2008年2月20日 星期三




n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    嘲笑;嘲弄[U]

                      They greeted his suggestion with shouts of derision.


          2.    被嘲笑;受嘲弄[U]

          3.    嘲笑的對象,笑柄[C]

The Columbia Guide to Standard American English

derisive, derisory (adj.) 


Pronounce them di-REI-siv (-REI-ziv, -RIZ-iv, or -RIS-iv) and di-REI-suhr-ee (-zuhr-ee). 

These are synonyms, meaning "worthy of, causing, or expressing derision," 

but derisive seems to be used more often for "expressing or causing derision," as in She had a derisive smirk on her face

and derisory seems to be used more often for "worthy of derision," as in He was trapped in what was a most derisory situation

t03137eptvw Leaving Badii's fate uncertain, A Taste of Cherry's coda provoked both derision and admiration, as Kiarostami forces the audience to reconsider whether a film needs to explain it all. A Taste of Cherry shared the top prize at the 1997 Cannes Film Festival, confirming Kiarostami's and Iran's place at the vanguard of 1990s international art cinema.

see scoff smirk

