Waitress (2007) Adrienne Shelly Made A Pie
I am going to pretend that you are not saying this.
Not everybody wants to be a mama, Dawn. That don't make me a bad person. You're not getting more affectionate towards that little baby? not at all? I respect this baby's right to thrive. I do nothing harmful to it. I don't drink, I watch my diet. But, no, I feel nothing like affection.
Maybe that man smothered all the affection out of me, I don't know.
Dear Baby: If I was writing you a letter, it would probably sounds something like an apology. I know everyone deserves a mama who'd want a nice baby such as yourself... who was also a good wife, a fine member of a society. And I can't rightly say that I'm any of that.
And I'm not sure the world is scuh a fine place to bringing you. Many of the people I've met are not worth meeting. Many of the things that happened are not worth living through.
And you shouldn't take it personal, Baby... if Idon't seem like all the other mama-to-be, jumping all over themselves with joy. I frankly don't know what I got to give you, Baby.
What if I leave Earl, and don't win that contest next week, and don't have money? What the hell am I gonna give you then? All my life, Baby, the only thing I wanna do is run away. What kind of mama is that?
I wish I could think other things, Baby, like excitement that you with me now... or faith that I'll be a good mama... even if my life ain't such a good place, and the world as I see it ain't so pretty like they'd have you believe in this book.
Anyway, writing this letter to you, sounds more like a letter writing to me, don't it? Love, Mama.
I guess we are officially fogetting about that nonesense that happened last mounth. I want apologize for it. I almost call you just to apologize. I mean, I was so stressed out at the time, taking on all those new patients.
I hadn't been sleeping well. My judgement was not what it normally is. I want you to know that'll not happen again. From now on our relationship will be strictly a medical and professional one.
Dear Baby: P.S. I want to teach a baby such as yourself, the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, but it seems I'm not fit to teach nobody nothing.
Don't do that again. I mean don't go away for a full month and not call.
No questions or concerns.
Don't do that again. I don't wanna have another conversation about how crazy this is.
Or how sorry I am.
Or how bad my judgement is.
Or how I'll never touch you again. Not only would I be lying, but every time I start saying those things... all that happens is you attack me.
You're right.
Have you been taking your prenatal vitamins everyday? 話鋒一轉
Faithfully. 三從四德
Any bad morning sickness?
Not too bad, no.
No more spotting?
No more spotting.
Good, I wanna see you again for another appointment. You have time in the afternoon? Do you eat lunch break? Ask Becky to drive you. Noon. Tell the nurse at the desk that you want to be fit in. I have to go to St. Mary's now and deliver a baby. Because that's what I do.
Are we on the same page now?
We're on the same page.
Good then. I wish it were Friday.
Dear Baby: At first it was just about the sex.
Wanna hear your horoscope before I give you my order?
No. 老黑喬突然變成智者或是人生導師之類的
Too bad. Here it is: "Aquarious. If indeed, you're having an affair, it might be a good time to step back... look at your life, and reassess things a bit."
It don't say that in there. Yes it does. It says: "Even if you have a miserable snake husband, you probably shouldn't be having no affair. Because it's beneath you, and could make you seem like a common hussy. Not to mention the pain you could cause other people."
Now give me a smile. 開始把妹
Nobody makes strawberry chocolate pie the way you do. Wednesday's my favorite day of the week because I get to have a slice of it. I think about it as I'm waking up. It could solve all the problem with the world, that pie.
You're making too much of it. It's just a pie.
Just a pie? It's a downright expert. A thing of beauty. How each flavor opens itself one by one... like a chapter in a book. First the flavor of exotic spice hits you. Just a hint of it... and then you're flooded with chocolate, dark and bittersweet. Like an old love affair. And finally strawberry... the way strawberry was always supposed to taste, but never knew how.
In fact, I'll tell you what. Forget all the other stuff I ordered. Just bring me the damn pie. That's all I want. I don't care if it's not a well-balanced meal. Just bring the pie.
Are you happy? I mean would you call yourself a happy man?
Well, if you're asking me a serious question, I'll tell you. Happy enough. I don't expect much. I don't give much. I don't get much. I generally enjoy whatever comes up. It's my truth. Summed up for your feminine judgement.
I'm happy enough.
Ddear Baby: I hope someday, somenody wants to hold you for 20 minutes straight... and that's all they do. They don't pull away. They don't look at your face. They don't try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you up in their arms and hold on tight, without an ounce of selfishness to it.
女仕情緣真好看派 Waitress
107 min. 2007
Keri Russell ... Jenna
Nathan Fillion ... Dr. Pomatter
Cheryl Hines ... Becky
Jeremy Sisto ... Earl
Andy Griffith ... Old Joe
Adrienne Shelly ... Dawn
Eddie Jemison ... Ogie
Lew Temple ... Cal
Written by Andrew Hollander and Adrienne Shelly
Published by Shelly / Wandering Rose Music (BMI)
Performed by Quincy Coleman
Baby don't you cry
gonna make a pie
gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Baby don't be blue
gonna make for you
gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Gonna be a pie from heaven above
gonna be filled with strawberry love
Baby don't you cry
gonna make a pie,
and hold you forever in the middle of my heart
Baby here's the sun
Baby here's the sky
Baby I'm your light and I'm your shelter
Baby you are mine
I could freeze the time
Keep you in my kitchen with me forever
Gonna be a pie from heaven above
Gonna be filled with strawberry love
Baby don't you cry
Gonna make a pie
And hold you forever in the middle of my heart
Gonna bake a pie from heaven above
Gonna be filled with butterscotch love
Gonna bake a pie from heaven above
Gonna be filled with banana creme love
Baby don't you cry
Gonna bake a pie
Hold you forever
Hold you forever
And hold you forever in the middle of my heart
↑ Adrienne Shelly 1966~2006
↑ The Adrienne Shelly Foundation