2008年10月14日 星期二

Impish & Imp



a. (形容詞 adjective)

          1.    小鬼般的;頑皮的;惡作劇的




1. a little devil or demon; an evil spirit

2. a mischievous child. 

3. Archaic. a scion or offshoot of a plant or tree. 

4. Archaic. an offspring.  

–verb (used with object) 

5. Falconry. (馴鷹術)

a. to graft (feathers) into a wing. 

b. to furnish (a wing, tail, etc.) with feathers

as to 

make good losses or deficiencies and improve powers of flight


6. Archaic. to add a piece to; mend or repair.  


2. scamp (流氓,頑皮的傢伙), rascal (搗蛋鬼), brat, devil.

w-bush-cabinet_1 (L to R) Jeffrey Wright is General Colin Powell, Toby Jones is Karl Rove (even more imp-like), Dennis Boutsikaris is Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Dreyfuss is Dick Cheney (my second fave douche-likeness), Josh Brolin is George W. Bush

