2008年2月22日 星期五




a. (形容詞 adjective)

          1.    有惡意的,邪惡的

                      a malignant nature


          2.    極有害的

          3.    【醫】惡性的,致命的

                      A cancer is a malignant growth.


n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    不滿者[C]

The Columbia Guide to Standard American English

benign, benignant, malign, malignant (adj.) 


These pairs are antonyms. 

Benign means "kindly, pleasant, beneficial," and in medicine specifically "not malignant," as in a benign tumor. 

Malign means "evil, injurious, very harmful," and "malignant," as in His look was malign and full of hate. 

Malignant means much the same as malign, "maLEvolent, highly injurious, evil," and in medicine specifically it describes an abnormal growth, one likely to grow and therefore likely to kill, as in a malignant tumor

BeNIGnant is built on analogy with malignant and means "kindly, pleasant, beneficial," and in medicine specifically "not malignant."

Benign and malignant are the higher-frequency adjectives, especially in the medical senses, but all four are Standard. 

no_country_for_old_men You can believe he's seen enough horrible things during his years in the military that he's willing to go toe-to-toe with someone as malignantly evil as Bardem's remorseless killer.  

