James Fox ... Willy Gunthorpe - Ranley School Runner
長跑健將 Tom Courtenay 則像個大錯不犯小錯不斷的小學生,總是有意無意,應該說老子根本不屌你,試探勞改學校規矩尺度,魔鬼也許在乎地取笑社會加諸在年輕人身上之枷鎖。
他舉眾抗議餐廳伙食難吃,故意在終點前禮讓對手 James Fox (!) 奪標,氣死肖想奧運參賽權校長 Michael Redgrave。如果說 Kes 男孩與鷹孤獨心境媲美四百擊,本片男主角差點偷成打字機,安端式跑跑跑,導演幽默細膩巧思也可視為楚浮對英國新浪潮的種種啟發。
Tony Richardson 四年前 Look Back in Anger 也是個憤怒青年電影,但李察波頓乃大明星不夠符合新浪潮勞工標準。瘋狂搞笑喜劇湯姆瓊斯榮獲奧斯卡最佳影片導演劇本音樂,亞伯芬尼首度佳男提名與史無前例的三項最佳女配角入圍。
但以上豐功偉業都比不上把筆者偶像,永恆的紅墳墓 (Vanessa Redgrave) 娶回家,生下一雙美麗女兒來得令筆者崇拜景仰。
如此運動生涯 This Sporting Life
134 min. 1963
That's what they think of me, isn't it?
A great ape on a football field.
Directed by
Lindsay Anderson
Produced by
Karel Reisz
Richard Harris ... Frank Machin
Rachel Roberts ... Mrs. Margaret Hammond
初代鄧不利多 Richard Harris (1930~2002) 是個挺錚錚男子漢,展現別於紅色沙漠憂鬱氣息,以暴力橄欖球風擄獲上流社會芳心,但他知道自己在有錢人眼中只是隻球場上的大猩猩,仍然明目張膽採取運動員這條快速致富捷徑,用最激烈最憤怒手段嘲諷中產階級的拘謹魅力。
筆者視本片為英國新浪潮最傑出作品,藝術成就唯一超脫時代意義框架。Lindsay Anderson 亦為筆者最敬佩之英國新浪潮導演,光是這部運動電影再加上金棕櫚魔幻寫實校園電影 If.... 就足以傲視其他憤怒青年同儕。
安德森日後與發條澄 Malcolm McDowell 發展米克崔維斯三部曲:If.... (1968)、O Lucky Man! (1973) (Alan Price 優美配樂貫串)、Britannia Hospital (1982)。
紅墳墓和超可愛的 Natasha (右) & Joely (左) Richardson!!!
血腥的星期天 Sunday Bloody Sunday
110 min. 1971
Children... are you smoking pot?
Are you bourgeois?
Peter Finch ... Dr. Daniel Hirsh
Glenda Jackson ... Alex Greville
Murray Head ... Bob Elkin
Kimi Tallmadge ... Lucy Hodson
Russell Lewis ... Timothy Hodson
Emma Schlesinger ... Tess Hodson
Daniel Day-Lewis ... Child Vandal (uncredited)!!!
p.s 版主還有沒有看過想特別狂推的?
版主回覆:(09/24/2011 02:45:51 PM)
8. Don't Look Now (1973)
Julie Christie!!! Nicolas Roeg!!!
36. The Italian Job (1969)
米高肯恩雅賊電影超級爆笑昆西瓊斯主題曲很嗨 http://tinyurl.com/lzh4gp
43. A Man For All Seasons (1966)
難看而且紅墳墓 (Redgrave) 只出現三分鐘生氣
48. Performance (1970)
Nicolas Roeg 的春光乍洩加假面
59. The Ipcress File (1965)
65. Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971)
沒特愛但 Glenda Jackson 和死小孩對話害我笑到肚子痛 (請見上)
87. Women in Love (1969)
男男全裸打日本摔角太經典兩位男主角當初怕比大小輸人輸陣搞彆扭黃湯下肚後打得渾然忘我 Glenda Jackson for Oscar!!!
48號的James Fox很帥,但是受創很深!
版主回覆:(07/28/2009 02:53:42 PM)
原來暴力男跟僕人 master 是同個人!!!
可型男唐娜 (不好笑) 在外科醫生吊兒郎當超級帥呀!
don't forget 找到卡特原版
版主請問你看過這部芭蕾舞者Isadora Duncan的傳記電影嗎?海報好漂亮,很吸引我,
Isadora 1968
Vanessa Redgrave ... Isadora Duncan
John Fraser ... Roger
James Fox ... Gordon Craig
Jason Robards ... Singer
版主回覆:(07/28/2009 04:51:31 PM)
那是 Karel Reisz 為紅墳墓摘下之第二座坎城影后,我下載的【絕代美人】不是被壓縮就是西班牙文版本,所以還沒看,你抓到正常版本再告知我吧!紅墳墓六零美帽不輸丹妮芙,七零之後走演技派路線,奧斯卡得獎感言批評猶太復國主義,積極參與政治社會議題,歷久彌堅的演藝身涯,不愧是我偶像紅墳墓。
筆者推薦兩小時的【英宮恨】(Mary, Queen of Scots, 1971),紅墳墓紅髮高挑外型吻合蘇格蘭瑪莉當時歐洲第一美女的稱號;Glenda Jackson 則是白臉老處女伊莉莎白一世,大大顛覆了長期被凱特布蘭琪版本洗腦印象。紅墳墓將瑪莉時而純真時而花痴時而陰險狡詐,各面向皆詮釋得絲絲入扣。
剛看完【鳳宮劫美錄】(Camelot, 1967),主要角色生動,歌曲也好聽,完全不覺得有三個小時。紅墳墓飾 Guenevere 皇后;演最好的是亞瑟王 Richard Harris,幽默搞笑又不失王者之風,圓桌一哥蘭斯洛與皇后有染,被私生子 David Hemmings 揭穿。紅墳墓最正!紅墳墓最高!布列松【武士蘭斯洛】(Lancelot du Lac, 1974) 中的蓋文很帥。
"Then You May Take Me To The Fair"
Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner
Music by Frederick Loewe
Sung by Vanessa Redgrave, Gary Marshal, Anthony Rogers and Peter Bromilow
我要先來複習一下英國史吧 ......><
版主回覆:(07/31/2009 08:46:03 AM)
不要以為是搶美祿 (Milo) 之類的就好, haha (不好笑)
回覆刪除到凡妮莎演的這四部電影的方式:絕代美人 英宮恨 摩根 鳳宮劫美錄,都久仰大名卻不得其影
版主回覆:(08/01/2009 04:31:32 PM)
回覆刪除版主回覆:(08/31/2011 11:29:53 PM)
為體會劇本原汁,本殿僅提供英文字幕,若不嫌棄,請來信聯絡 (電郵地址詳名片),造成不便,再追加個【良相佐國】(A Man for All Seasons, 1966) by Fred Zinnemann 好了,紅墳墓戲份只有五分鐘,可是極美。
刻的反而是演亨利八世的國王,另外我看版主也喜歡Julie Christie不知道有沒有看過她
的 Afterglow(找好久的說),還有Greer Garson的"Sunrise at
Campobello" "The
Valley of Decision" "Mrs. Parkington" "Blossoms in
the Dust"這些電影不知道