1. 釘;栓;樁
10.【英】(曬衣用的) 衣夾
4. 弦軸,琴栓
4. 藉口,遁辭;依據
2.【口】(木製的) 假腿;腿
6.【口】(棒球中為把跑壘員殺出局的) 全力投球,釘子球
19. 孜孜不倦地做某事
1. a pin of wood or other material driven or fitted into something, as to fasten parts together, to hang things on, to make fast a rope or string on, to stop a hole, or to mark some point.
2. Informal. a leg, either real or wooden: still on his pegs at 99.
3. a notch or degree: to come [down] a peg.
4. an occasion, basis, or reason: a peg to hang a grievance on.
5. Also called pin. Music. a pin of wood or metal in the neck of a stringed instrument that may be turned in its socket to adjust a string's tension.
6. Informal. a throw, esp. in baseball: The peg to the plate was late.
7. news peg.
8. Economics. the level at which some price, exchange rate, etc., is set.
9. British, Anglo-Indian. an alcoholic drink, esp. a whiskey or brandy and soda.
10. British. clothespin.
–verb (used with object)
11. to drive or insert a peg into.
12. to fasten with or as with pegs.
13. to mark with pegs.
14. to strike or pierce with or as with a peg.
15. to keep (the commodity price, exchange rate, etc.) at a set level, as by manipulation or law.
16. Informal. to throw (a ball).
17. Journalism. to base (an article, feature story, etc.) upon; justify by (usually fol. by on):
The [feature] on the chief of police
was pegged on the [riots].
18. Informal. to identify: to peg someone as a good prospect.
–verb (used without object)
19. to work or continue persistently or energetically:
to peg away [at]
a [homework] assignment.
20. Informal. to throw a ball.
21. Croquet. (槌球) to strike a peg, as in completing a game.
22. Also, pegged. tapered (一端) 逐漸變細,成錐形 toward the bottom of the leg: peg trousers.
23. take down a peg, to reduce the pride or arrogance of; humble:
I guess that'll
take him [down] a peg!
NDF will provide NT$81.6 million ($2.6 million)
of a budget currently pegged [at] [$8.65 million]
and previously flagged at $12 million, which would be a record for a Taiwanese movie. Funding decision was made on the basis of advice from the Government Information Office, according to GIO Deputy Minister Albert Lin.
Fox recently postponed by two weeks its release of Baz Luhrmann's outback epic, toplined by Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman, which
with the result that the
[two] biggest pics of the quarter were pegged [for] release on Nov. 26 and Nov. 27.