1. a joint of a finger, esp. one of the articulations (發音動作,連接接合) of a metacarpal (掌部的) with a phalanx. (方陣,趾骨,指骨)
2. the rounded prominence of such a joint when the finger is bent.
3. a joint of meat, consisting of the parts about the carpal (腕骨) or tarsal (跗骨,眼瞼軟骨) joint of a quadruped.
4. an angle or protrusion at the intersection of two members or surfaces, as in the timbers of a ship or in a roof.
5. brass knuckles.
6. a cylindrical projecting part on a hinge, through which an axis or pin passes; the joint of a hinge.
7. (in a wire mesh) a bend in a wire crossing another wire.
8. (on a chair arm) one of the ridges left at the front end by longitudinal flutes carved to accommodate the fingers.
9. Nautical. a pronounced edge formed by a change in the form of the shell of a hull.
–verb (used with object)
10. to rub or press with the knuckles.
11. Marbles. to shoot (a marble) from the thumb and forefinger.
—Verb phrase
12. knuckle down,
a. to apply oneself vigorously and earnestly; become serious: Just knuckle [down] for an hour or so and [finish] the work.
b. Also, knuckle [under]. to submit; yield.
The writing on Joaquin Phoenix's fists said it all.
The words "Good Bye" were penned [on] the actor's knuckles at a premiere Saturday night for his latest film, "Two Lovers," and Phoenix confirmed a surprise announcement he made last week: He's giving up movies.
fang gnash clench cling grate grapple
prosthesis prosthetic
clinch is a variant of clench, in [boxing], clinch is both verb and noun
His agreement to our terms clinched the [deal].
His ninth-inning home run clinched the [win] for our side.
His constant chatter grates [on] my nerves.
to grate on the [ear].
to grate a [carrot].
to grate one's [teeth]. with people grating tulip bulbs to make soup.