2009年3月2日 星期一






–verb (used without object) 

1. to make a succession of slight, soft sounds, as of parts rubbing gently one on another, as leaves, silks, or papers.

2. to cause such sounds by moving or stirring something.

3. to move, proceed, or work energetically: Rustle [around] and see what you can find.  

–verb (used with object)

4. to move or stir so as to cause a rustling sound: The [wind] rustled the leaves. 

5. to move, bring, or get by energetic action: I'll go rustle some supper. 

6. to steal (livestock, esp. cattle). 


7. the sound made by anything that rustles: the rustle of leaves.  

—Verb phrase

8. rustle up, Informal. to find, gather, or assemble by effort or search: to rustle [up] some wood for a fire. 


Nevertheless, there is no overlooking the masterful direction of Akira Kurosawa, nor the agile, energetic and explosive camerawork of Asakazu Nakai. It is a film of shattering silences and overpowering bursts of action, of moments when the attention is stimulated only by the sinister rustle of silk and others when the screen [re]verberates with uninhibited sound and fury.


to carry lightly and smoothly through the air or over water

The gentle [breeze] wafted the sound of music to our ears. 

The actress wafted [kisses] to her admirers in the audience.  

most readily [calls] to mind Polanski in his "The Tenant" mode, with [echoes] of Hitchcock, Lynch, Kafka and Dostoyevsky wafting [through] as well 


free (grain) from chaff by wind

has only 16 or so minutes [shorn] from its original 150, the cuts winnowing [away] at the most easily mocked ingredients


to winnow a [mass] of statements.

to winnow falsehood [from] truth. 


She skimmed the soup to remove most of the [fat].


to move lightly and swiftly; fly, dart, or skim along

[Bees] were flitting from flower to flower.

[Fancies] flitted through my mind.

The movie's plot is as [lighthearted] as a Scott Fitzgerald short story, all about young people skimming the [surface] of the pond of life, [flitting] here and there, making small talk and flirting.


