–verb (used with object)
1. to turn away or aside: to avert [one's eyes].
2. to ward off; prevent: to avert [evil]; to avert [an accident].
advert, avert, avoid, prevent (vv.)
To advert [to] something is "to refer or call attention to it": Early in his remarks he adverted [to] his own criminal history.
Advert is a very Formal word—even stuffy in some contexts. Avert, avoid, and prevent are near-synonyms in the sense of "to keep from happening." All four verbs are Standard.
To avert is "to turn away from or to ward off": His quick response averted disaster. The cliché is to [avert one’s gaze] or [glance].
To avoid is "to shun, to keep away from, or to keep from happening": By responding quickly, she avoided disaster.
To prevent is "to anticipate and so to keep from happening": She prevented his departure by hiding the car keys.
Hancock is the superhero nobody likes. Oh, he can fly; his chest does repel point-blank bullets. And he saves people, averts [catastrophe], stops bad guys from doing bad things.
at a distance, especially in feeling or interest; apart
They always stood aloof [from] their classmates.
reserved or reticent; indifferent, disinterested
Because of his shyness, he had the reputation of being aloof.
abstain or keep away from, shun, avoid
To eschew [evil].
Would you please help to let the child quiet? Could you let us shun it here?
abstain from [smoking] [voting]
avert my [eyes] [gaze] [glance]
It's the, um... it's the intensity of the friendship that concerns me. I think we should avert trouble... before it starts.
The revelry is interrupted by a radio announcement: World War III has begun, and Mankind is only hours away from utter annihilation. Each of the guests reacts differently to the news: the most dramatic response is Alexander's, who promises God that he'll give up everything he holds dear--including his beloved 6-year-old son -- if war is averted.
refer (adert to) > mention > allude
to parry an embarrassing [question]
as we watch the characters [thrust], [parry], and then [withdraw]
However, the movie couldn't even hint at an aspect that James Jones' novel mentioned almost at its outset: the homosexual advances that Pruett parried from his former sergeant, resulting in his transfer to a rifle company.
make a quick, evasive turn
"He jinked every five seconds, and now brought his [tank] left again" (Tom Clancy).
prankish or frolicsome activities
and fastidiously divested of exotic Bollywood [high] jinks.
However, McQueen doesn't [shirk] the political and moral complexities of Sands' stance
What's this fascination with truancy? What is it that gets inside your head? There are some teachers in this school who look the other way at truants.
All right, get to PT and no skiving!
If you haven't any guts, why, you shouldn't have taken my bet. Well, that was what it was, a bet. Now, you want to welsh?
The sister gets her comeuppance in a perversely indirect fashion at the hands of the male bully Dargelos.
The Big Lebowski ([heisting] a rug. "It really tied the room together") revolve around the theme of absconding [with] somebody else’s belongings.
Silviu grows [increasingly] desperate to prevent his mother from absconding with his sibling, and finds himself drawn to a pretty social worker named Ana.
The naughty [children] skedaddled when the security guard approached them.
So I'm just gonna skedaddle. You all take care now.
beat, thrash
a hasty escape, flight
a gangster on the [lam] hides out in the home of a [reclusive] rock star,
Now scarper.
made airtight by fusion or sealing.
within a hermetically [sealed] world where everyone shares the same values and expectations
A Catholic grade school could seem like a hermetically [sealed] world in 1964.
In a [hermetically] sealed post-apocalyptic urban environment several centuries hence, Logan 5 (Michael York) and his friend Francis 7 (Richard Jordan) lead unquestioning lives of hedonism.
a pneumatic [drill] [tire]
the movement of pneumatic mail [capsules] through tubes lacing Hudsucker h.q.
Whenever the night [drags], the hero simply stops time and wanders the aisles stripping the freeze-framed female customers as [pneumatic] a bunch as those Michael Bay cherry-picked to decorate Transformers,
Here, to aerate the ideas. A letter from his uncle.
seclude v.
cf. recluse a. n.
A suburban couple returning to their semi-seclud[ed] [house]
Brett Anderson wrote the lyrics in a [druggy] haze while [sequestered] in a secluded Victorian mansion,
prevents or reduces the passage of heat, electricity or sound
to insulate an [electric] wire with a rubber sheath.
to insulate a coat with [down]
Everything that happens is so insulated from [feeling] that it really does seem as though Angela has arrived at an emotional "big nothing," a [phantasmagoric] state of detachment beyond pleasure and pain.
The question now -- as it was with a comparable first feature, Daryl Aronofsky's "Pi" -- is whether he can transfer that semi-experimental dynamism to less [insular] material, a la "Requiem for a Dream."
of or pertaining to an island or islands
[Insular] picture, [barely] more than an hour long, has points of interest, including a fine central performance by Courteney Cox,
cf. evince
However, Andra, their tenant, is an elderly woman with a [poor] disposition who doesn't seem eager to go anywhere soon, and it's occurred to Kate and Alex that they're probably going to have wait for her to die, since evicting her would be very awkward.
Well, malvern had a problem. He was getting evicted, and I guess he thought I was gonna be the solution.
and Samantha Morton is striking in her portrayal of Deborah Curtis before being [relegated]
The unfortunate Roland is relegated [to] background noise by Hilary Faye and her crowd,
After making a huge [splash] in 1966's "Georgy Girl," Redgrave often was relegated [to] film roles that weren't [up] to the level of her talents.
The sequence from How To Train Your Dragon, where we [get] to fly over the water and up above the clouds on top of a dragon, could be labeled as [gimmicky], but I would argue differently. Just because it is an experience doesn’t mean it should be relegated [to] a theme park.
Given its star, aesthetics, and date of release, it may come as no surprise that "Little Odessa" was nearly relegated [to] obscurity shortly after its original theatrical run in mid-1994.
Philippe banishes Tom [to] a rowboat, and while Marge and Philippe make love, the [tow] rope splits, and Tom is marooned [alone] in the ocean, the sun [blistering] his skin.
Years later, family relations have [de]teriorated beyond the point of repair; the tensions between family [matriarch] Elizabeth and her cynical brother Henri finally [culminating] in a violent confrontation in which Elizabeth [banishes] her alcoholic brother and refuses him further contact with his troubled adolescent nephew, Paul.
the tow rope splits, and Tom is marooned [alone] in the ocean, the sun [blistering] his skin.
The visitor is [distraught] to have his car taken - to be [marooned], in thanks for his good deed.
expel or remove from a place or position occupied
oust a rival from the [committee]
The low-key Sam is also the son of the late Buddy Deeds, who also served as town sheriff and still maintains a legendary status for ousting the [vicious], corrupt Charlie Wade.