- noun
1. a sweet, custardlike food of flavored milk curdled with rennet.【生化】凝乳酵素 (正餐後用的) 一種法國產蘋果
2. a pleasure excursion, as a picnic or outing.
3. a trip, as by an official or legislative committee, paid out of public funds and ostensibly (表面上明顯地) to obtain information.
–verb (used without object)
4. to go on a junket.
–verb (used with object)
5. to entertain; feast; regale. (宴請,款待)
junket (n.)
derives from a Latin word for "a sweetmeat, apparently brought to market in a rush basket" (the Latin for rush is juncus);
1. hence the modern junket, "a sweet milk-based custard."
2. But semantic change has operated to make the noun also mean "a picnic" or "an excursion, still pleasant and harmless,"
3. and then "a trip or outing taken at public expense," as in The three [representatives] were on some sort of junket in Las Vegas.
In that sense (and in the Conversational and Informal verb based on it) junket is now thoroughly pejorative. (!!!)
Back story: Explaining his "Frida" credit omission at a [press] junket for "Red Dragon" in 2002, Norton insisted: "I got shafted by the Writers Guild at the last minute, but I wrote the draft that got made."
When it came to marketing the pic, Universal's Adam Fogleson talked with Norton about his schedule and what PR they wanted him to do. The studio wanted to sell the Hulk, not Norton, finally--they avoided the traditional [print] junket in favor of a more superficial Adam Sandler TV-friendly media sell (not opening up to lots of questions about what Norton wanted the movie to be).
see curdle
auspicious conspicuous