1. a married woman, esp. one who is mature and staid or dignified and has an established social position.
2. a woman who has charge of the domestic affairs of a hospital, prison, or other institution.
3. a woman serving as a guard, warden, or attendant for women or girls, as in a prison.
After society matron Mrs. Walker ostracizes her, Daisy's final rash action reveals to Winterbourne how his old-fashioned mores may have [sealed] her fate. With a screenplay by Frederic Raphael and location shooting in Rome and Switzerland, Bogdanovich carefully recreated the rich surroundings and stultifying social [strictures] of James' story.
see dowager
vigilante dilettante
fraternity & sorority
surrogate relegate ...and Samantha Morton is striking in her portrayal of Deborah Curtis before being relegated
spinster harridan