2008年11月5日 星期三

"Tell me a story." from The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005)


Tell me a story. Come on.

Once... there was a girl. She lived in a little, tiny house. 

And one day, an ox came by. 

And the girl was so polite, she said: "Ox, would you care to join me for tea?" 

The ox, he wasn't used to being spoken to very much. He was flattered and said, "Thank you, yes." 

And he proceeded to put his nose through the door.

His nose had a big ring in it. And the girl pulled as hard as she could on the ring to try to get the ox through the door. And the ox pushed and pushed, and the girl pulled and pulled.

Cracks started to appear around the walls. And the ox gave one great, almighty push and the whole house collapsed around them.

So she climbed up on the ox's back, and they rode away together.

In the course of time they were married.










[輕電影] The Ballad of Jack and Rose

[男顏女] Camilla Belle & George Clooney

Mrs. Plainview, Rebecca Miller

The Ballad of Jack and Rose(2005)

1 則留言:

  1. 版大快說這部片在哪裡買啦! 好想要喔!!!

    卡蜜拉短髮也很口愛喔!!!!!! 好像趁她皺眉頭的時候緊緊把她抱在懷裡 唷呼!

    版主回覆:(11/26/2008 02:25:19 PM)


    這片是很典型的個人偏好大於客觀評分,權衡之下給 3.5/5 顆星,導演 Rebecca Miller 很正 + 老公是 DDL + 老爸是【推銷員之死】亞瑟米勒,再加個 0.5 顆星。(3.5 + 0.5 doesn't equal 4)

    其實我有點提早曝光結局了,還沒看想看的朋友就睜一隻眼閉一隻眼吧!結局真的很美!我也好想 (不管她在幹麻的時後) 緊緊把卡蜜拉抱在懷裡唷呼!補充:DDL 好帥!
