1. a violent spasm or pang; paroxysm. (疾病週期性)發作, (感情的)爆發
One of the perhaps inevitable consequences of re-enacting movies is that the exercise brings out all the latent manic excess within Jack Black, who when he is trying that hard reminds me of a dog I know named McQ Junior, who gets so excited when you come over, you have to go to the dry cleaners after every visit.
Whether their scheme works, whether the store is saved, whether Hollywood considers their work homage or piracy, I will leave for you to discover. But you haven't read this far unless you hope to learn whether I would recommend the movie. Not especially. I felt positive and genial while watching it, but I didn't break out in paroxysms of [laughter].
2. a sharp attack of emotion.
3. throes,
a. any violent convulsion or struggle: the throes of [battle].
b. the agony of death.
c. the pains of childbirth.
3a. upheaval, tumult, chaos, turmoil.
1. a contest or trial of strength, as of boxing.
2. period; session; spell: a bout of [illness].
3. a turn at work or any action.
4. a going and returning across a field, as in mowing or reaping.
1. match, fray, encounter.
She's reliving the throes of adolescent-style [awkwardness].
[Between] bouts, she looks out at the Rhone Valley in the far distance and sulks. She's not used to feeling love-struck, or lovelorn either, and her bewilderment only makes her more fetching. The joke in Autumn Tale is that it doesn't matter how old you are;
the [entangle]ments of romance end up juvenilizing you. Rohmer, who is 79, has often worked out his moralizings with a younger cast of characters. Here, with an older set, he retains the youthful blush.
[a] pang of [remorse]
hunger pang[s] cf. fang
the [pangs] of [childbirth]
to [toil] without respite cf. drudgery
menstrual [cramp][s]
contortion of the body, uncontrollable
When I found Jean, she was having an attack, and [convulsing] on the floor.
cf. shudder
coiled, twisted ridge on brain surface
a [convoluted] argument
cf. confabulation
montage of Maya writhing [with] several partners.