[buh-ton, ba-, bat-n]
1. Music. a wand used by a conductor.
2. a rod of lightweight metal fitted with a weighted bulb at each end and carried and twirled by a drum major or majorette.【美】樂隊女隊長(或指揮)
3. Track. a hollow rod of wood, paper, or plastic that is passed during a race from one member of a relay (接替) team to the next in a prescribed area.
4. a [staff], [club], or [truncheon] (權杖), esp. one serving as a mark of office or authority.
5. Heraldry.
a. a diminutive of the bend sinister (惡意的), couped (出乎意料的行動) at the extremities: used in England as a mark of bastardy.
b. a similar diminutive of the ordinary bend.
4. [mace], [scepter], [crosier], rod, wand; [fasces]; [caduceus].
baton (n.), batten (n., v.)
A baton (pronounced buh-TAHN) is an orchestra conductor’s stick, a staff, a nightstick, or a drum major or majorette’s stick.
A batten (pronounced BAT-in) is a narrow piece of lumber, such as is often put over the joints between siding boards to make what is called board-and-batten siding for a building.
Batten is actually two verbs, one meaning "to apply battens," as in
Batten down the [hatches]
the other "to grow fat or to fatten," as in
The [landlord] battened on the [rents] of his poor tenants.
The first batten combines almost always with down,
and the second with on or upon.
The music is in waltz time, the textures light and feathery. The addition of celeste(a) (金屬鍵琴) and harps [lends] an almost magical feel, and the 50 strings give it a rich overall sound. Desplat's gestures are as careful as his orchestration --
he [conducts] without a baton,
lifting his hands only slightly from phrase to phrase. Striving for perfection, he records multiple takes and is finally satisfied nearly two hours later.
harp heraldry
raucous 吵鬧噪音單字大集合
threnody 死亡音樂單字大集合
epigraph (head)
epitaph (recently)
epigram (short)
epilogue (end)
elegy (poem, music)
eulogy (speech) 好說好說
pastiche threnody