n. (名詞 noun)【俚】
1. 有力的反駁 (或警句等)
2. 精神抖擻的人
3. 不尋常的事物
–noun Informal.
1. a quick, witty, or pointed
or retort: During the debate she made a couple of zingers that deflated the opposition.
2. a surprise, shock, or piece of electrifying news: The President's resignation was a real zinger.
3. a person or thing that has vitality or animation or produces startling results.
It treats the characters like cute little performing seals--who always deliver their "retarded" dialogue with perfect timing and an edge of irony and drama.
Their zingers slide out with the precision of sitcom punch lines.
An unnamed man and woman in their late 30s meet at the New York hotel ballroom wedding of the man's sister. As she (Bonham Carter) chain-smokes and he (Eckhart) chain-drinks, innuendos and witticisms [roll] out of their mouths, and they circle one another like cats;
they both appear pretty good at their games -- she at simultaneously warding off and attracting male attention with British-accented zingers, he at coming at a woman from so many different angles that his relentlessness is finally irresistible.
Miranda, flabbergast[ed], denies any knowledge of such events,
They [stood] aghast at the sight of the plane crashing.
does anyone remember when Brolin was still cavorting [around] in films like Hollow Man? I do *shudder*
Haneke seemed to suggest that recent cinema has cheapened such [slaking] of emotion into a near-pornographic fake: we are crazed and cheered by [shuddering] events that have no authentic claim upon our feelings.
The details of that tragedy are too [lurid] to mention
And usually the laughs are [grisly]; we [wince] at the same time.
that he causes a [grisly] limb-severing accident.
he later lands jobs as a police photographer—his crime-scene snaps a [grisly] parody of his youthful [shutterbug] enthusiasms—and as a suspect-stomping cop.
a stupendous [mass] of information.
Terrence Malick aims for a kind of psychological realism through poetics in this [stupendous] reexamination of the Pocahontas myth.