vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
1. 使搖動;使顛簸
The horse jolted me terribly when he jumped.
2. 猛擊,猛敲
3. 使震驚;使慌亂
She was all jolted within.
4. (粗暴地)突然干涉
vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
1. (車輛等)搖動;顛簸[(+along)]
The car jolted badly over the rough road.
n. (名詞 noun)
1. 搖動;顛簸[C]
The bus stopped with a jolt.
2. 震驚;令人震驚的事[C]
The bad news gave us a jolt.
3. 嚴重的挫折[C]
a jolt of horseradish
4. 少量[S][(+of)]
–verb (used with object)
1. to jar, shake, or cause to move by or as if by a sudden rough thrust; shake up roughly: The bus jolted its passengers as it went down the rocky road.
2. to knock sharply so as to dislodge: He jolted the nail free with a stone.
3. to stun with a blow, esp. in boxing.
4. to shock emotionally or psychologically: His sudden death jolted us all.
5. to bring to a desired state sharply or abruptly: to jolt a person into awareness.
6. to make active or alert, as by using an abrupt, sharp, or rough manner: to jolt someone's memory.
7. to interfere with or intrude upon, esp. in a rough or crude manner; interrupt disturbingly.
–verb (used without object)
8. to move with a sharp jerk or a series of sharp jerks: The car jolted to a halt.
9. a jolting shock, movement, or blow: The automobile gave a sudden jolt.
10. an emotional or psychological shock: The news of his arrest gave me quite a jolt.
11. something that causes such a shock: The news was a jolt to me.
12. a sudden, unexpected rejection or defeat: Their policy got a rude jolt from the widespread opposition.
13. Slang. a prison sentence.
14. Slang. an injection of a narcotic.
15. a bracing dose of something: a jolt of whiskey; a jolt of fresh air.
Coogan’s Stateside [wattage] should get a jolt from Tropic Thunder and Hamlet 2, as they represent his acceptance into Hollywood’s comedic royal family. Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Janeane Garofalo are all [documented] Coogan fanatics.
Stiller, who first worked with Coogan on his hit 2006 film Night At The Museum, cast him alongside Black, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey and Nick Nolte in Tropic Thunder as a pompous Brit director who hilariously loses his head shooting a war movie in the jungle.
"He always comes with truth, but with the innate sense [of] the funniest way [of] playing that truth," says Stiller of Coogan’s genius.
While the stakes are high in terms of the impact of the Lightbox on the city, regulars at the festival also figure
to be jolted [out] of their routine.