"I'll never be a star in America...It's fine. I don't want to be...Not in that way. In a Sissy Spacek way. In a Shelley Duvall way. In a Sandy Dennis way. That's how I'd like to be a star. But movies aren't as good now as they were in the '70s."
"I don't want to continue on this independent American streak, but it's difficult to find good parts in mainstream films."
看來她也不是很願意被侷限在美國 (前衛) 獨立製片小甜心這頭銜。小棕兔之後是雙面瑪琳達,破碎之花,Zodiac,我想 Chloë 還是找到一些很不錯的 (相對之下) 主流片。
很有趣地,上面提到的三個女演員都演過阿特曼的電影,Chloë 舉七零年代的電影說明日世風日下也很合理了。西西史派克和雪莉杜瓦就不多談了,Sandy Dennis 倒是值得一提。Robert Altman
Sandy Dennis 這張很像珍妮摩露,詹姆斯狄恩併發症裡頭比較像米亞法蘿。
處女作是天涯何處無芳草 (1961),以靈慾春宵 (1966) 拿下奧斯卡佳配,但眾人焦點似乎擺在玉婆和李察波頓的風雨。和阿特曼第一次合作是 That Cold Day in the Park (1969),中文翻落花有意,後來跑去演電視劇。
和阿特曼第二次合作是詹姆斯狄恩併發症,英文片名很囉唆:Come Back to the Five and Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean。接下來是伍迪亂倫的另一個女人 Another Woman (1988),以上我只過狄恩片,剩下都是靠 AMG 資料說故事。
IMDb > Shelley Duvall
Daughter of attorney Robert R. Duvall (not the actor) and Bobbie Crawford.
She was "discovered" in 1970 by Robert Altman when he came to Houston to direct Brewster McCloud (1970). She was selling cosmetics at Foley's in Northwest Mall in Houston.
從以上兩組照片可以看出 Chloë Sevigny 這女人有多麼 ...... versatile
Chloë Sevigny 延伸閱讀:
電影雜談:從《男孩別哭》談獨立製片界的奇女子Chloe Sevigny
Chloë is Zodiac!!! 坎城謀殺底片女王 Emily & Chloë 誰住過狗村? Chloë nue
太酷了!台灣居然會播大愛,希望 Entourage 完就是 Chloë 的最新力作,如此才有動機打開電視。 How do Chloë Sevigny pronounce her name???
2007年9月14日 星期五
I'll never be a star in America
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