pouty of lip and fair of face
How did you get the part of Paul?
We were doing an audition and it wasn’t crap! I usually just try to make it about the work. I just tried to focus on trying to do a good job with the material rather than focus on whether or not I was actually going to get the part, because if I do that I don’t get the job.
And how do you get into the head of someone like him?
I think it’s more difficult to stay in character than to leave. Also I never thought of the psychology of the character, because the way that the film was set up there were supposed to be no answer as to why these characters were doing this. They were sort of set up as they come from nowhere. They’re kind of devices to tell the story. So never at any point did I think where is this kid from, what are his parents like. Almost like he was a fictional character.
How was it working with everyone on set; was it as intense as it looked?
It was amazing. Brady [Corbet] is a really interesting character. He’s very young, very into film. It was easy with everyone. Everyone was very much the professional. Everyone knew what to do. Naomi [Watts] was so sweet and so nice to us. She was wearing a lot of hats as producer and actress and I was really impressed with the way she handled it. I’ve always looked up to Tim [Roth] and his work. He was just amazing. In my mind he plays the most difficult role.
傑克實在太神奇了!小胖真是個有趣的角色。他很年輕,他對拍片很投入。大家都很好相處,大家都很專業。每個人都知道自己要做什麼。娜歐蜜 (我要吃妳的奶頭!!!) 是個笑臉迎人的小甜心。身兼製片女主角,我真的很佩服她處理事情的態度。我一直以提姆為榜樣,提姆實在太神奇了。他的角色最難演。
But he plays a pretty spineless un-likable character...
但他演個無脊椎 (因為被你打斷) 且不討喜的角色……
I’m not sure if you’re supposed to like anyone in the film. For me that was the most difficult role because it was what called for the most and it was the least heroic. Really me and Brady were only as scary as the father and son and mother made us. In a lot of ways they were doing our work for us. We are going to get the credit, but in actuality the most draining character and the most work it took was the family.
我不太確定你是否會喜歡這電影裡的任何一個角色。(我愛你呀麥克筆) 提姆的角色最難演,因為那角色被賦予最多責任,卻是最無用的傢伙。真的,我和小胖令人不寒而慄是因為父子母演得好。在很多方面,他們讓我和小胖成為令人不寒而慄的白手套二人組。或許大家會覺得我和小胖令人不寒而慄,但最大功臣非父子母莫屬。
It was a shot-for-shot remake so presumably there wasn’t much room for improvisation?
Well that part was very frustrating because it’s not normally how I work. When I met Michael [Haneke] something that really helped met through the film was that I knew what I was dealing with. I knew that he was very intelligent and he had a reason for everything he did. So knowing that, I realised that if I listened to what he said I would become a better actor, so I just took it as an exercise. Am I able to be good with these restrictions? And if I’m not able to do it then I’m not very good.
Michael Haneke’s has said that it is a film is about violence in society, particularly in the States. What’s your take on it?
For me when I watched the original, I thought the same thing. I felt that it was a comment on American violence in cinema. I’m not sure if everyone will take that from it. It seemed like if that kind of thing was going to happen anywhere it would happen in America. I read about things like this in the newspaper here in the States. It’s violence that you don’t understand why. You can’t explain why. I’ve read that in the media and I’ve also seen it in the cinema it’s very popular for films to be very violent, but it’s shown in a way that’s explained. It’s shown in a way where it’s look on as entertainment. One thing that I could sense about Michael’s film was that it wasn’t, for me, shown in a way that was meant for entertainment. It was shown in a way for you to think about. When I saw the original I certainly did think about it. In fact I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
是的……麥克筆太適合演小丑 (The Joker) 了!
Peter and Paul jokingly give excuses for their behaviour, is there ever an excuse?
This trend with, like, the school shootings, it’s like they want to blame Marilyn Manson, music or video games, but the truth is every time I see it I don’t see rhyme or reason why. I think that we feel better if we have something to blame it on. I think that sometimes blaming it on the first thing that comes to mind can be a distraction from the real problems.
You’ve worked with some inspirational directors, like Bernardo Bertolucci and Gus Van Sant...
Well, My Own Private Idaho was probably the first film that I saw that was like that. I really really enjoyed it. A lot of that was the combination of Gus and River [Phoenix] and I really really looked up to River and that film was the weirdest film I’d ever seen growing up in New Jersey. It was a trip [working with Gus]. It was a dream. That film and a lot of Gus’s films are really what made me think I could be an actor.
男人的一半還是男人是神作。我真的很崇拜鳳凰河,男人的一半還是男人是我在紐澤西歲月看過最詭異的電影。想到達明天現在就要啟程,一場人生一場夢。(幹這殺小爛翻譯!!!) 葛斯范桑的電影讓我想當演員然後去法國幹伊娃葛林 ♥♥♥
譯按:麥克筆葛斯范桑兩人於《心靈訪客》(Finding Forrester, 2000) 合作。
So, what’s next in the world of Michael Pitt?
Funny Games is a tough one to follow. I’m very selective though, that’s why I’m broke! I just try to make movies that I think are good. I don’t find a lot of time to go to the cinema and usually when I go, I want to see something that challenges me, so I try to make films like that.
Sight & Sound:Michael Haneke 專訪
Kieran Culkin is (not gonna be)... Michael Pitt
Funny Games U.S. (2007)
Delirious (2006)
Last Days, Happy Song~ (2005)
Igby Goes Down (2002)
版主回覆:(01/16/2010 05:35:05 PM)
哎哎麥克筆又說起他愛 MOPI 愛 River 哩,這一點上我就不能不愛你呀。(真的?)
版主回覆:(10/04/2008 05:03:12 AM)
回覆刪除並不會不好看,若要說被批評,大概是「你 Gus Van Sant 耶!怎麼可以這麼 ***
不 *** 又 ***?」(*** 自行填充)
「你 Gus Van Sant 耶怎麼可以變成這樣走春風化雨路線?」
↗ 純修辭不戰春風化雨
老實說現在講 Van Sant 是大師我還是有點不習慣。
版主回覆:(10/06/2008 02:48:39 AM)
Milk (2008)
Sean Penn ... Harvey Milk
Josh Brolin ... Dan White
Emile Hirsch ... Cleve Jones
James Franco ... Scott Smith
Diego Luna ... Jack Lira
話說回來我不會在維基貼圖= =l在討論有麥克筆的玉照,如果你有他更美
版主回覆:(10/24/2008 11:50:09 AM)
版主回覆:(02/22/2009 09:59:10 AM)
↓ 真是醜男醜女大集合
James Van Der Beek ... Dawson Leery
Katie Holmes ... Joey Potter
Michelle Williams ... Jen Lindley