Roger Ebert 影評
Which brings us full circle. "Margot at the Wedding" may not be based on Noah Baumbach's own family, but it demonstrates a way of looking at families he must have learned somewhere. Both of his parents were writers and, to one degree or another, film critics; I recall Gene Siskel telling a friend at dinner that film critics eventually became critical of everything.
Voice Village 影評
Hard as it may be to imagine a comedy that inflicts all the psychic torment of Cries and Whispers, Baumbach has pulled off a more psychologically acute—and funnier—version of the Bergman pastiches that Woody Allen attempted 30 years ago, with a jumpy, nerve-rattling rhythm all his own.
When Squid and the Whale came out, Baumbach was branded a whiny narcissist in some quarters—a sneak thief ransacking his own broken home for self-serving material—and some critics at the Toronto film festival this year took Margot as a scathing matricidal affront.
If we insist on reading the movie as autobiography, it would seem that Margot—a writer who plunders her family troubles for a New Yorker story and faces the music—is more a directorial surrogate, and the movie an act of penance.
同樣的事情做第二次,難免有剝削嫌疑。俗話說家醜不可外揚,一直對 Noah Baumbach 把家庭這麼內在私密之情事挖來拍電影,是抱持著怎樣的想法非常好奇。
妮可在讀書會被主持人兼客兄質問,書中扭曲父親角色是否就是自身投射,尷尬得無地自容;以及被珍妮佛不斷指責剽竊妹妹婚姻來寫暢銷書,我想 Noah Baumbach 給了觀眾很直接的答案。
原本片叫 Nicole at the Beach,向侯麥 沙灘上的寶琳 致敬。
2007 Margot at the Wedding 瑪歌的婚禮
2005 The Squid and the Whale 烏賊與鯨
2004 The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou 海海人生
2000 Highball
1997 Mr. Jealousy
1995 Kicking and Screaming
老爸 Jonathan Baumbach 是小說家與宗派評論 (The Partisan Review) 影評,老媽 Georgia Brown 是村聲影評。九五年以處女作 Kicking and Screaming 建立 Whit Stillman 式 "有錢人家小孩大學畢業後不知道要幹麻的後現代焦慮" 美名,零四年則以 烏賊與鯨 征服所有影評人的心。
有趣地方在於九五年和零四年間並非空白,我們的帥哥 Noah 拍了兩部沒什麼人鳥的劇情長片,IMDb 投票人數加起來一千出頭。一鳴驚人後第二部作品 Mr. Jealousy (1997),鬆散敘事和討人厭角色不得影評喜愛,但演員表現傑出,Noah 導戲功力受肯定。
Highball (2000) 只有兩百七十八張選票,Noah Baumbach 只好專心為紐約客寫短篇小說。以上兩片實在是非常詭異的存在,和其他海報格格不入就可略知一二。
烏賊與鯨小蘿拉鄧 (Hallet Feiffer) 再現!
瑪歌的婚禮 Margot at the Wedding
91 min. 2007
Zane Pais ... Claude
Nicole Kidman ... Margot
Jack Black ... Malcolm
Flora Cross ... Ingrid
Jennifer Jason Leigh ... Pauline
Halley Feiffer ... Maisy Koosman
John Turturro ... Jim
Noah Baumbach 你這個幸運的雜…… 好個才子佳人。
嗯...我覺得這片比烏賊與鯨好笑. Jack Black很可愛.
版主回覆:(08/11/2008 12:47:34 PM)
Halley Feiffer ... Amy
這是小蘿拉鄧在【你辦事我放心】(You Can Count On Me, 2000) 的模樣
以上是 Noah Baumbach 為《紐約客》撰寫的文章。