–verb (used with object)
1. to intoxicate or stupefy with drink.
2. to make stupid or foolish: a mind besotted with fear and superstition. 3. to infatuate; obsess: He is besotted by her youth and beauty.
The supporting cast also walks that same fine emotional line with Eddie Jemison doing a shticky but sweet turn as a man besotted by love, Cheryl Hines playing a character simultaneously selfish and selfless, and Griffith managing to be both prickly and wise.
and asks her irascibly [inebriated] uncle to translate.
Hugh Griffith was reportedly drunk through much of the production; the scene in which his horse falls [on] him was not planned, and many believed he was saved by [virtue] of his inebriated condition.
Mol's fetchingly [bewigged] Bettie is a simple country girl—God-fearing and [teetotaling].
blottoBrundle gets [drunk] and steps into the transponder, too passionate for [caution], too blotto to [notice] the fly that has buzzed into the cell along with him.
Brother. How do I get stuck with dance supervision? Can you tell me that? You goin' back east? Boy, I remember the day.
I went off. Got drunk as hell the night before, just -- [Raspberries] Blotto. Blotto. Exactly. Barfed on the train all the next day too. Cute.
intoxicate or stupefy with drink
a mind besotted with [fear] and [superstition].
He is besotted by her [youth] and [beauty].
The supporting cast also walks that same fine emotional line with Eddie Jemison doing a [shticky] but sweet turn as a man [besotted] by love.
Now the Emperor wes besotted by his consort, Yang Kwei Fei, and did whatever she said.
drink intoxicating liquor, esp. habitually or to some excesswoozy
stupidly confused, muddled
On the bus, the air was so thick, he felt woozy. A [wailing] infant [shook] with tears, and the woman beside him [reeked] with the [stink] of cheap perfume.
muddle or confuse
James Gregory is great as the [oft]-befuddled Senator Iselin
Befuddled and well-meaning yet [grimly] unyielding, Barkin is terrific in the scenes in which she talks Aviva around to her way of thinking.
Soon, Montreal is [under] martial law, but nobody can find the Typhoid Mary whose [vampiric] urges are [driving] the epidemic -- not even Hart, Rose's befuddled boyfriend.
To the disgust of Harold's relatives and the befuddlement of Harold's shrink, Harold falls in love with her.
Moving from rainy prison camps through sun-[baked] Marseilles and [blitzed] London to the bleak windswept towns of northern France, Army of Shadows sustains an atmosphere of total paranoia, occasionally [leavened] with existential pathos.
I wouldn't get too carried away with this sobriety thing.
carousecarousal n.John and his buddy Tom run with a rough group of men who like to [drink] and [carouse]
a merry-go-round in an amusement park
a baggage carousel at an [airport]
How did it end up in the carousel of the [slide] projector? What does it mean?
Whether it is starring with A-listers such as George Clooney and Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven and its sequels, or seeing the media furore that surrounded his brother's called-off wedding to Jennifer Lopez, Affleck has been a [bystander], watching the celebrity carousel [spin] them all ever faster.
The stunt where the man [crawled] under the carousel was not done with trick photography.
made a name for himself with wildly improbable and most [un]wonkish yarns about Young Republican [bacchanals] and teenage hackers.
And there is something just a bit [corny] about having his bums doing their [bacchanalian] dance to the thunder of the "Hallelujah Chorus."
Also excellent is Richard Griffiths as Withnail's gay uncle Monty, a huge man with a bacchanalian [lust] for life, not to mention for the unsuspecting Marwood.
lf you ring for a cab, l'll take my bacchante home and we'll finish our little scene. 酒神巴克斯的女祭司或女崇拜者
They hooked up on some binge out in Vegas.
All El Mariachi wants is a job, which leads him to the [cantina] of the foxy Domino, a beauty who takes a shine to the kid but also happens to be a favorite of murderous Moco.
Steve Buscemi as the cantina [patron] who sets up the story,
There is a sequence in a [canalside] bistro where a magician flirts with her,
Nothing more than taproom gossip, l'm afraid.【主英】酒吧
Have you got a goblet or something, because me heart's bleedin'. 高腳杯, (無柄) 酒杯
They took the fucking chalice, the Host was still there. 酒杯,高腳酒杯
Thou dost anoint my head with oil. My chalice overflows. Kindness and grace shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
Sally, do you know where our stemware went? I'm drinking wine out of a tumbler. 翻筋斗者,平底無腳酒杯
Just finished the ethanol susidies.【化】乙醇,酒
Uh, gimlet please? 手鑽,螺絲錐;雞尾酒
Anybody wants any peach schnapps? 荷蘭杜松子酒
All right, I'll have a small shandy. (將啤酒和烈性薑汁酒摻合調製而成的) 啤酒
some lager-breathed stranger tryng to rub his face on me. 貯藏啤酒 (一種淡啤酒)
Here we go. Crab louie and quart a of muscatel for $20. 麝香葡萄酒
Muscatel? do not open a bottle for us.
The vermouth is surrounded by walls. 苦艾酒
I'm not sure the gin is as good as the brand i usually use, but the vermouth is fair.
I think I drank, Iike, a whole bottle of vodka. You were drinking vermouth the whole night, it's disgusting.
Margo, do you, by any chance, haven't got any bicarbonate of soda?【化】碳酸氫鈉, 小蘇打
Each year, she always made a big bowl of fresh eggnog. On that year, she drank a lot of it. With her hypoglycemia? 蛋酒
courteous and gracious, friendly, warm
affable, pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly, cordial, warmly polite
Enjoying it? Yes, such a wonderful band. How about a cordial? No, thanks. Cigarette? No, thanks. 甘露酒,甜香酒
Ladies and gentlemen, put down your mint juleps. Horses are all at the starting gate.【美】冰鎮薄荷酒
But I'm just a two-cent seltzer schlepper. What do I know? Nothing. 德國賽爾脫茲的天然汽泡礦泉水
What delicious wine! lt's just some inexpensive claret. 紅葡萄酒
cf. sophrosyne
which documents the making of Fitzcarraldo, suggests that there may be equal amounts of [hubris] and [genius] in Herzog himself, and that he is in [no] small part the model for Fitzcarraldo.
because making a movie that isn’t really a remake of the Polanski (itself an adaptation of Ira Levin’s novel) but using the title would be the very definition of hubris.
Those who remember Troy Duffy, the bartender whose monstrous hubris [torpedoed] his deal with Miramax, may suspect that the writer/director's only film is an abomination, even before popping in the DVD.
This past August, however, Carthage [captured] the attention of the entire country when the news broke that the town’s [richest] and [snootiest] widow, 81-year-old Mrs. Marjorie Nugent, had been found in the bottom of a large freezer in her home.
They are particularly repulsive types of supercilious yuppie twits: a doctor, an accountant and a journalist. They delight [in] humiliating and [mocking] applicants,
The entertaining Weller, broadly playing the film's Aaron Eckhart role, is a self-satisfied [male] chauvinist who [renders] his [smugness] suspect with his sidelong glances, slow-dawning suspicions, and [supercilious] delivery.
You don’t even get that vague, distracting sense of megalomania [emanating] from his usually [self]-satisfied grin.
She's a megalomaniac, Lorna. She knew things about you.【醫】誇大狂患者