【生】(葉脈間、翅脈間的) 網隙
–noun Biology.
1. a ring of color, as around the human nipple.
2. a small interstice, as between the fibers of connective tissue.
。緊張精神疾病 Fray
。苦惱煩躁 Scalp
It's dirty? You got an awful lot of dandruff.
with screwdrivers in the head, [chunks] of flesh bitten from necks, scalps [lopped] off with helicopter blades,
She has medical textbooks, instructions from the Web, [scalpels], antiseptic,
The scalpel replaces the sword, the probe replaced the sabre. Women always belong to their rescuers.
particularly once the [resourceful] Hayley discovers her captive's secret [stash] of homemade child porn and gets to work with a [hospital] gurney, a bag of ice, and... that scalpel.
The professor aparently commited suicide by cutting himself with a scalpel, after performing an as yet unexplained operation on an 19 year old woman.
But I do have some pork rinds? (瓜、果等的) 皮,外皮
but a hustler who trades on his [boyish] grin and aw-shucks way of asking if anybody feels like a game.
Though the plotting is largely [shucked] in favor of image and atmosphere, it remains Russell's best-told film apart from Savage Messiah.
Wait. Who are you kidding? You shuck fiber with us. It's not what I am talking about. I am talking about fatherhood.
but flay the [skin] from a hidden world.
His semi-autobiographical family drama, "The Squid and the Whale" (2005)—one of the best independent films of the past decade—[flayed] a selfish husband and wife and their lying, pretentious son.
Lucia walks barefoot over broken glass, lacerating the soles of her [feet]
Due to the short shooting schedule and lack of control of the sound stage, the [soles] of the actors' [bare] feet became [soiled] while shooting on the hotel room set.
denounce or berate severely, flay verbally
Her [palms] were excoriated by the hard labor of shoveling.
Relax, If we don't, we'll be [excoriated]
[Man] there's a loss of initiative, caution, many of the human cognitive functions. Apparently the result of decay in the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes.【解】顱頂骨的【生】腔壁的【植】子房壁的
prognathous, having protrusive jaws, having a gnathic index over 103. 頭蓋 (顱) 測量法
Actually, with his [long] cranium and death's-[head] 'do, Danny could double for Timothy McVeigh.
Some guessed the title was a reference to the ninth [cranial] nerve, but now we know that CN9 is actually short for Cobalt Neural 9,
George had to be very careful never to get his head wet. See, his fontanel was very, very, very, very soft. Like a baby's head. And when he soaks it or itches it, it irritates his brain. 囟門
Fixing to get that first conk laid on? Be hot like hell.【俚】鼻,頭
I think you been in prison too long. Everybody on the outside conks.
From her conk down to her shoes
with his [bald] pate, [cataracts], deficient hearing
Carrying a suitcase of drugs, Raoul Duke (Johnny Depp with [shaved] pate)
Frontal circuit 7.4, rear lobes neutral. 耳垂
a lobe of the [liver] 葉
SPOILER: The only CG in the film is the lobotomy tool which is pulled out of Josh Lucas's eye. Lucas raised his head to signify the tool being [extracted] from his skull. 腦白質切斷術
but you happen to belong to a very rare group of encephaloids. 類腦的,腦樣的
I mean, you go to the beach... what do you do? Drink a few beers, wait for that fish to flop up on the sand. You can't build no civilization that way. But you got a cold winter coming on... you got to plan ahead. That gives your old cerebral cortex a workout. 腦皮層
Decomposition occurs first in the frontal lobes, the neocortex, and next in the limbic system, the middle brain.
The Ice Pick method. Insert a thin metal pipette into the orbitalfrontal cortex, and enter the soft tissue of the frontal lobe.
A few simple smooth, up and down jerks to sever the kateral hypothalamus. Resulting in a rapid reduction of stress for our patient. 丘腦下部
Because it'll be through your skull and inside your brain before you can hear it. To hear it, you'll need a frontal lobe, and things with names like colliculus and temporal gyrus, but you won't have them anymore because they'll just be soup. 腦回 (形成大腦半球的組織)
So strong, indeed, is his involvement that he even looks a little bit like an [ape], with his prognathous [jaw], his shaggy hairdo,
the lower jaw, the cheek
Broderick Crawford, who played Willie, was a big, heavy-set man with [jowls] and a menacing [snarl].
Sounded like mandibles. What?! It's what insects eat with. I know what mandibles are! (哺乳動物、魚的) 頷,下顎骨 (昆蟲等的) 上顎
Then there were some vampires. And one of the vampires bit the tallest building. And his fangs broke off.
Renee Zellweger, who is not [plump] and is from Texas, there was [gnashing] and [wailing].
You don't have to gnash your [teeth] to be evil. Profoundly creepy is more like it.
Abel Ferrara might gnash his [teeth] in envy at the [spectacle] of the movie's [eponymous] heroine (Samantha Morton) lying impassively on her cold kitchen floor next to her dead boyfriend,
For the film is adapted, with surprising fidelity, from J. T. LeRoy’s book of the same name, and right now there is much gnashing of [teeth] in the matter of J. T. LeRoy v. the Outraged Readers of America.
The [spaniel] gnawed happily [on] a bone.
to cause corrosion!!! The acid gnaws [at] the metal.
Her mistake gnawed [at] her conscience.
You not just going to leave me here alone gnawing on a cold chicken bone, are you?
There are a lot of obsessions that are harder to live with. My friend Severn Darden used to gnaw [on] table napkins.
He'll establish something in an early scene and then keep nibbling [away] until it delivers.
The enormous [fish] snapped the [fly].
When the English teacher asks his class for reactions to a Hemingway novel, she [snaps], "Hemingway was an alcoholic who hung around Picasso, hoping to nail his leftovers."
clinch is a variant of clench, in [boxing], clinch is both verb and noun
His agreement to our terms clinched the [deal].
His ninth-inning home run clinched the [win] for our side.
He usually has a [cigar] vised in his teeth.
Orson Welles' "The Trial," another film about a man who finds himself trapped in the [vise] of the world's madness.
and then, when the foreman protests, [shoves] his head in a vise.
His constant chatter grates [on] my nerves.
to grate on the [ear].
to grate a [carrot].
to grate one's [teeth]. with people grating tulip bulbs to make soup.
when it comes to grappling [with] good and evil
Wilson [fills] the [bill] as the handsome Peter Pan who has yet to grapple [with] the challenge of supporting a family,
Clamp these two pieces of wood [together].
the imperiled virgin quickly learns to clamp down and [twist], parting franks from beans and leaving plenty of [dis]membered members and [spurting] stumps.
I see you're looking at my cuff buttons. Finest specimen of human molars. 臼齒