a heated or angry dispute; noisy argument or controversy.
In the [ensuing] altercation, however, Frans [manages] to thwart Albert's bullish attacks and [deliver] a [series] of punishing blows. Beaten and degraded, Albert [ponders] suicide, then decides to avenge himself on unfaithful women by killing the company's bear, beloved by the provocative Alma, whose betrayal of Frost has so haunted Albert.
Following the bear's demise, the company departs to another town. Gycklarnas Afton is full of powerful performances and staggering sequences, including the legendary flashback in which Frost finds his wife cavorting nude before the soldiers. In this scene, played with almost hysterical intensity, Frost, dressed as a clown, tearfully carries his nude wife from the water, past the soldiers, and back to the circus tent.
The soundtrack's jarring contrast between sheer silence and a blaring brass [band], coupled with the black-and-white cinematography's emphasis on glaring sunlight, generate a [mood] of considerable tension and unease. This extraordinary scene [ranks] among Ingmar Bergman's greatest feats and readily establishes Gycklarnas Afton as an unflinching examination of the human condition.
(像喇叭般) 發嘟嘟聲,發出響而刺耳的聲音
The [radio] is blaring: turn it off!
The [loudspeakers] blared the speech repeatedly.
engage in petulant or peevish argument
to flicker, glitter
The [two] were always bickering.
a [stream] bickering down the valley.
The [sun] bickered through the trees.
the [storm] passes and the [placid], [chilly] surface returns.
the opening shot of [calm], [placid] water disturbed by the family's arrival sets the tone of the picture in an instant.