Surname pronunced Buss-ehm-ee. Is of Italian and Irish-American ancestry.
Ranked #52 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]
Was a New York City Fireman from 1980 to 1984, with Engine Company #55 in the Little Italy section of NY.
"My favorite review described me as the cinematic equivalent of junk mail. I don't know what that means, but it sounds like a dig."
"In the beginning, it wasn't even a question of deciding I'm going to do independent film and not commercial films -- I wasn't being offered any commercial films, and there wasn't an independent scene. I did a lot of "so-called" independent films that were really low-budget films trying to be commercial. But you certainly make choices when you have a script written by Jim Jarmusch or the Coen brothers or Alexandre Rockwell; I think any actor would feel lucky to be able to work on projects like that."
演藝事業剛起步時,要拍獨立製片或商業片不是個煩惱,因為根本就沒有人找我拍商業片,獨立製片也一樣。我拍了些所謂的獨立製片,其實只是低成本的商業片。但賈木許,柯恩兄弟,Alexandre Rockwell 則是另外一回事了,能夠參與他們的製作是任何演員都該感到幸運的。
"It's weird; I was not a really tough guy in high school, but I end up playing all of these psychopaths and criminals. I don't really care who they are, as long as they are complicated and going through something that I can understand and put across."
"As much as you tell yourself, 'We made the film and here it is and that is enough,' you would like to come away with something."
"I don't tend to think of these characters as losers [I play]. I like the struggles that people have, people who are feeling like they don't fit into society, because I still sort of feel that way."
"When I get cast, I always flip to the end of the script to see if my character gets beaten up or killed. I really thought that after getting killed on "The Sopranos" (1999) I should not accept scripts where I die. I mean, there's nowhere to go after getting killed by Tony Soprano. But then I got offered this great part in The Island (2005). I didn't even make it a third of the way through the movie. I have been surviving a lot more lately, though."
每次有片約,我總是翻到劇本的最後一頁,看看自己會不會被毆打或是被殺死。我以後再也不接受要我死翹翹的劇本了,在黑道家族被 Tony 殺死以後,根本就沒搞頭嘛!後來絕地再生不到三分之一的登場時間又死翹翹了。話雖如此,本人近來活得比較久就是了。
"The only thing I can compare the feeling of going onstage to is the fear you feel before going into a burning building. Once you go in there, the fear goes away and you're operating on adrenaline. And when it's over, if you've done well, it's something you've shared with these people you automatically feel close to."
"I admire any director who makes his living solely from directing. I'm fortunate enough to earn a decent wage by occasionally playing psychopaths in other people's movies, allowing me the luxury of not having to depend on the movies I direct to put food on the table. I especially admire independent directors like Tom DiCillo and Alexandre Rockwell, who never stop trying to create their own way."
我尊敬那些只靠當導演就能謀生的導演。很幸運地,偶爾在別人的電影裡演些變態狂角色,就足夠擁有還不錯的收入。我更尊敬像 Tom DiCillo 或 Alexandre Rockwell 那樣的獨立製片導演,他們總是不斷嘗試各種可能。
以下是 Busc 於兩千年為 H&M 代言的廣告,型男。
We all know the best parts of most films are the parts with Steve Buscemi in them -- this is a proven fact.
space dementia!!!!
回覆刪除版主回覆:(02/14/2008 08:41:59 AM)
A fictional mental disorder referenced in the 1998 film Armageddon.