2008年6月1日 星期日

Juno (2007)

The funny thing is that Steve Rendazo secretly wants me. Jocks like him always want freaky girls. Girls with horn-rimmed glasses and vegan footwear and Goth makeup. Girls who play the cello and wear Converse All-Stars and want to be children’s librarians when they grow up. Oh yeah, jocks eat that shit up.

We see Steve looking back at Juno for a brief second with mixed feelings.

They just won’t admit it, because they’re supposed to be into perfect cheerleaders like Leah. Who, incidentally, is into teachers.

We see Leah at the far end of the hallway, talking animatedly with a paunchy middle-aged teacher, KEITH.

(from a distance) Me too! I love Woody Allen!

這部去年最紅的電影有多好有多棒,就不需要沒營養文藝色情狂如筆者多加以哭爸了,比拿破崙炸彈智商多個零,比韋思安德森更早熟世故,古怪而溫暖,不就是我們最需要的嗎?Ellen Page 萬歲!Diablo Cody 萬歲!

Paulie 跑完比賽直接衝去找 Juno,讓我想起譚秋釀駕駛阿斯拉奔向安諾艾美的本能。


[報導] Juno & Diablo Cody

[情報] 傑森雷特曼電影 Juno 劇本初探

朱諾 Juno

96 min. 2007

Ellen Page ...  Juno MacGuff 

Michael Cera ...  Paulie Bleeker 

Jennifer Garner ...  Vanessa Loring 

Jason Bateman ...  Mark Loring 

Allison Janney ...  Bren MacGuff 

J.K. Simmons ...  Mac MacGuff 

Olivia Thirlby ...  Leah 

"Anyone Else But You"


Performed by Michael Cera and Ellen Page

