2008年11月13日 星期四







1. a large picture painted 


affixed directly on a wall or ceiling

2. a greatly enlarged photograph attached directly to a wall.

3. a wallpaper pattern representing a landscape or the like, often with very widely spaced repeats so as to produce the effect of a mural painting on a wall of average size; a trompe l'oeil. 


4. of, 

pertaining to, 


resembling a wall. 

5. executed on or affixed to a wall: mural inscriptions. (銘刻)

6. pertaining to any of several astronomical instruments that were affixed to a wall aligned on the plane of a meridian, and were formerly used to measure the altitude of celestial bodies: a mural [quadrant]; a mural [circle].  


子午線, 經線

(太陽等天體對地面而言的) 最高點

the meridian hour

He was at the meridian of his power then.


Like his previous feature The Science of Sleep, Michel Gondry's gently [out]landish Be Kind Rewind is a fantasy about fantasy—a fragile, somewhat precious celebration of DIY filmmaking and cult-film consumption that, given its gaps in logic, spectators are more or less obliged to mentally assemble on their own. 

Although shot on location, Gondry's Passaic is a sister city to Chelm, or one of the other towns found in Yiddish folklore that is populated by cheerfully self-absorbed fools. The two principle village idiots, Jerry (Jack Black) and Mike (Mos Def), are introduced [painting] a Fats Waller mural beneath a highway underpass—an example of vernacular surrealism in which an eye is mistakenly substituted for a nostril.



