1. harmful or injurious to health
physical well-being: noxious [fumes].
2. morally harmful; corrupting; pernicious (有毒的,致命的):
a noxious plan to spread [dis]sension. (意見不合)
1. hurtful, unwholesome, unhealthy, nocuous (有害的), detrimental, deleterious (有害的;有毒的). 2. corruptive.
1, 2. harmless.
I get the point, but I must admit [to] feeling more bullied than convinced. No one wants a movie that tiptoes in step with political correctness, yet the willful opposite can be equally noxious, and, as "In Bruges" [barges] and [blusters] its way through dwarf jokes, child-abuse jokes, jokes about fat black women, and moldy old jokes about Americans, it runs the risk of pleasing itself more than its paying viewers.
McDonagh is a garlanded playwright, famed for "The Pillowman" and "The Beauty Queen of Leenane," and it comes as no surprise that this film (his first feature, after an Oscar-winning short entitled "Six Shooter") should be [menaced] by its creator’s gifts.
If your verbal facility [streams] along like McDonagh’s, it must be almost impossible to check the rush, and the result is a number of scenes that [over]spill their boundaries; he should have hired the fiercest editor in the business.
Mind you, the movie’s weakness for outrage [strays] far beyond the verbal: once a director has decided to show bullet holes blasted through children’s foreheads as well as adult ones, and the lower half of a leg lying like meat on a street, I guess no one is going to stop him.
Is it [idealistic] to want a whole island to yourself,
and [venal] to believe that other people might enjoy having homes there?
licentious lewd
(character) [reprobate], [profligate], [dissipated]
and takes a brave leap of faith into the depraved [real world]. Aren't we lucky.
"blind people in this film are portrayed as incompetent, filthy, vicious, and [depraved]."
dissolute (licentious) = disspated
desultory (random)
abject [poverty].
an abject [coward].