a steep, rugged rock; rough, broken, projecting part of a rock.
"The Ballad of Jack & Rose" is the last sad song of 1960s flower power.
On an island off the East Coast a craggy middle-age hippie and his teenage daughter live alone in the remains of a commune. A generator is powered by wind. There is no television. Seaweed fertilizes the garden. They read. He home-schools her. They divide up the tasks.
When Rose looks at Jack, her eyes glow with worship, and there is something wrong about that. When they lie side by side on the turf roof of their cottage, finding cloud patterns in the sky, they could be lovers. She is at an age when her [hormones] vibrate around men, and there is only one in her life.
Alice is an American Web designer living in Illinois who falls for a ruggedly handsome mountain climber named Adam.
On an island off the East Coast a [craggy] middle-age hippie
a craggy loner who came to Istanbul years ago and has managed to reinvent himself as a successful photographer.
a lean or scrawny person or animal
Slang. to wring the neck of, hang, garrote
has a [face] like a rusty [hatchet] (needle nose, scraggly [beard])
See the serration near the tip? 鋸齒狀
Your equipment requisitions, expense allowance indent
Koichi is a private secretary to a government official, and in the opening scene, at Koichi's wedding to the official's disabled daughter, a special cake is brought in which [jolts] those present -- it reminds them of the suicide that paved the way for their current positions of power.
a literal "flying nun" who miraculously manages to survive her unplanned [earthly] plummet.
Here he visits childhood friend Serge, and is appalled to find how far Serge has plummeted [into] alcoholism and self-pity.
With the name change, Pop became a man possessed on-stage, going into the crowd nightly to confront [members] of the audience and working himself into such a frenzy that he would be bleeding by the end of the night from various nicks and scratches.
Jesus Christ! This huge, thatched head...
having hardness and rigidity but little tensile strength, breaking readily with a comparatively smooth fracture, as glass
Although this would be the cause of much controversy later on -- many Stooges [purists] blamed Bowie for the brittle mix -- its razor-thin sound helped kick-start the punk revolution.
and the moral caution bristles [with] rank and smellable detail under the painter’s touch
No doubt the movie wowed them at Sundance because of its [unnerving] combination of willful sacrilege and religious desire wrapped in the [bristling] package of Mr. Gosling's muscular performance,
Don't bristle. Did i mention cary? I'm beginning to think you have an evil mind.
Some of the more controversial elements of Williams' melodrama were downplayed in the film version so as not to [ruffle] the censors of the era.
The scenes don’t lose their pace or their shape; they sustain a [ruffled], [poignant] mood.
Life is not whatnot, and it's none of your business. [Pages ruffling]
irregular, uneven, jagged
Jerry's assistant Watson (rumple-faced Irv Gooch)
Why else would Mr. Solondz ape Mr. Allen's black-[rimmed] glasses, [rumpled] plaid shirts and stammering delivery?
James Stewart brings a natural integrity to his [flawed] character, while George C. Scott's gravelly voice and rumpled energy [enliven] his cinematic debut.
There it was, the yellow envelope likee a crumpled leaf on the tray.
corrugated [cardboard]
The picture is unthinkable [without] her presence—swaying between the [jubilant] and the [fretful], all wide [eyes] and corrugated [brow].
In spring, [farmers] are busy furrowing the fields.
His [brow] furrowed.
[Brows] were certainly furrowed thinking about why Aronofsky would want to follow [up] a film which was populated [by] a ton of random characters and featured several departures from the canon Wolverine story.
as if [shopworking] with folklore that doesn't exist, Erice insists through his visuals that everything, even the vast, [furrowed] Castilian plains themselves, [signifies] emotional intangibles.
Perfect creases are part of this elegance.
Really, Henry, you amaze me. One of His Majesty's most respected civil servants. I imagined that your mind was as neatly creased as your trousers.
draw or gather into wrinkles or irregular folds, as material or a part of the face, constrict
Worry puckered his [brow].
Stiller makes the fragile dramatic structure work. In the past, lowering his head, puckering his [mouth], and [vamping] for the camera with his dark, [sunken] eyes, he seemed (to me, at least) too obvious to be truly funny,
but by her extravagant turn as a [frazzled] performance artist
floating notions about loneliness and urban beauty, frazzled [adults] and buffeted [kids]
Meanwhile, [frazzled] shoe salesman Richard is splitting with his wife.
Directors were young and vain enough to think that promiscuity carried few risks and that the drugs wouldn't [frazzle] their brains.
no accent, frizzed [hair] or darkened complexion, and no attempt to consciously rein in emotion.
make a hissing or sputtering sound, esp. one that dies out weakly
Informal. to fail ignominiously after a good start (often fol. by out)
The reform movement fizzled [out] because of poor leadership.
That the climax [fizzles] must be laid on doorstep of Halsted Welles, who adapts Elmore Leonard's story quite well until that point.
When you die, make sure that your brain is the last organ to fizzle.
"Trance" Review: Danny Boyle's Latest Dazzles Then Fizzles.
All these frills and fancies are going out. It's all old.
I could think of you as a girl all the time, by your [frocks], dresses, and frilly hats and scarves.
In a trash bag? That's awful. No frills. He's dead and done for.
The cap's fizzed out and fused the fucking chamber.
disorder or dishevel
a disheveled or rumpled mass, especially of hair
Gerwig, a slightly dorky girl with soft features, a gummy smile, and tousled hair—worlds apart from the trim and tanned Hollywood princesses who populate most big-budget fare.