2008年8月30日 星期六


↑  Selma Blair 

  Women's Filmmaker Brunch at Tribeca Festival 2007/05/01



n. (名詞 noun)[C]

          1.    屋頂板,木瓦;木板釘成的屋頂

                      We listened to the rain on the shingle roof.


          2.    【美】【口】小招牌

          3.    女子短髮式樣

                      She cut the hair in a shingle.


vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    用木瓦蓋(屋頂)

                      They shingled the roof.


          2.    把(女子的頭髮)剪成短髮型

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    (海濱等的)砂礫,圓卵石[U]

                      On this beach there's too much shingle and not enough sand.


vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    【冶】鍛,壓



1. a thin piece of wood, slate, metal, asbestos (石棉), or the like, usually oblong (橢圓), laid in overlapping rows to cover the roofs and walls of buildings. 

2. a woman's close-cropped haircut. 

3. Informal. a small signboard, esp. as hung before a doctor's or lawyer's office.  

–verb (used with object) 

4. to cover with shingles, as a roof. 

5. to cut (hair) close to the head.  


6. [hang out] one's shingle, Informal. to establish a professional practice, esp. in law or medicine; open an office. 

7. have or be a shingle [short], Australian Slang. to be mentally disturbed, mad, or eccentric.  


1. small, waterworn stones or pebbles such as lie in loose sheets or beds on a beach. 

2. a beach, riverbank, or other area covered with such small pebbles or stones. 

see scour

shindig slate 


New indie production and finance [shingle] Werc Werk Works has stepped in to fully finance and produce writer-director Todd Solondz next film, an untitled part-sequel, part-companion piece to his controversial dark comedy "Happiness."

 Shingle was [set up] by former ITV Prods.' controller of drama, comedy and film Andrew Harries, who produced Mirren starrer "The Queen."

1 則留言:

  1. 恩...這個單字我喜歡

    版主回覆:(05/27/2012 10:31:58 AM)

