1. frivolously disrespectful, shallow,
lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity: The audience was shocked by his flippant [remarks] about patriotism.
2. Chiefly Dialect. nimble (靈巧的,敏捷的), limber (柔軟的,靈活的), or pliant.
3. Archaic. glib; voluble. (口若懸河般的)
1. saucy, impertinent, impudent.
And so on. I had best not get bogged [down] in plot description, except to add that Hellboy (Ron Perlman) and his sidekicks fight for the human side. His comrades include Abe Sapien (Doug Jones), sort of a fish-man; the fire-generating Liz Sherman (Selma Blair);
a Teutonic adviser named Johann Kraus (voice of Seth MacFarlane), and of course Princess Nuala. Tom Manning (Jeffrey Tambor) from the secret center for extrasensory perception tags along, but isn't much help, except for adding irrelevancies and flippant asides.
There are, come to think of it, other whispers of the "Star Wars" influence in "Hellboy II." Princess Nuala doesn't have Princess Leia's rope of hair (just ordinary long blond tresses), but she's not a million miles distant from her.
And Abe Sapien looks, moves and sort of sounds so much like C3PO that you'd swear the robot became flesh and developed gills. I also noticed hints of John Williams' "Star Wars" score in the score by Danny Elfman, especially during the final battle. Not a plunder[ing] job, you understand; more of an evocation of [mood].
(女子的) 披肩長髮,秀麗長髮
brash insolent indolent frivolous
curt laconic
terse (polish, brusqueness)
succinct (originally)
of inferior workmanship
intentionally rude or inconsiderate
a shoddy [bookcases] [behavior]
showing sudden, impatient irritation, over some trifling annoyance
a petulant [toss] of the [head].
Rose's petulant [theatrics] don't [bespeak] the perils of boundary-free parenting so much as a mental disorder, or a coarse screenplay.