2008年7月31日 星期四








1. opossum

2. Australian. any of various phalangers (澳洲產之)捲尾袋鼠, esp. of the genus Trichosurus.  


3. play possum, Informal. 

a. to feign sleep or death

b. to dissemble (隱藏真心) or pretend ignorance

The baseball broke the window, but the children played possum when asked who had thrown it.  


From day to day, we may be as [cautious] and [calculating] as possums, but at the movies we want to see everything, including the worst. We may even feel a tiny sense of duty to see the worst, though the pleasure derived from looking at meanness is likely more aesthetic than moral. If we sense, This is right, this is the way things are, we know that we’re in the hands of an artist. 

see genus feign cagey

vulture haggard 

antelope alopecia 


artichoke hemlock


Dingy *** (骯髒陰險 玷污 味覺 工具 單字大集合)





1. of a dark, dull, or dirty color or aspect; lacking brightness or freshness. 

2. shabby; dismal.  


dinghy (n.), dingy (adj.)   


A dinghy (pronounced DING-ee or DING-gee) is a small boat

anything dingy (pronounced DIN-jee) is dirty, shabby, or squalid.


Affleck, who wrote the screenplay with Aaron Stockard, wants us to feel the dinginess of the [place], as well as the endurance of the men and women who live there, and he mixes in among the actors and the professional extras some local people—including steady drinkers with red, swollen cheeks at a corner bar. 

The non-actors stand out; they have a guarded, almost hostile self-sufficiency—their faces yield nothing to the camera. We don’t get the same kind of pleasure from them that we get from Amy Ryan, but they give the movie a sullen authority. 

1. 骯髒陰險



condition or quality of being squalid 

disgusting dirt and filth

So does Beasts of the Southern Wild live up to those wild expectations? Absolutely. It creates an entire new world where a six-year-old girl named Hushpuppy lives in squalor with her father Wink.



I know what you feel about this evening... about the sordidness of it.

Tracking down a story about a man who pays a doctor to cut off his perfectly good leg, Isaac discovers a sordid underworld of fetish freaks who get off on amputations.



Be wise as [serpents], yet innocent as doves. 










inexorable [truth], inexorable [justice]. (unyielding!!!)





an insidious [disease]. Sham






[Jake] Gyllenhaal is not too shabby.

A man who runs a food store with few customers lives in a shabby [building] in a quarantined section, and a woman in the same building has a [withdrawn] existence.

I'm sorry, Mr. Biegler. I wouldn't want to interfere with your signals to her. I object to the implication I was signaling the witness. This is the shabbiest courtroom trick I've ever seen.

Rhoda is [devastated] by the deaths she caused and wants to apologize or make amends or … what? She doesn't know. She presents herself at the shabby rural house where Burroughs lives as a depressed [recluse] and makes up a story about doing house cleaning.




dirty and run-down, shabby, seedy

of little or no value

inadequate, miserable, lousy

Go ahead. Talk. I'm listening. I'd like to talk to you... not these characters. You crummy stoolie. Who asked you anything?

When barflies get killed, it's for any of a dozen crummy reasons.

2. 玷污


a small speck, spot, or mark, as on skin.

and Teshigahara's brilliant handing of the camera seems to communicate how it feels to touch a lonely widow's naked, sand-[speckled] [back].

Imagine a long shot on the Bonneville Salt Flats where he races his motorcycle until it disappears as a [speck] in the distance, 

followed by another long shot in which a [speck] in the distance becomes his motorcycle.


dabble in [politics]


an animal with a mottled skin or coat.

a dapple [horse]

The Unknown Woman is liberally [sprinkled] with soft-core bondage sequences and 

[dappled] with sun-lit flashbacks to happier-hooker days. 



All over her legs, splotchy and scorched, were the burned imprints of various coins.



a spot or mark on the skin, as a freckle.

the dapple [mare] with flecks of gray. 

with a slow zoom into the fresh-charred heart of a greasy, gristle-[flecked] beef patty.


It's all parable, a Rorschach blot scenario played out in feminized old-world ritual. 


to mark or diversify with spots or blotches, 斑駁是也

In this, he's helped [immensely] by the mottl[ed] [palette] and over-the-shoulder intensity of Harris Savides's camerawork, which turns a shallow depth of field into existential near-panic. 

as ace lenser Maryse Alberti's camera relentlessly follows around aging wrestler Randy "the Ram" Robinson from the back,dyed-blond hair and hulking body before fully revealing his [mottled], puffy face.


to dull the luster of a metallic surface, esp. by oxidation, 氧化是也

This [lamp] is tarnished. 

The scandal [tarnished] his [reputation].  

On screen, for all the occasional majesty of Lars von Trier, Beat Kitano and many others outside the US, it felt like an American decade – which, given the tarnishing of the country's [reputation] thereafter, may be one reason it feels unloved now.


dirt, soot adhering or embedded in a surface, 表面頑垢是也

the metropolis’s daily [grind] and ’70s [grime] 

is so well captured by director Joseph Sargent viewers practically suffer the [screeches] and the subway smells. 


Can you see the sky from the third floor? I guess I would if the windows weren't covered in soot. 煤灰,煤煙,油煙

Cars are being coated with a soot from the fire.


that her liberat[ed] behavior with an Italian admirer may [sully] her [reputation] in aristocratic circles. 


to reduce (printing types) to a state of confusion.  

to jumble.  

a magnetic, omnisexual [pied] piper of club life with a palpable dark vibe


but eventually fell from both effectiveness and public favor, [marred] by years of scandal, disgrace, and disaster. 


Though not always as pure as her [snowy] name, she is innocent enough to [drift] into the arms of two [besmirching] men, and end up split between them.


to destroy or diminish the perfection of

The [book] is blemished by those long, ineffective descriptions.  

Mr. Darcy, who never looks any woman but to see a [blemish]

a mark that detracts from appearance, as a pimple or a scar.

with the [wound] diminishing swiftly to a nasty [graze] and, one scene later, to an unblemished [brow]. 

She has a blemish, which I can't even see. Abby, please take those off.


the stigmata of [leprosy]

Her behavior will leave a [stigma] on her [family].

Medem's seamless ability to operate on multiple levels of meaning and intertwine internal and external events [elevates] Tierra [from] 

the [stigma] of merely serving as a Buñuel homage film.


marks resembling the wounds of the crucified body of [Christ], 

said to be supernaturally impressed on the bodies of certain persons, esp. nuns, tertiaries, and monastics. 



[Pathology] a mass or layer of [dead] tissue separated from the surrounding or underlying tissue.

to [slough over] a friend's [mistake].  



The wall was [smeared] with [streaks] of [dirt].

Though the soundtrack is [smeared] with period-appropriate tunes from the likes of Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, 10cc and Bill Evans, pic doesn't overdo the '70s [ambience].

Karin is cold and hostile, hates her husband, cuts herself with a [shard] of glass in an intimate place and then smiles triumphantly as she [smears] the blood on her face.

Regardless of the truth behind the gay/cross-dressing rumor (an image that may have [bloomed] simply as a way to use Hoover’s own [smear] campaigns against him) there’s a lot of material in Hoover’s story that would make it of interest to Dustin Lance Black. I love the idea of him [drafting] this script.


There are the primitively designed magazines, with their [smudgy] black-and-white photographs,

I'm a smudge of [excrement] on a tissue surging out to sea with a million tons of raw sewage.


Shooting in the style of a sober documentary with a [desaturated] palette, Truffaut [modulates] the growth of his heroine's obsession so carefully and with such sympathy.

3. 味覺

3.5 嗅覺 Culinary

4. 工具 pallet 

4.5 爛人

4.6 爛臉 Schmuck




see licentious 





indifferent to moral restraints; given to immoral or improper conduct; licentious; dissipated.  


corrupt, loose, debauched, wanton, abandoned.


How is it possible that the kind of squalor and dissolute behavior that would be intolerable in our own lives and the lives of our friends is often fascinating, even enjoyable, in a movie? The cynical answer is that our enjoyment is based on relief: this mess is happening to someone else, not to us. Yet it can’t be as simple as that. After all, a moviegoer’s imaginative life is voracious.

see voracious

dissolute (licentious)

desultory (random)




debauchery 淫穢單字大集合







1. Music

a. a gradual, steady increase in loudness or force. 

b. a musical passage characterized by such an increase. 

c. the performance of a crescendo passage: The crescendo by the violins is too abrupt.  


2. a steady increase in force or intensity: The [rain] fell in a crescendo on the rooftops. 

3. the climactic point or moment in such an increase; peak: The authorities finally took action when [public outrage] reached a crescendo.  

–adjective, adverb 

4. gradually increasing in force, volume, or loudness (opposed to decrescendo or diminuendo).


–verb (used without object) 

5. to grow in force or loudness.  


1. diminuendo.


crescendo (n.)   


has long meant "a gradual rise in intensity of sound," 

but lately it has begun as well to mean "the peak point, the apex of such a rise," 

and some editors and commentators object to the change. Clearly the more commonly used sense will continue to be the Standard primary sense, but normal semantic change seems to be winning acceptance for the new one from many users of Standard English.


The movie comes down to a hefty moral decision Patrick must make, one that will deeply affect the relationship he shares with Angie. This payoff never reaches the emotional crescendo it should, in part because by failing to take his eyes off the plot, the director never gives us the history between his two lead characters.

segue rendition  

coda penultimate

schmaltz serenade aria crescendo






cautious, wary, or shrewd: a cagey [reply] to the probing question.  

Also, cagy.

—Related forms

caginess, noun 


careful, prudent, leery, chary.


open, forthright.


cagey (adj.)   


means "sly, tricky, shrewd" 

or simply "cautious"; 

most Standard users believe it should be limited to Conversational or Informal use, although a few consider it appropriate in all contexts.  


So far, so good—for all the craziness, Joshua is still based largely on the power of suggestion and caginess as to which character is actually having the breakdown. But as Dad's hair grows progressively wilder and his speech less coherent, so does the narrative. Ratliff lost me with the introduction of a child psychologist who makes house calls and snap diagnoses. Still, it's refreshing to see a horror film based on adult anxieties: The terror of the baby cam can only be overcome by more terror.

see dingy


gumption astute 

serpent mercenary

obsequious sycophantic

effrontery shameless, impudence, presumption









1. paroxysmal (陣發的) pain in the abdomen or bowels.  


2. pertaining to or affecting the colon (結腸) or the bowels. 


Young Josh is a compulsive piano-player, and his pounding at the keyboard sets the mood the way that "cool ghoul" John Zacherley did on the old TV show Chiller Theater. Josh's musical career peaks at a maliciously rendered private-school recital; his rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle" goes clamorously atonal before passing into performance art of an ominously visceral nature. 

Josh, who has a disquieting habit of just appearing, develops some strange nocturnal patterns, staying up all night watching home videos of his colicky baby self. This, just as the newbie goes on a five-day crying jag. Mom, who is already expressing her milk because of nursing difficulties, does not react well. 

see spasm prostate 


gripe 腸絞痛, complain, grip

dyspepsia 消化不良;胃弱

queasy 易於反胃的

Clamor ***





1. a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people: the clamor of the [crowd] at the gates. 

a vehement (感情激烈的) expression of desire or dissatisfaction: 

see vehemence

the clamor of the [proponents] of the law.  

3. popular outcry: The senators could not ignore the clamor [against] higher taxation.  

4. any loud and continued noise: the clamor of traffic; the clamor of birds and animals in the zoo.  

–verb (used without object)

5. to make a clamor; raise an outcry.  

–verb (used with object) 

6. to drive, force, influence, etc., by clamoring: The newspapers clamored him out of office. 

7. to utter noisily: They clamored their demands at the meeting. 

Also, especially British, clamour.


1. shouting. 2. vociferation. (喧嚷;吼叫) 

4. See noise.

clatter, blare, uproar, tumult. Noise, clamor, din, hubbub, racket refer to unmusical or confused sounds. 

is the general word and is applied equally to soft or loud, confused or inharmonious sounds: [street] noises. 

and hubbub are alike in referring to loud noises resulting from shouting, cries, animated or excited tones, and the like; 

but in clamor the emphasis is on the meaning of the shouting

and in hubbub the emphasis is on the confused mingling of sounds: 

the clamor of an [angry crowd]; 

[His voice] could be heard [above] the hubbub

suggests a loud, resonant noise, painful if long continued: the din of a [boiler works]. 

suggests a loud, confused noise of the kind produced by clatter or percussion: He always makes a racket when he cleans up the [dishes].


Young Josh is a compulsive piano-player, and his pounding at the keyboard sets the mood the way that "cool ghoul" John Zacherley did on the old TV show Chiller Theater. Josh's musical career peaks at a maliciously rendered private-school recital; his rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle" goes clamorously atonal before passing into performance art of an ominously visceral nature. 

Josh, who has a disquieting habit of just appearing, develops some strange nocturnal patterns, staying up all night watching home videos of his colicky baby self. This, just as the newbie goes on a five-day crying jag. Mom, who is already expressing her milk because of nursing difficulties, does not react well. 

see fracas

strident strident [insects] [hinges], a strident tone in his [writings] 

screech the screech of [owls] [brakes], disagreeable, lack of dignity


abate to abate a tax 


auspicious it was an extremely auspicious beginning for the director. 

visceral colicky






1. making or having a harsh sound; grating; creaking: strident [insects]; strident [hinges]. (鉸鏈)

2. having a shrill, irritating quality or character: a strident tone in his [writings]. 

3. Linguistics. (in distinctive feature analysis) characterized acoustically by noise of relatively high intensity, as sibilants, labiodental and uvular fricatives, and most affricates










The birth of a baby triggers the tale. 

Mom and Dad are both severely stressed—she's a neurotic harridan, he's a happy-go-lucky hysteric. These parents are like kids themselves, while their nine-year-old son Joshua is a parody adult—stiff, unsmiling, always dressed in his private-school blazer and tie, curiously morbid, and alienated to the point of autism

"Do you ever feel weird, Dad?" he asks. "How do you feel about your weird son?" Weirdness is compounded by the supporting in-laws: Mom's bizarrely cheerful gay brother (Dallas Roberts) and Dad's stridently born-again mother (Celia Weston).

see stride creak

strident strident [insects] [hinges], a strident tone in his [writings] 

screech the screech of [owls] [brakes], disagreeable, lack of dignity


latch fricative harridan





–adjective Informal.

1. attractively stylish or smart

a nifty new [dress] for Easter.  

2. very good; fine; excellent: a nifty [idea].  

3. substantial; sizable

We sold the car for a nifty [profit].  


4. something nifty, 

as a clever remark or joke.  


"The horror of the bourgeoisie can only be overcome by more horror." So said the solemn hippie cannibals of Jean-Luc Godard's Weekend. And so it is with George Ratliff's Joshua, 

a nifty psychological thriller

—part Bad Seed, part Rosemary's Baby—that deals in a manner both comic and creepy with the parental anxieties of a Manhattan haute yuppie family. 

see snug camisole pert

Adage ***



n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    諺語;格言;古語;箴言

The Columbia Guide to Standard American English

aphorism, (old) adage, apothegm, maxim, proverb, (old) saw, saying (nn.) 


All these overlap with one another, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, sometimes completely.

An [aphorism] is a short statement expressing a piece of wisdom, often wittily put. 

An adage is an old saying that has become accepted as a truth

An [apothegm] (pronounced AP-uh-THEM and also spelled apophthegm) is a terse, witty saying. 

A [maxim] is a concise statement of a principle, a truth, or a rule of conduct

A proverb is a short pithy (有髓的) saying, expressing a folksy truth that is widely accepted. 

An (old) saw is a familiar saying, much worn and sometimes distorted through long use. 

And a saying is almost any of these. 


terse aphoristic



There is an [old] adage that defines the difference between "plot" and "story." 

The plot is that the queen dies and then the king dies, 

but the story is that the queen dies and then the king dies of a broken heart.

Ben Affleck's directorial debut, an adaptation of Dennis Lehane's novel Gone Baby Gone gets the plot right, but neglects the story.





–verb (used without object) 

1. to roll about or lie in water, snow, mud, dust, or the like, as for refreshment

Goats wallowed in the [dust].  

2. to live self-indulgently; luxuriate; revel: to wallow in [luxury]; to wallow in [sentimentality]. 

3. to flounder about; move along or proceed clumsily or with difficulty: 

A gunboat wallowed toward [port].  

4. to surge up or billow forth, as smoke or heat: 

Waves of black [smoke] wallowed into the room.  


5. an act or instance of wallowing. 

6. a place in which animals wallow: [hog] wallow; an [elephant] wallow

7. the indentation produced by animals wallowing: a series of wallows across the farmyard.  


2. swim, bask.


The psycho kid flick -- from The Bad Seed to The Good Son -- tends to wallow in precocious camp and cheap devil child thrills. George Ratliff's Joshua attempts to revitalize the genre by injecting an element of realism. 

When his mom Abby (Vera Farmiga) and dad Brad (Sam Rockwell) give birth to a baby girl, Joshua (Jacob Kogan) starts to worry that not only will he have to share attention with his sister, but that his flowering sociopath tendencies will alienate him from his parents.

see billow bask

marinate permeate 

teem brim


splurge squander wanton prodigal


天魔約書亞 Joshua (2007) 截圖吧!Vera Farmiga!!!

或許很多觀眾朋友,包括喜歡骨感妹妹如筆者,曾被 Vera Farmiga 在神鬼無間的過瘦臉蛋嚇到,驚呼 馬丁 打哪找來的三比八?但自非法入侵展現 獨特魅力 後,Vera Farmiga 正式以本片奠定截圖永遠截不完的崇高地位,一顰一笑美不勝收,請聽我說:「Vera Farmiga 等於蘇菲瑪索裝在珍妮佛蘿海威骨架。」再加上男主角乃曾被筆者譽為痞子版艾德華諾頓的 Sam Rockwell,天魔約書亞理所當然地從架上被租回家。


原本期待天魔現代版,然而本片主題更貼近 寂靜殺機:一個孤獨的人如何排解孤獨。三十七歲導演 George Ratliff 驚人劇情長片處女作,節奏掌握不溫不火,就像約書亞悄悄瓦解美滿家庭。魔鬼約書亞,絕對不只帥哥正昧死小孩電影,筆者給予四顆星評價。當代佳作。



In Egypt when they embalmed people like Pharaohs, they broke the nose and removed the brain through the opening. They drained the body of all its fluid on a special stone slab. This quarantees him a glorious afterlife.








You know... siblings are very important in strange times... speaking from experience.

Like you and mom?


Ned? I'm glad you're here. I mean... you, me... this feels right, doesn't it? The way it always should have been. We should compose something together.

有人說 Ned 是同性戀或亂倫老爸,個人不傾向揣測,約書亞只是單純覺得這個叔叔比較有聊。

天魔約書亞 Joshua

105 min. 2007



Sam Rockwell ...  Brad Cairn

Vera Farmiga ...  Abby Cairn

Celia Weston ...  Hazel Cairn 妙媳婦見公

Dallas Roberts ...  Ned Davidoff 小克姊妹 受害者 

Jacob Kogan ...  Joshua Cairn 

"The Fly"

Written by Dave Matthews

Performed by Dave Matthews

You always said I never missed a note

I only ever wanted to be with you

... 死小孩和叔叔合奏片尾曲聽得我快哭了!