2007年6月18日 星期一

Last night I had a dream.


某智障同學在課堂上要介紹一部電影,有 Vitti 和安董,但不是情慾三部曲也不是紅色沙漠。該同學沒講兩句我就快受不了了,當他要介紹演員導演時,支支吾吾的模樣讓我當場舉起手,走到台前向班上同學說明 Vitti 在我心目中地位有多崇高,安董有多屌,

Vitti, viTTi, Monica Vitti.

因為有兩個同樣是 I 為母音的音節,而且子音先是曖昧的 V,再來個明確的 T,整個名字的音韻是 --\\ --\,怎麼唸都性感,請大家跟我一起唸:

Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti, Monica Vitti...

教室就像個歇斯底里的法西斯政權會場,同學們無不為 Vitti 瘋狂。

最後,引述自 Musiq 第二張專輯 Soulstar 的同名 Intro。

Last night I had a dream

Of a beautiful day

And like a song

An angel passed my way

She was the embodiment of perfection

With skin like the sky

And her hair was as long as time

Then she turned to me (yeah)

With her big proud eyes

Her voice flowed like water

And it brought a tear to my eye

And she said to me


Oh you’ve come

So far from where you started

Don’t be afraid

To let your light

Shine on the world

60年代歐洲女星 Monica Vitti

全體默哀!我的大女神 Vitti 得了阿茲海默症!

