2008年2月15日 星期五




vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

          1.    雀躍,蹦跳[(+about)]

                      The lambs capered in the meadow.


n. (名詞 noun)[C]

          1.    雀躍,蹦跳

                      The girl's caper cost her a twisted ankle.


          2.    胡鬧;惡作劇

                      He always leads in pranks and capers.


          3.    【美】【俚】犯罪行為,搶劫;犯罪計劃

                      He is planning his next caper -- the stick-up of the city bank.


n. (名詞 noun)[C]

          1.    【植】續隨子,馬檳榔,刺山柑

          2.    (用作調料的)醃續隨子花蕾[P1]

a. (形容詞 adjective)

          1.    白花菜科植物的 

how_to_steal_a_million_ver2 In this elegant "caper" film, Audrey Hepburn stars as the daughter of a wealthy Parisian (Hugh Griffith), whose hobby is copying famous works of art. His replica of a famed Cellini sculpture is inadvertently displayed in an art museum, and he begins to worry that he'll lose his reputation once the experts evaluate the statuette.

赫本問奧圖要不要幹筆大票的 caper

