2007年6月26日 星期二

我嫉妒天才導演 PTA 帥到可以電翻一狗票好萊塢男星。


目前能和 Paul Thomas Anderson 相提並論的 Anderson,大概也只剩 Wes Anderson 吧!

但 PTA 的俊俏臉蛋韋思安根本望塵莫及,嫉妒嫉妒!

"There Will Be Blood" 將會在威尼斯影展亮相

獨立製片界最後一個神話,才子中的才子中的才子, Paul Thomas Anderson 又要出手了!回去看他的每一部電影,你會驚訝地發現他一直在進步,一直在進步。而且,同業偷他的創意也越偷越兇!XD傳說他只唸了一天紐約電影所就拍拍屁股走人了「這裡沒有可以教給我的東西!」我們這個時代最了不起的導演(好像不需要加之一)。人又長這麼帥,不公平。


Top 10 Performances in Paul Thomas Anderson Films

PTA is often compared to Robert Altman and though I think the comparison is a little simplistic, he invites it too. He's often cited Altman as an influence and he even helped out with A Prairie Home Companion (Altman needed a standby auteur should his health prevent completion –thankfully it didn't)

can't rebel without Altman

I've always said that making a film is like making a sand castle at the beach.

06 Heather Graham as "Rollergirl" in Boogie Nights 

What a gift this role was. It's perfectly suited to Graham's considerable yet slightly vacant charisma. It's a great role as written but it's also the best performance of her career: engaging, well judged, and more than a little raw once it needs to be.

Heather Graham: The Spy Who Shagged Me

05 Tom Cruise as "Frank TJ Mackey" in

This sexist self-help monster role needed either a charismatic movie star or an intense but "off" actor to serve it. It was lucky enough to be channeled through both.


04 Julianne Moore as "Linda Partridge" in Magnolia

Possibly the most divisive performance on the list but I love that it doesn't feel like other Moore performances. It's large, stylized and forceful... Moore at her bravest as an aging trophy wife carrying tons of weight in guilt. I still remember the New Yorker review which deemed her work both nonsensical and mesmerizing.

02 Mark Wahlberg as "Dirk Diggler" in
Boogie Nights

When this film premiered this star turn felt like a leap forward for a young actor and the promise of great things to come. Now it feels like the realization of promise. It's so right for both the demands of the film and the truth of the character that I'm doubtful Wahlberg can top it. A hilarious, sweet and sad take on a guy who is in over his head especially once his pants are down.


( 幹害我羨慕馬克很久 )

Mark Wahlberg did keep a souvenir from the film, the infamous fake penis used in the final shot of the film. It was made from an easily biodegradable rubber and foam combination which, according to Wahlberg, has since already begun to deteriorate.

01 Julianne Moore as "Amber Waves" in Boogie Nights

Not just the best performance in PTA's fine filmography but one of the best of the past couple of decades. It deserves at least a 1000 words, not just a few sentences. too many things (to say)...
too many things.

I'm jealous of this stocking.



兇手分別是麗塔還有金貝辛格。金貝辛格那次是史上有名的搶劫,大概因為鮑德溫現在肥得跟豬一樣所以要離婚。( 我媽的口氣 )

3 則留言:

  1. Wes 眼鏡摘掉 頭髮留長 變好看很多:http://tinyurl.com/3bay2f

    另外推Noah Baumbach:http://tinyurl.com/2lc7ck 很有氣質不是我在講

    版主回覆:(02/14/2008 08:25:50 AM)

    哇塞!韋思安是 nerdy 書卷帥,Noah 是懶人帥,這些傢伙真是青年才俊。

    Vitti,心有戚戚焉,我應該可以和 Noah 成為好朋友。

    個人還是偏好 PTA 的狂野和賤感,尤其是頭尾兩張,儼然是個不羈的帥哥。

  2. Vitti出現在哪兒@@ 我沒注意到耶,
    後來看完烏賊與鯨 才跑去看慾海含羞花 ,也覺得Vitti 長的很美 有種...中性的美

    附上Wes and Baumbach 關於 Steve Zissou 的機車訪問:

    版主回覆:(02/14/2008 08:29:53 AM)

    身為台灣頭號影迷,提到 Vitti 很難不打廣告。除了 Muse 區裡頭有一堆以外,別忘
    了這篇 http://tinyurl.com/2kpshe。

    Vitti 只有在老爸口中出現,要說 Vitti 中性也不是一般中性,一種很若即若離
    的……Vitti。有人說像 Gisele Bundchen,是有點啦!但李奧前馬子怎麼能跟安董女

    最後再讓我囉唆一下。http://tinyurl.com/22d6p8 http://tinyurl.com/39yvr3


  3. http://youtube.com/watch?v=j4VUdkd7A4w

    Mondo Monda

    Faux 70s interview with Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach, about The
    Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Host: Antonio Monda.

    不好意思,我到現在才看懂機車訪問,Wes & Noah 回答前故作沉思貌,轉播還會中

    Noah Baumbach 也是帥到可以電翻一狗票好萊塢男星啦!

