1. a person, as a handyman or servant, employed to do all kinds of work around the house.
2. any employee or official having many different responsibilities.
factotum (n.)
is “a person with many duties, a handyman, a jack-of-all-trades” (its etymological meaning was “to do all things”), and its plural is factotums. General factotum is a redundant cliché.
Benoit Magimel -- who is well on his way to illuminat[ing] as many Chabrol films as has Isabelle Huppert -- gives a priceless perf as Paul Gaudens, the spoiled-rotten heir [to] a pharmaceutical fortune.
Dandyish Paul's sense of entitlement is as big as the Ritz: He leaves his convertible where he pleases and stares at parking tickets as if somebody had [deposited] excrement on his windshield.
Paul's youthful factotum, Franck (Jeremie Chaplain), [anticipates] Paul's every need and smoothes out any social bumps.
2. 音樂舞蹈戲劇文學
3. 繪畫美術藝術欣賞
2.9 文字印刷
iambic pentameter
You know... f I had my way, I'd send that genius son of a bitch an engraved invitation in iambic pentameter: A challenge in two stanzas to meet me alone in the desert. I'll deliver it. 抑揚格五音步
And that, plus one really funny joke about the Bard himself, is plenty. (古代凱爾特族的) 吟遊詩人,護馬鎧甲
Why, why not? Why not a jongleur?【法】中世紀的吟遊詩人
The stanzas of "Pybrac" is a true wonder. 詩節
Give us a stanza and we'll laugh in the King's place.
a prosodic foot in verse made up of one long and three short syllables
what looks like a [decadent] idyll fueled by drugs and group sex turns into a series of mind games in which Turner challenges Chas' sexual [preference] and [core] identity.
You know, like Nostradamus. He was, like, this 16th-century astrologer, and he wrote in one of his quatrains that this goon called Hister would invade Poland. So Hitler reads that and thinks, "Hister, Hitler. Must mean me," and invades Poland. 四行詩
Nolan's a first-timer, and his movie is half hand-held kitchen-sink realism (shot in moody black and white) and half curlicue plotline that, as subsequent layers of betrayal are exposed and its [jigsawed] time line begins to form a whole picture, cloy[s] with [archness]. (書法) 花體
given cotyledon, calligraphic plant life [sprouts] from her flowered blouse.
Crisply photographed by Chuy Chavez and buoyed by [winsome] beep-and-buzz keyboards on the soundtrack, Me and You proceeds with [childlike] discursiveness.
"So I think they’ve f***ed it up already! Deception," he can’t help repeating with italicized disgust, trying [out] the title in a Spanish-sounding lisp.
[Anger] was legible in his looks and behavior.
As Eliza makes legible the [mysteries] of the sefirot, her brother and mother's behavior becomes increasingly [garbled].
And it's got little squiggles, sort of, well like wineglasses.
That attitude is convincingly [struck], but a more resourceful actor would have used this blank [slate] to [scrawl] a thousand [telling] details about the feelings [percolating] below the surface.
Heathers would scrawl ironic [graffiti] across this tender portrait of naïve suburbia a mere five years later, but few films, if any, have since captured its good-hearted charm.
He believes neither the secret amanuensis nor the plot. 抄寫員
Gerwig and first-time director Jason Winer had trouble defining Naomi’s character, so she expressed her opinions the old-fashioned way: an epistolary "[diatribe]" addressed to Winer. 書信體的
This is my secretary, my stenographer, my friend Doris Lowry. 速記員
Don't bite your nails, honey. Very few stenographers are murdered.
acrostic L.O.V.E.
as the elderly Buñuel did in “That Obscure Object of Desire,” into shameless, surreal anagram[s] of [wit] and [lust].
wedge, a cuneiform character or stroke of this shape. 楔形文字
They all lived in a kind of hieroglyphic world. The real thing was never said or done or even thought, but only represented by as set of arbitrary signs. 象形文字的,難解的
its hieroglyphics are [vividly] rendered, but Bee Season never manages to spell them out.
The filmmaker's style is naturally hieroglyphic.
of the ancient Scandinavian
Just as The Deep Endnearly drowned in its liquid symbolism, Bee Season indulges many a [runic] omen—the [portentous] credit sequence tracks a massive letter A dangling from a helicopter,