It's an analogy, Jay, I mean maybe he's in a spiritual wheelchair.
He's in a spiritual wheelchair?
Look, you obviously don't understand, and I obviously can't make you understand. So, I think, you should exit this car.
Feel like a long time, I was telling a joke that nobody got.
But I kept telling it anyway,
because I really like the joke, and now even with all the other people that nobody gets.
關穎心得:海瑟葛拉罕好像 Nick Van Exel
修改過賈木許與 James Ivory 劇本 (script supervisor),女性導演 Lisa Krueger 處女作曼妮姐妹 (Manny & Lo, 1996),讓十二歲的 Scarlett Johansson 第一次當女主角就提名美國獨立製片精神獎,自己則提名最佳處女電影與劇本。
原本期待是海瑟與小基努李維之芭樂鴛鴦 (Say It Isn't So, 2001) 式神經喜劇,結果這日舞佳攝比較像是沒有筆電,冷靜版本的馬臉小凱莉。除了機會難得瞧瞧凱西與夏日鳳凰以及 Luke Wilson 的青澀模樣,還有驚鴻一瞥的 Mark Ruffalo!!!
夏日鳳凰 (Summer Phoenix) 延伸閱讀:
Esther Kahn (2000)
Gone Baby Gone (2007)
To Die For (1995)
Summer Phoenix
& Clea DuVall
左為 Clea DuVall,她和夏日鳳凰合作的五部 (!) 電影裡包括珍妮佛羅芙海薇之等不及說愛你 (Can't Hardly Wait, 1998) 以及 老師不是人 (The Faculty, 1998) (!!!)。
After 12 years as a struggling actor...
Mark Ruffalo 十八歲時到洛杉磯 Stella Adler Conservatory 學習雕刻,經過多年的學生生活與生涯逃避,才決定到好萊塢闖天下。在劇場與獨立製片打滾許久,終於以 A Gift From Heaven (1994) 踏出第一步。
冒牌高手 Safe Men (1998) 和山姆搖滾好、保羅吉馬蒂、史帝夫贊恩等人馬搞笑,試圖執筆 The Destiny of Marty Fine (1996) ,馬克錯失經由兩部大製片電影和觀眾影評打招呼的機會……
全文請見:Mark Ruffalo & Sunrise Coigney
There's always gonna be some people, who're willing to take a leap, a big leap.
Just dive off the cliff with everything they got,
and hope for the best.
What can you say about theses people?
Are they stupid? or are they brave.
Are they crazy? or are they just very very lucky.
I guess it's just one of those things you can look, either way.
海瑟葛拉罕之天命真女 Committed
98 min. 2000
Heather Graham ... Joline
Casey Affleck ... Jay
Luke Wilson ... Carl
Goran Visnjic ... Neil
Patricia Velasquez ... Carmen 神鬼媽咪投身頭文字 L
Mark Ruffalo ... T-Bo
Clea DuVall ... Mimi
Summer Phoenix ... Meg
Dylan Baker ... Carl's Editor
像 Van Exel ...(私稱其為金魚星人)
版主回覆:(09/21/2008 01:54:14 PM)
我看過 NVE 早年的 mix,只能用才華洋溢來形容呀!
巔峰期和 Dice (唉) 之配合也是令人血脈噴張。
1997-98 26 LAL NBA 64 2053 881
13.8 311 743 .419 136 172 .791 123 316 .389 31 163 194 3.0 442 6.9 64 6 104 120
1998-99 27 DEN NBA 50 1802 826
16.5 306 769 .398 142 175 .811 72 234 .308 14 99 113 2.3 368 7.4 40 3 121 90
1999-00 28 DEN NBA 79 2950 1275
16.1 473 1213 .390 196 240 .817 133 401 .332 34 277 311 3.9 714 9.0 68 11 221 148
2000-01 29 DEN NBA 71 2688 1259
17.7 460 1112 .414 204 249 .819 135 358 .377 44 197 241 3.4 600 8.5 61 18 165 109