"A taut shocker that would have made Hitchcock proud!"
筆者曾在天龍六九元書店因為上面這句評語而 注意 過這部電影,但礙於知名度太低資訊不足而放棄購買,否則就沒有美美的截圖可以欣賞了。【遠離天堂】Dennis Haysbert 飾演之黑人兄弟 Clay 前往亞利桑那,探訪同父異母有錢人哥哥 Vincent,該角由
克利斯汀貝爾 (筆誤) 飾演,兩人見面驚訝兄弟長相極為類似。Vincent 趁 Clay 洗澡時把皮夾證件換成自己的身份證,要求弟弟陪同驅車至機場。Vincent 抵達機場後吩咐 Clay 駕駛高級跑車好好瀏覽這城市,並記得幫忙接聽車內電話,有錢人事業做很大。
Vincent 打給 Clay,說對不起,按下井字鍵,車子爆炸。急診場景播放強尼凱許演唱之 "Ring of Fire"。好死不死,火鳳凰 Clay 居然沒事,還有正妹醫生拆繃帶。原來 Vincent 涉嫌謀殺父親意嫁禍胞弟。火鳳凰恢復意識後患得失憶症,開始做些怪夢,例如夢見自己變成一台車 (不是變形金剛喔),或手腳被插滿針灸 (養鬼吃人),最後我們的火鳳凰終於在正妹醫生的協助下,恢復記憶,幹掉 Vincent。
本片最高明之處,在於找來一點都不像的粗壯黑人和細瘦白人扮演兄弟,但不僅旁人都把康復 Clay 當作 Vincent,連兩位當事人都覺得彼此是雙生兄弟。象徵個人身份認同往往被社會所扭取牽引,火鳳凰恢復記憶後,只說他想起另外一個身為 Clay 的過去,面對鏡子看到者乃 Vincent,到俱樂部玩耍,人們叫他 Vincent;那具面目全非的屍體,在最真實之角度上已非 Vincent,浴火重生的火鳳凰才是 Vincent。
導演搭檔 Scott McGehee & David Siegel 以處女電影古典優美之黑白攝影、構圖、鏡頭運動打造這部非常被忽視的藝術電影,本片榮獲日舞最佳攝影獎。八年後第二部電影【暗夜搖籃曲】(The Deep End, 2001) 低調寫實風格備受影評人讚譽,可惜改編同名小說【拼出真愛】(Bee Season, 2005) 未延續成功,最新作品 Uncertainty 由【神秘肌膚】Joseph Gordon-Levitt 主演,多倫多影展反應良好,目前仍沒找到 DVD 發行商。有人買了。預告。
請告訴我除了 Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger 以外的其他 "無血緣" 導演搭檔!
美漫界的 Bogie:羅夏 (Rorschach) 現身!
Hermann Rorschach 1884~1922
天衣無縫 Suture
105 min. 1994
"... are upfront about their influences here, citing the striking but rarely discussed 1960s psychological suspensers "Seconds" and "Mirage," as well as the more familiar work of Hitchcock and Hiroshi Teshigahara." -- Variety
Cinematography by
Greg Gardiner
Dennis Haysbert ... Clay Arlington
Mel Harris ... Dr. Renee Descartes
Sab Shimono ... Dr. Max Shinoda
Dina Merrill ... Alice Jameson
Michael Harris ... Vincent Towers
David Graf ... Lt. Weismann
Are brothers appearances explained?
Flora Cross
11 January 1993, Paris, France more
First language is French. Second language is English. Speaks fluent Spanish.
Bette Davis is her favorite actress.
Flora has three pets: a guinea pig named Luna, a dog named Timmy and a cat named Catherine. She also writes her own songs and plays the guitar.
Flora Cross (12) in Bee Season (2005)
電影失敗不代表沒有可看之處,兒童演員 Flora Cross 自然成熟的傑出表現幾乎撐起了整部電影!
Flora Cross (14) in Margot at the Wedding (2007)
接著 Flora 在妮可基嫚電影也令人留下深刻印象。
我們的 Flora 已經亭亭玉立,和珍妮佛一般高了,期待小美麗長大變成大美麗,請類比 Kristen Stewart。
Jennifer Jason Leigh in Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
珍妮佛在 Cameron Crowe 小說改編電影【開放的美國學府】超可愛!臉圓圓的好像小動物。Roger Ebert 給予本片惡評,指控女導演剝削年輕演員青春肉體。如果 Noah Baumbach 枕邊耳語「當年妳可是我的性感小可愛,諾亞看珍妮佛電影長大的。」不知道會不會被珍妮佛踢下床。
如果因為長得像 Alba 而討厭菲比凱滋是否有失公允?
西恩潘 a.k.a. 香片魂!
2009年7月19日 星期日
[日舞] Suture (1993) by Scott McGehee & David Siegel, introducing Flora Cross
張貼留言 (Atom)
「Margot at the Wedding」沒看過,前一陣子 HBO 有播出,但應該有剪片…
回覆刪除所以下次再去租DVD來看。(我也還滿喜歡「Jack Black」的。)
我還滿喜歡「Jennifer Jason Leigh」的,可能是她有些肉肉的又帶有性
看她的第一部電影是「The Jacket」,不過「Keira Knightley」在裡頭
而第二部則是「The Machinist」,“從良”的那段還滿觸動內心的…
版主回覆:(07/17/2009 06:39:51 PM)
Noah Baumbach:我之於知識份子好比布紐爾之於中產階級, kerker。
可能剪掉的是 Jack Balck 全裸吧!(抱怨他 scrotum 好像比 penis 長) 你會想看嗎?
珍妮佛我推薦柯恩兄弟的金錢帝國,模仿老式神經喜劇口音也很性感。"in the same fast-talking, no-nonsense way as Rosalind Russell did in His Girl Friday (1940)"
No 'Uncertainty' for IFC
This is hard.
After getting suckered to see Sliding Doors with Gwyneth
Paltrow I just didn’t know whether I thought that having a
film that contained dueling realities could work as a movie
that was
a) supposed to be dramatic in scope or
b) any good. Or, fundamentally, can a movie like this work?
版主回覆:(07/22/2009 12:49:42 PM)
Fast forward to (500) Days of Summer with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and there was an excellent use of split screen reality that only worked for me as a filmgoer but actually informed the protagonists’ struggle.
Now, a film that was done long before Joseph did Summer this movie looks to try and make another go at this temporal shifting subgenre of film. 老規矩預告貼上面。