n. (名詞 noun)
1. 蔓藤花樣
2. 郵票圖案;書籍頭尾的小圖案
3. 半身暈映照片;小風景圖片
4. 小品文;小插曲
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
1. 用蔓藤花樣裝飾
2. 把...印放為虛光照
3. 簡潔地描述
As Orlando (Magdalena Montezuma) enters the world of "freaks," the movie develops scenes from a mythological netherworld, the Spanish Inquisition, the Middle Ages, and a few other settings to focus on unusual characters with physical or mental oddities.
By the time the various vignettes that take place
in these separate periods are completed, each with their own points and counterpoints, the "freaks" seem much less odd than their physically normal contemporaries. After Orlando has revealed much about the human condition
through glimpses of
a P.T. Barnum side-show, Siamese twins, as well as modern sexual morés, her journey with the viewer is completed. The device of Orlando, the time-traveler and liberated bisexual is based on Virginia Woolf's "Orlando: A Biography." The same set of actors play different roles in each of the five chronological segments.
The account of their work, and the workings of the New York City police department, is interspersed with brief vignettes about the life of the city around them, and, especially, the reaction of residents to the murder and the newspaper reports of the progress of the case .
just as the successful company's founder less decorously hits the pavement after [pirouetting] out of the boardroom's 44th-floor window.【法】(芭蕾舞) 腳尖旋轉, (馬術) 急轉
Then an ugly dwarf appeared. He danced, he did pirouettes.
last seen wearing a pink leotard. (舞蹈、體操等穿的) 緊身連衣褲
I just want a little Verona. After 2 boys, I want a little Verona in a leotard. Can you do that for me?
pink ballet slippers and a pik tutu.【法】(由腰部撐開的芭蕾舞) 短裙
Little sister Missy, a [ballerina] who's always dressed in a pink [tutu], is clearly her mother's favorite,
I'm not alone. Him? I'll bet he's still doing the polka. Excuse me, please. Yes. Betsy Ross taught it to me. 波爾卡舞
Bob, who on the first day of this movie wins [big] at the races and then loses it all at [roulette], and is cleaned out. Broke again.
[croupier] Money plays. Money plays.
The Mummy Returns [upped] the [ante] in terms of action and special effects, providing audiences with even more summertime [chills and thrills] than its predecessor.
Mueller said while Venice may have its potential Oscars-[driver] role to Toronto, the Lido got first dibs [on] the tastiest films.
I have dibs [on] the [car] when Jimmy brings it back.
Gilliam Announces That He’s Canned Zero Theorem, Offers Depp First Dibs On Quixote... But Depp Doesn’t Seem To Be Biting.
bet or gamble (an original amount and its winnings) on a subsequent race, contest, etc
He skillfully [parlays] the money from these inventions and becomes a financial/industrial [tycoon].
Like George Romero, on whose Night of the Living Dead this film so successfully [riffs], David Cronenberg knew early on how to parlay low production values and genre conventions [into] artistic strengths.
But it's also [shrewdly] nuanced. When the duo [banters] on about why Black History Month is February, Micah takes the familiar position that it's because February is the shortest month of the year.
Jo's [rebuttal], parlayed in the coolest of tones, not only counters with hard facts but also suggests a class [schism] between the two that plays out in ways small and large.
extreme delicacy or subtlety in action, performance, skill, discrimination, taste, etc
The immediate crisis [finessed], Ron finds himself enjoying various privileges [allotted] Earl's inner circle. (橋牌中的) 偷牌
And so Leo reminisces about a woman he once loved, Franz natters [on] about his fiancee, and the two of them play a desultory game of ludo, a board game involving dice and little toy horses.【英】魯多 (一種用骰子及籌碼在特製板上玩的遊戲)
I always miss it. I try to catch it but my sister and I tend to play ludo on a Sunday. Ludo? Quite a tradition. Occasionally, we try dominoes or canasta but rarely. We're addicted to ludo. 凱納斯特紙牌戲
Just because you're not having sex, doesn't mean the rest of us are sitting around playing cribbage. 克里比奇牌戲 (紙牌玩法之一)
Just fill out this form real quick. Mark the box by the appropriate mystery. There's lost kitten, hopscotch dispute, sack lunch fraud.