an eccentric man, esp. one who is old.
I'm glad to see you're using a style guide,
but you shouldn't be surprised if
it doesn't correspond to well to actual standard accepted usage... I feel like the second entry in particular,
is a [throw-back] to a time
when [stuffy] [old] codger's decided what was acceptable English.
It's the 21st century man! I'm not saying don't use it, but urbandictionary, wikipedia, and google are indispensable tools,
[granted] you don't put too much stock in them.
。女性 。傷感
They dote [on] their youngest daughter.
the pic spends an unexpected amount of time with ex-con Ronald, whose [doting] mother
Richard hated dying of gradual doating. He was suicided.
Slimmed down, [cosseted] in a couture salon, and given more of the brittle
Let's see what that old hag wants. (兇惡的) 醜老太婆,母夜叉
a withered, witchlike old woman
Inspired by Sheridan Le Fanu's Carmilla, the story [concerns] a mysterious series of killings, committed by a [crone] of a female vampire.
Last act, depicting Brandon's murder in a ramshackle [farmhouse], is almost too painful to watch.
Unfoldment takes place mainly in a [ramshackle] Mexican seacoast hotel where Burton,
Pic is the tale of two city boys stuck in a [dilapidated] country cottage in the middle of nowhere. The humor is both brutal and clever, and the acting [uniformly] excellent.
This dystopian musical is a typically deadpan [elaboration] of Taiwanese director Tsai Ming-liang's [trademark] obsessions. Set in a grim, dilapidated [apartment] complex in a rainy, not-too-distant future, The Hole pushes Tsai's absurdist cinema to its [loopiest] extreme.
The location used for the exteriors of Alexia's house was actually a dilapidated mill that the production [cleaned] up and [dressed] for the film.
as the old man grows into a young lad and ventures out into the world aboard a [rickety] tugboat piloted by [crusty] but kindly Captain Mike,
Eat your sprouts. You'll get rickets.
When John awakens one morning to discover [telltale] signs of aging, it is revealed that his own sustained youth is not permanent, and his physical [decrepitude] begins to increase at an incredible rate.
Nowadays, though, he's a highly educated [blowhard], spouting [off] opinion after opinion about the decrepit [state] of humanity with his friends
Against his better judgment, Boris lets her into his home and quickly [learns] that her parents recently split [up]. She discovers that Boris' misanthropy is all bark and no bite, and as they become friends, her naïveté [busts] through his [innate] cynicism.
Soon she's staying at his place, paying rent after she [secures] a job as a dog walker, and she becomes a more [cultured] person from spending so much time with Boris.
as the symbolism of Bowden's teen success and good looks was [paralleled] by delusions of superiority entertained by former Nazi and decrepit recluse Kurt Dussander.
There are certain discrepancies [between] the two versions of the story.
insist otherwise, waving off definitive evidence relating to [physical] discrepancies.
Sy, there's been some discrepancies in the click count. Oh, well, that's probably Yoshi You know, his math skills are pretty weak, but I told you about that when you moved him over from audio.
an old-school spooker [spun] from the blood [splatter] on a wall, a nearby record player [scratching] an oldie, a CB radio in the garage, a [creaky] swing set in the backyard.
My grandfather is still hale and hearty at 85.
Dominic, now hale and hearty,
As the wilted housewife brought back to full [bloom] by a little Latin loving.
Somehow it was hotter then. Men's stiff collars wilted by 9:00 in the morning.
The old man's hair and beard were long and grizzly [grizzled].
The Comedian, played by an awesomely [grizzled] Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
gray or white with age
ancient or venerable
tedious from familiarity, stale
it is actually going somewhere. As each of the crew splits off to pursue a private interest in the building, saddled [with] the hoary chestnut of the "treasure hidden in the walls" of the hospital,
"They would not have allowed such things to happen to me, in the sanitarium," he thought.
As far as career longevity, you can't really tell. Eight and six as a fighter is no good. But I can't tell if I'm great until I've had pro fights.
70 or between 70 and 80
whether he's [hobbling] along as an adolescent septuagenarian early on
The director of an important gerontology foundation.
of or pertaining to geriatrics, old age, or aged persons
Anyway, they just grew smaller and smaller in my arms. First the boy died, and six hours later the girl died. So... since then I've specialized in geriatric [nursing].
I got a geriatric bandleader in a home in Harlem.