1. a person appointed to act for another; deputy.
2. (in some states) a judicial officer having jurisdiction over the probate (遺囑認證) of wills, the administration of estates, etc.
3. the deputy of an ecclesiastical judge, esp. of a bishop or a bishop's chancellor.【英】大臣;大法官
4. a substitute.
5. a surrogate [mother].
6. regarded or acting as a surrogate: a surrogate [father].
7. involving or indicating the use of a surrogate mother to conceive or carry an embryo: surrogate [parenting].
–verb (used with object)
8. to put into the place of another as a successor, substitute, or deputy; substitute for another.
9. to subrogate.【律】(擔保人代償債務後) 取代 (債權人)
see ecclesiastes sham
All of Paul Thomas Anderson's films have been about family. Hard Eight is about a man creating a surrogate family out of the guilt he felt for messing up his original one; Boogie Nights is about a lost little boy attempting to find someone to nurture him; Magnolia is nothing else if not a cornucopia of stories about the need to make peace with parents; and Punch-Drunk Love is about the efforts of a man stunted by his domineering family to escape their influence.
see cornucopia relegate