2007年3月17日 星期六

Bandits (Cate4)

終極土匪 Bandits

122 min. 2001

Terry: Do you smell burning feathers?

: Burning feathers?

: Joe's older brother, Albert. He smelled burning feathers. He had a brain tumor.

Joe doesn't have an older brother. 

Terry: I've been thinking I don't have a brain tumor because you never had a brother! 


Cate Blanchett

有別於熟悉的正經形象,可愛的desperate wife對我來說是個很大的突破。或者說這個desperate wife讓我們見識到,Cate也可以很三八,而不是像尚雷諾或是勞勃狄尼洛般的冷面笑匠,平日建立的嚴肅形象導致的反差效果。


阿姐片頭的廚房演唱會可愛極了!A Desperate Housewife

Billy Bob Thornton

沒有誇張的表情和語調,只有難以計算的疾病和免疫力,像是個正常版本的Steve BuscemiSteve Buscemi!!! 這可是極高度的讚美。

Terry: I'm immune to danger. I dance with danger. I walk up to danger and tug it on the ears and sneer at it... and make funny face at it. I just,  you know -- "You know what? Come on." Is what I'm saying. You know what you have to be like? You have to have the nerves of steel... and I have a nervous system which, I mean, as a child... God knows, I was a nervous kid. I was a nervous kid. But, you know, you get in there. There's something about the adrenaline... and what are you laughing at? 

Joe: You are immune.

Terry:  I'm immune. I'm immune to danger.

Joe: You're totally immune.

Bruce Willis

Terry: Kate, you should choose. What's it gonna be? Mr. Action Figure Hero Guy? Or brains, and sensitivity, and a lot of other things I could name. So in other words: me or THAT guy?

Joe: Yeah, good looking, or ITCHY. 


January Jones


Troy Garity


 so sexy~

1 則留言:

  1. 純粹key January很失望的只連到這篇:P

    版主回覆:(12/13/2009 12:27:43 AM)

