Deano B. Aussie Cate Blanchett News. November 24, 1999.
Anyway, a program that's highlights featured prominently was "Hey Hey It's Saturday". Beginning in 1971, it was compered by Daryl Somers and Ozzie Ostrich (a stuffed pink bird). One of their best loved segments was "Red Faces" - a sort of Gong Show - in which three acts competed for prizes, the winner judged by a panel of visiting showbiz celebrities... And on this talent quest is where we find Cate.
Host Don Lane, after we had a giggle at some of the appalling acts to grace the airwaves told us - "Not every young performer appeared, just to disappear, some of them went on to make it big. Including a future Academy Award nominee." And then, to my jaw dropping surprise, appeared Cate from 1987, singing a song with a friend on guitar. Now sadly they screened only a miserable 10 seconds of her performance and I have no idea of the song's title or whether it was an original composition. Perhaps if our readers have any further information, they can let us know. The lyrics we got to hear -
"If I were a stamp and you were my mail,
I'd cling on tight as we travelled,
But if you licked my back too much
I'd make your tongue go dry"
( 我所聽到的根本不是這樣嘛!)
看本影片是有秘訣的:評審很尷尬,巴拉巴拉巴巴拉巴,03:24,巴巴巴巴巴巴巴,阿姐開始變成日本脖子伸長鬼,這時聲音繼續,畫面卻停滯,聲音到 01:52 也開始停滯,再拉到 01:38 等個幾秒就可以看消音畫面了。