a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. (發)螢光的
2. 發亮的
1. possessing the property of fluorescence; exhibiting fluorescence.
2. strikingly bright, vivid, or glowing: plastic toys in fluorescent colors.
3. a lighting fixture that utilizes a fluorescent [lamp].
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English
fluoride, fluorine (nn.), fluorescent (adj.)
The first syllables of these words are often misspelled as flour- instead of fluor-.
Fluorine (氟) (pronounced FLOR-EEN, FLOR-in, FLOOR-EEN, or FLOOR-in) is a yellowish nonmetallic toxic gas,
and a fluoride (pronounced FLOR-EID, FLOO-or-EID, FLOO-uhr-EID) is a chemical compound made up of fluorine and another element or compound.
Fluorescence is the light-producing characteristic of a substance that makes it give off light when acted upon by radiation from another source.
see effervescent